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Reproduction. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants OB 52-58. OB52. … locate and identify the main parts of the flower: sepals, petals, carpel and stamen …. sepal. answer. OB52. …locate the sepal…. sepal. answer. OB52. …locate the sepal…. petal. answer. OB52.
Reproduction Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants OB 52-58
OB52 …locate and identify the main parts of the flower: sepals, petals, carpel and stamen…
sepal answer OB52 …locate the sepal…
sepal answer OB52 …locate the sepal…
petal answer OB52 …locate the petal...
petal answer OB52 …locate the petal…
carpel answer OB52 …locate the carpel…
carpel answer OB52 …locate the carpel…
stamen answer OB52 …locate the stamen…
stamen answer OB52 …locate the stamen…
OB53 …use a suitable flower to identify the stigma, style, ovary, anther and filament…
OB53 …the lily is a suitable flower because parts are clearly visible and easy to disect…
OB53 …the daffodil is another suitable flower for the same reasons…
OB53 …the tulip is another…
OB53 …carpel - female reproductive organ… • …made up of three parts… • stigma: pollen is deposited here by wind or insect… • style: this stalk connects the stigma to the ovary… • ovary: the egg cell is produced here…
OB53 stamen - male reproductive organ • made up of two parts… • anther:pollen is produced here • filament: this stalk supports the anther
OB54 …understand that the stamen (anther) produces pollen, the carpel (ovary) produces the egg cell, the pollen produces the male gamete for fertilisation, the ovary produces the female gamete for fertilisation, and pollen is transferred by wind and by insects…
OB54 …understand that the stamen (anther) produces pollen… cut open an anther and see it is full of many pollen grains
OB54 …the carpel (ovary) produces the egg cell… Inside the carpel is an ovary containing an egg cell
OB54 …the pollen produces the male gamete for fertilisation…
OB54 …the ovary produces the female gamete for fertilisation…
OB54 …pollen is transferred by wind…
OB54 …pollen is transferred by insects… or bats…or birds…
OB54 …fertilisation… is the fusion of the male gamete with the female gamete, to form the first cell of the new plant
OB55 …seed formation follows fertilisation... …cells divide and seed forms…
‘Bye OB55 …describe seed dispersal*… *dispersal means to move away from the parent plant before germination – can you think of a reason for a seed to do this? …plants use a variety of methods to disperse seeds as far away from the plant as possible….
OB55 …some methods of seed dispersal… [can you think of any more?]
this broad bean seed has been soaked and taken apart OB56 …describe seed structure… 1. testa 2. food supply 3. embryo = radicle and plumule
OB56 …have a closer look at the embryo …embryo = radicle and plumule… • the radicle will grow to be the root • The plumule will grow to be the shoot
OP56 …here are some other seeds... (how many can you name? how many more can you think of? - remember some may be inside fruit)
OB57 …understand that seed germination is necessary to produce a new plant… when the conditions are right, the embryo uses up the stored food and grows into the root and shoot of the new plant
OB58 …investigate the conditions necessary for germination…
OP58 …three conditions that must be right for a seed to germinate…
OP58 .how would you investigate how these conditions affect the germination of seeds?... ? …plan… …experiment… …observe… …measure… …analyse… …report…
After fertilizationflower withers pollen is transferred 2 3 1 seeds develop in ovary seeds disperse and germinate into new plant 4 review the plant life cycle 4
Reproduction Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants OB 52-58