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The Environment of Amvrakikos Gulf The Amvrakikos Gulf, covering approximately 405 km², is a deep indentation in the western coastline of Greece, but maintains its connection with the Ionian sea via a very narrow channel. (around 600 meters in width and between 5 and 15 meters deep. It takes the form of a nearly closed off "inland sea" with a average depth of 26 meters and a maximum depth of 65 meters. The site is a complex ecosystem consisting of the shallow marine waters, a rare wetland formation of the double delta of Louros and Arachthos rivers, a lagoon system composed of three major lagoons (Rodia, Tsoukalio, Logarou) and some smaller ones along the coast, coastal strips surrounding the lagoons and large areas of riparian and halophytic vegetation. It is one of the largest wetland areas in Mediterranean Europe, characterized by very diverse wetland habitat types. Three of the largest natural lagoons in Greece dominate the site: Rodia and Tsoukalio Lagoons (ca. 32 km2) and Logarou Lagoon (ca. 28 km2). Extensive areas of salt marsh, reed beds and brackish water meadows border the lagoons.
Several commercial fish species (Anguilla anguilla, Mugil spp., Solea spp. Gobius niger, Sparus aurata, Dicentraurchus labrax) are exploited traditionally in the lagoons, which they enter seasonally through openings to the sea. The Amvrakikos lagoons and adjoining salt marshes are estimated to comprise critical habitat for at least 47 Annex I bird species, including the globally threatened Pelecanus crispus, Phalacrocorax pygmaeus, Aquila clanga, and Numenious tenuirostris. One of two breeding colonies of the globally threatened Pelecanus crispus within the European Union is resident to the site’s lagoons and salt marshes. The breeding population of this species in the site represents about 20% of the respective total Greek and EU populations and 3.5 % of the global one.
Significant progress Over the last few years efforts have been made not only to protect and maintain this unique area, but also to achieve some kind of balanced development. The area of Amvrakikos is among the 11 Greek wetlands which are protected under the international Ramsar Convention as Wetlands of International Importance. In addition, a part of Amvrakikos has been designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA), according to the European Union Directive 79/409/EU, while its inclusion in the European Union Natura 2000 Network, as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC), has also been put forward. International recognition of the natural value of Amvrakikos has meant that important support from the European Union and also the Greek public has been forthcoming as far its infrastructure and promotion are concerned. In recent years, Amvrakikos has built up an impressive infrastructure in areas such as education and public awareness of the natural environment. The visitor centres of Amvrakikos (in Kopraina, Salaora, Strongili and Neohori close to Preveza) provide one of the most complete environmental awareness and interpretation networks in the whole of Greece. The information centres, the birds hides, projects for nature protection as well as the development of ecotourism, contribute towards the sensitization of the inhabitants as regards the importance of their area and gradually change their general attitude towards development. Balanced and well-planned development and the management of the natural wealth of the area will not only aid the long-term improvement of the living standards of the people but will also mean the conservation of rare wildlife which has always lived here.
1. ETANAM SA 1.1. Flow chart – structure of ETANAM SA Name: DEVELOPMENT AGENCY for SOUTH EPIRUS – AMVRAKIKOS SA Brandname: ETANAM SA Legal form: Limited Company (S.A.) Founded at: 1988 Head office: The head office of the company is situated in the town of Preveza, which is the capital of the Prefecture of Preveza , Region of Epirus in the address: Laskaratou, 481 00 Preveza Phone number: 26820-89150 Fax number: 26820-22511 E-mail:etanam@etanam.gr HTML : http://www.etanam.gr Tax. Reg. No.: 094243949 Tax.dptm.: Preveza
The Company has a branch office in the town of Arta as well, in the Address : Skoufa & Spirou Lamprou 1, 471 00 Arta. Phone number: 26810-77115 Fax number: 26810-26934 E-mail:etanam_artas@etanam.gr ETANAM is subject to the Limited Companies Law but is also α municipal-CO-operative company as provided by the Communal Code (Law 1416)
1. 3. Capital Stock Structure: The shareholders of ETANAM are all the socio-economic bodies of prefectures Prevezas and Artas, as well as some shareholders from Etoloacarnania Prefecture. • Shareholders: • Municipality of (Preveza, Arta ,Vonitsa, Filipiada, Amfilohia, Peta, Thesprotiko, • Louros) • Prefecture of (Preveza, Arta, Etoloakarnania) • Union of agriculture cooperatives of (Preveza, Arta, Filippiada, Agrinion, Vonitsa) • Union of fisheries cooperatives of Greece • Chamber of Commerce and industrial (Artas, Agrinio) • Hellenic Bank of Industrial Development • Deposits and Loans Office • Agriculture Bank of Greece • Local Association of municipalities (Preveza, Arta ,Etoloakarnania)
Goals The Goals of ETANAM is to promote the socio-economic development of South Epirus and Amvrakikos Gulf area, through the promotion of water-farming and mainly the development of alternative forms of tourism, the promotion of local rural products and the protection of environment and the areas ecological resources.