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Welcome Yeshua’s Yeladim

Welcome Yeshua’s Yeladim. We Love You. Please Remember These Rules. Please don’t talk when others are talking. Please raise your hand if you would like to ask a question. Please keep your hands and feet to yourself . You must ask to leave the room . Vayetzei “And he went out”.

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Welcome Yeshua’s Yeladim

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Yeshua’s Yeladim We Love You

  2. Please Remember These Rules • Please don’t talk when others are talking. • Please raise your hand if you would like to ask a question. • Please keep your hands and feet to yourself. • You must ask to leave the room.

  3. Vayetzei “And he went out” Genesis/B’reisheet 28:10 – 32:3 “Ya’akov’s Adventures”

  4. Ya’akov Leaves His Family • “You must go!” • Esau had married two of the young girls from the land. • It was a good excuse to have Isaac send Jacob away.

  5. Jacob’s First Stop • Answer: Land of Haran. • Answer: His uncle, Laban. • Answer: A stone.

  6. Ya’akov’s Dream • Answer: Angels ascending and descending a ladder from heaven.

  7. God Speaks to Ya’akov in his Dream • God makes a promise • The Land • A Family • All nations will be blessed • Protection

  8. Jacob Wakes Up • Answer: Bethel, which means “the House of God.”

  9. Jacob Arrives in Haran Rachel • Answer:A large stone. • Answer:Rachel. • Answer:He kissed her and cried.

  10. The Two Sisters • Answer:Seven years. Leah Rachel

  11. The Wedding • Answer:He switched Leah for Rachel.

  12. The Cheater Got Cheated • Answer:It wasn't the custom to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older. • Answer:Worked seven more years. Laban

  13. Leah Has Babies • Answer:Reuben • Answer:Simeon Leah

  14. Jacob Gets A Third Wife Bilhah Rachel • Answer:Dan and Naphtali

  15. Jacob’s Fourth Wife Zilpah • Answer: Two Leah

  16. Leah Has More Children • Answer: A girl named Dinah. Leah

  17. Rachel Has A Baby Rachel • Answer: Joseph

  18. Yeshua and Jacob’s Dream And he said to Nathanael, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man” (Yochanan 1:51).

  19. Yeshua Our Ladder • A ladder is like a bridge. • Takes you from a low place to a higher place. • You can come into God's presence and live in heaven only by Yeshua. Yeshua

  20. Let's Learn Hebrew! Our Hebrew word this week is “Sulam”. In English Sulam means “Ladder”. This is the Hebrew word for the ladder that Jacob saw in his vision at Bethel

  21. What Did We Learn Today? • Jacob had a vision that changed his life. • Jacob moved to Haran and fell in love with Rachel, but also had 3 other wives. • Jacob and his wives started to build the Nation of Israel through the birth of his sons.

  22. Small Group Time

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