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Common Deadlift Errors and How to Avoid Them_

Deadlifting is quite a challenge for beginners. Most strength trainers make common deadlift errors during the beginning due to several reasons. Deadlifting involves a specific technique. Itu2019s a full-body movement that requires coordination between multiple muscle groups, from your legs and back to your core. Working all these parts together smoothly takes time and practice. Originally published at https://blog.aqfsports.com/common-deadlift-errors/

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Common Deadlift Errors and How to Avoid Them_

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  1. Common Deadlift Errors and How to Avoid Them? Deadlifting is quite a challenge for beginners. Most strength trainers make common deadlift errors during the beginning due to several reasons. Deadlifting involves a specific technique. It’s a full-body movement that requires coordination between multiple muscle groups, from your legs and back to your core. Working all these parts together smoothly takes time and practice. info@aqfsports.co.uk www.aqfsports.co.uk

  2. Common Deadlift Errors The deadlift is an incredible compound exercise, but a few mistakes can hinder progress or even lead to injury. These mistakes can happen due to various reasons like lack of proper guidance or knowledge, attempting to lift heavier weights prematurely, inadequate flexibility or mobility, or simply a lack of focus on form. Bench Press info@aqfsports.co.uk www.aqfsports.co.uk

  3. How to Avoid Common Deadlift Errors? Here are some professional techniques to avoid common deadlift errors: Foot Positioning: Experiment with slight changes in foot angle and width to find the most comfortable and stable position for your deadlift setup. Your feet should be flat on the floor, distributing weight evenly. Bar Grip: Try using a mixed grip (one palm facing towards you, the other away) or an overhand grip with your thumbs wrapped around the bar for a secure hold. info@aqfsports.co.uk www.aqfsports.co.uk

  4. Breathing Technique: Practice by taking a deep breath into your belly before initiating the lift. Imagine bracing your abdominal muscles as if you were preparing for a punch, and hold that tightness throughout the lift. Hip Mobility Drills: Incorporate exercises like hip flexor stretches and hip hinge movements without weight to improve hip flexibility and reinforce the proper movement pattern. Bench Press info@aqfsports.co.uk www.aqfsports.co.uk

  5. Why Deadlifting Errors Can be Dangerous? According to research, weightlifting accounts for a significant portion of gym-related injuries. The American Journal of Sports Medicine noted that technical errors in weightlifting are responsible for around 31% of all injuries sustained during exercise. The lower back is particularly susceptible to injuries during deadlifts. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research indicated that lower back and shoulder injuries accounted for approximately 36% of weight lifting-related injuries. info@aqfsports.co.uk www.aqfsports.co.uk

  6. The Bottomline It’s understandable why beginners make so many common deadlift errors. But hey, with patience, consistent practice, and maybe a bit of guidance from a trainer or experienced lifter, it becomes easier! Start with lighter weights, focus on form, and gradually increase the load to improve your technique. It’s all about taking small steps, learning, and building up that deadlift game over time! info@aqfsports.co.uk www.aqfsports.co.uk

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