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Gram: “ PRACHARA”, Chennai– 52 Phone: 044 – 26310884
Gram: “ PRACHARA”, Chennai– 52 Phone: 044 – 26310884 Tele- Fax: 044 - 26310885 E-mail: rsfpd_chennai@yahoo.in GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries REGIONAL STATION FOR FORAGE PRODUCTION AND DEMONSTRATION Avadi(Alamadhi), A.C. Farm P.O., Via Redhills, Chennai-600 052 (Tamil Nadu State) F.No.5-30/2010/RSFP/(Tech) Dated the 20th January,2011. To Smt.Gayatri Devi.S. Senior Technical Director, National Infoematics Centre, Ministry of Communication and IT, 3rd Floor, Ezhilagam Annexe, Chepauk, Chennai, 600 005. Madam, As per our discussion kindly upload the furnished details in the site of www.dahd.nic.in, as per the procedure. The due amount of money will be paid for uploading, if any. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Ajai Kumar Yadav Director Incharge
Implementing Agencies: This is a subordinate office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (GOVERNMENT OF INDIA). Target Group / Beneficiaries Dairy Farmers and the State Government of the respective Station’s jurisdiction. Pattern of Assistance / funding 100% Central funding. Year when the scheme started 1969 to 1973 Annual outlay (Central Assistance)
Objectives • Introduction of fodder crops in the existing crop rotation. • Demonstration of superior practices with regard to fertilizer use, water and soil management in the production of cultivated fodders, study of these practices with regard to new and promising species of fodder crops and grasses. • Evolution of fodder calendars suitable to the region. • Demonstration of improved management of village grazing lands and natural grasslands. The study of their proper utilization in combination with a forage crop. • Demonstration of improved methods of utilization of forage crop. • Demonstration of different methods of fodder conservation and utilization. • Demonstration of economics of fodder crops cultivation and animal production. • Production of high quality foundation seeds of forage crops for further multiplication and distribution.
Establishment, Development and impact of the Station: • This station is one among the seven Regional Station established during 1973 by the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying) to cater the needs of the farmers in the States/Union Territories of Tamilnadu,, Kerala, Pondicherry and Andaman & Nicobar Islands in respect of fodder development work. Now, revised areas of operation of the Regional Station are in the States/Union Territories of Tamilnadu, Kerala, Pondicherry and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The main idea behind the establishment of such Regional Stations in different agro-climatic regions of India is to have close link with Research Institutions/Universities and to improve quality of extension work being carried out in the States based on the findings of the Universities/Institutions. Thus, the Station is an important media to bring out the latest research findings on fodder production at the door of the actual beneficiaries. Moreover, local problems being encountered are passed to ResearchInstitutions/Universities for further investigation.
LOCATION: • This Station is situated 30 Kms away from Chennai at Alamadhion Redhills - Tiruvallur Road in the latitude of 13ºN and longitude of 80ºE with an altitude of 16 mtr. • This Station has semi-arid, warm humid, tropical climate which is very hot in summer and the average temperature ranges from 21ºC to 42ºC. From its geographical position, this place experiences two short spells of monsoon with erratic rains or very heavy showers in a year from July - December. The rest of the period remains dry. The average rainfall at the farm is being experienced 60 - 100 cm. Out of the total rainfall only one third available in South West Monsoon and the rest in North-East Monsoon in the month of October--December CLIMATE:
SOIL CHARACTERISTICS: • The soil of this Station is red, sandy-loam to red gravelly soil. The water holding capacity, organic matter percentage and the nutrient status of the soil is very poor. Maximum area of this farm soil is slightly acidic. LAND USE STATISTICS OF THE FARM Total Area - 61.13 hac. Cultivable Area - 58.00 hac. Irrigated - 5.00 hac Rain fed - 53.00 hac. Area under roads / channels - 1.50 hac. Area under buildings - 1.61 hac. Area under Museum - 0.02 hac.
BRIEF REVIEW OF PROGRAMME DONE BY THIS STATION SINCE INCEPTION: SEED PRODUCTION: • This Regional station is now the most reliable source for supply of fodder seeds of improved varieties grown anywhere. However, the area under the control of this Regional Station being limited, limited quantities of seeds are produced and are being supplied to State Agencies i.e. Animal Husbandry, Forest, Agriculture, co-operatiive milk federation and other private agencies for further multiplication. The seeds produced are also being utilized under the demonstration programme which is a cent percent of Centrally Financed Project and also in Minikit Demonstration. • This Station proved instrumental in producing 3 species of Stylosanthes seed for grassland development. In view of the emphasis laid on the recognition of wastelands in the country, large scale multiplication to the species of the stylo varieties Stylosantheshamata,Stylosanthes Scabra and Stylosanthes Guyanensis. have been taken to provide basic seed materials. Seed production of improved variety like Maize (African tall), Sorghum (PC.23 / M.P.Chari / Co.FS.29), Cowpea (Bundel-1/E.C.4216/N.P.3 / UPC 287) have been taken on large scale to meet the demand of the farmers/Government agencies in this Region.
EXTENSION WORK: • DEMONSTRATION: In order to popularise newly developed high yielding varieties, this Regional Station is conducting large scale regular Result Demonstrations through the State Departments of Animal Husbandry, Co-operative milk federation, Department of Forest and NGOs in the Region. The necessary inputs are also supplied by this Station along with improved packages of practices. This Station had conducted number of regular Result Demonstrations in the Region. • MINIKIT DEMONSTRATION PROGRAMMEON The fodder minikit distribution programme of different fodder crops suited to this Region are being carried out by way of supplying seeds in kits on free of cost to the farmers to enable them to grow new and improved varieties and assess their performances at their field. Since 1985-86 onwards this Regional Station has supplied tons together of fodder seeds to various States in the Country.
TRAINING: One of the objectives of this Station is to organise short duration training programme in fodder conservation, utilization, grassland management and fodder seed production for the Officials/Officers of the State Departments engaged in fodderdevelopment schemes. • FIELD / FARMERS’ DAY: This Station has adopted integrated approach in extension-work by organising Field Days in the farmers field or at this Farm. Through which large number of farmers have been benefited by acquiring the latest agro-technology in fodder production.
Contact Address: Director, Regional Station for forage Production and Demonstration, Alamadhi Cattle Farm-Post, Alamadhi, Via-Redhills, Chennai – 600 052. Phone: 044 – 26310884. Fax: 044 - 26310885. E-mail : rsfpd_chennai@yahoo.in