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Welcome to 3 rd Grade!. Mrs. Serra and Mrs. Galang. Westchase Wizards…Creating our own sunshine!. Language Arts. Reading. Social Studies. Writing. Reader’s Workshop Close Reading Mini Lessons followed by Independent Practice Guided Reading / Conferencing
Welcome to 3rd Grade! Mrs. Serra and Mrs. Galang Westchase Wizards…Creating our own sunshine!
Language Arts Reading Social Studies Writing • Reader’s Workshop • Close Reading • Mini Lessons followed by Independent Practice • Guided Reading/ Conferencing • Fiction and Non-fiction texts • Text Dependent Questions • Interactive Notebook • Responding to the text • Mini Lessons based on class needs • Craft of writing through responses • No monthly prompts • Interactive Notebook • Rubrics • Focus on North America • Integrated into teacher’s choice of text • Daily Geography Questions • Weekly Geography Tests • Maps available on-line Reading and writing go hand-in-hand!
Vocabulary Matrix • Complete 2 assignments each week • Due each Thursday • No repeats! Shade each square as it is completed. • All words must be spelled correctly.
Battle of the Books BOB Qualifying test will be taken to determine our BOB team. (End of January)
Homework Recap • Reading • -30 minutes each night and 3 questions per week – due Friday • -Each Friday: Reading Assessment • Vocabulary • -2 assignments each week – due Thursday • -Assessment every other Thursday • Math: • -Tuesday and Thursday • -End of Unit Tests • Science: • -Unit Tests • -STEM Fair assignments • Geography: • -Test on Friday (Open Map Test)
This report will be kept in the classroom. Your child will receive a checkmark when a rule has been broken. A note will be written in the agenda for you to sign the day the rule has been broken. This report will be used to mark the behavior side of the report card. FIVE checks in the same area will result in an “N” on the report card for that same behavior.
Grading Scale • A = 90 – 100EXCELLENT (demonstrates consistent application of concepts, ideas, objectives or behaviors) • B = 80 – 89 GOOD (demonstrates a clear understanding of concept, ideas, objectives or behaviors) • C = 70 –79 SATISFACTORY (is in the process of understanding concepts, ideas, objectives or behaviors) • N = 60 – 69NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (needs additional time or more background experiences before an understanding of concepts, ideas, objectives or behaviors can be attained) • U = 0 – 59UNSATISFACTORY (has not yet demonstrated an understanding of concepts, ideas, objectives or behaviors)
Dismissal Make sure your child knows how they are going home on the first day of school! We cannot dismiss students a new way without having it in writing. Make sure to write a note in your child’s agenda or call the office prior to 1:45 if there is a change! Don’t forget: Mondays – Early Release @ 1:15!
Schedule 8:00 – 8:30 RtI*Monday - Specials • 8:30 – 10:30 Language Arts • 10:30 – 12:30 Math/Science 12:30 – 1:00 Lunch 1:00 – 1:30 Specials/Teacher PE 1:30 – 2:00 Specials/Teacher PE 2:15 Dismissal *AGP with Mrs. Miller 10:30 – 12:30 *Remember to wear closed-toed shoes every day – that are appropriate for running and playing. The students will be outside everyday, whether they are at PE with Coach or at Teacher PE with us. If your child is wearing the wrong shoes, they will have to bring a book and sit out.
Birthdays and Lunch Policies Birthday celebrations can happen in the classroom. Parents may choose to send in a breakfast type treat (doughnuts, cinnamon rolls) at 7:30 or a quick treat (cookies, mini cupcakes) around 1:45. This must be pre-arranged with the teacher. Please keep in mind we do have food allergies; only store-bought products that do not contain nuts will be allowed. Food brought in from outside sources (ie. McDonalds, etc.) cannot be brought into the cafeteria due to food allergies. Please eat it out on the picnic tables.
Snacks Since our lunch is late this year we are providing students with the opportunity to bring a small, healthy snack to enjoy mid-morning (around 10:30) to hold them over. Please make sure that snacks are healthy and mess-free! Think about using a snack-size ziploc bag and filling it with goldfish, cheez-its, grapes, pretzels, etc… Again, please keep in mind we have food allergies so do not pack anything that contains peanuts. Please read the labels – you would be very surprised what snacks do indeed contain peanuts!
Our Class WebsiteGo to www.teacherweb.comFind your teacher from WestchaseElementary. You can find…. -Announcements -Calendar -Links to helpful websites -Weekly homework and project information -What skills we are currently focused on AND MORE!!! UPDATED WEEKLY!!!
Communication Please remember that we start our day at 7:30! This is not the time to pop-in to have a quick conference.
We are so excited to teach your child and get to know your family this year!