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Word for the Dazed. Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”. nihilism. /ni’- ¶ -liz’-m/ n. [< L. nihil , nothing] 1. the general rejection of customary beliefs in morality, religion, etc. nihilism.
Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”
nihilism /ni’-¶-liz’-m/n.[< L. nihil, nothing] 1. the general rejection of customary beliefs in morality, religion, etc.
nihilism Kanye West’s style of Hip Hop avoids the nihilism of many other recording artists.
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sanguine • /sang’ gwin/ adj. [< L sanguis, blood] • cheerfully confident • optimistic
sanguine Pedro is one of the most sanguine characters in the movie Napoleon Dynamite.
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Diaspora • /di-as’-p¶-ra/n.[< Gr. dia, across + speirein, to sow] • The dispersion of the Jews after the Babylonian exile • Any scattering of people with a common origin, beliefs, etc.
Diaspora Hurricane Katrina has created a Diaspora of people from Louisiana and Mississippi who now seek shelter in other states throughout the U.S.
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halcyon • /hal’-se-¶n/ adj. [< Gr. alkyon, kingfisher] • tranquil, happy, idyllic, etc.
halcyon • Bob Marley’s music brings to mind ahalcyonlifestyle.
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lament /l¶-ment’/vi, vt.[< L. lamentum, a wailing] 1.to feel or express deep sorrow; morn 2. an elegy, dirge, etc.; mourning some loss or death
lament • Now that over 1,700 soldiers have died in Iraq, many Americans are beginning to lament our involvement in the war.
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loquacious • /lo-kwa’-sh¶s/ adj. [< L. loqui, speak] • very talkative
loquacious • When Eminem testified in court, he was anything but loquacious.
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limpid • /lim’-pid/ adj. [< L. limpidis,clear] • perfectly clear • transparent
limpid • Harold and Kumar’s motives in life are always limpid.
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anachronism / ¶-nak’-kr¶-niz’m/n.[< Gr. ana, against + chronos, time] 1. anything out of its proper historical time
anachronism The movie Gladiator is filled with many anachronisms.
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staunch /stônch/ adj. [< L. stare, to stand] 1. Steadfast; loyal 2. Strong, solid 3. seaworthy
staunch • Chris Rock is a staunch supporter of one’s right to masticate in public.
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prodigal /präd’-i’-g¶l’/adj.[< L.pro, forth + agere, to drive] 1. exceedingly or recklessly wasteful 2. extremely abundant
prodigal • Part of the problem Michael Jackson faces is his prodigal lifestyle which has left him on the verge of bankruptcy.
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implacable • /im-plak’-¶-bl/ adj. [<L. im, not + placare, appease] • not appease; not pacify
implacable • Many other nations believe President Bush will be implacable regarding Iraq’s attempts to avoid attack by the United States.
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quixotic /kwiks-ät’-ik/adj.[after Don Quixote] 1. Extravagantly chivalrous or foolishly idealistic.
quixotic • Whether admired or despised, Ralph Nader is considered to be one of America’s most quixotic politicians.
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comity /käm’-¶-te/ n. [<L. comis, polite] 1. courtesy
comity • If you’ve ever been to England, comity is a way of life.
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paragon /per’-¶-gän/n. [<L. paragone, touchstone] 1. A model of perfection or excellence
paragon • The Lakers will once again be a paragon of success.
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diffident • /dif’-¶-d¶nt/ adj.[< L. dis, not + fidere, to trust] • lacking self confidence
diffident • The Rock is anything but diffident in the ring.
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chronic • /krän’-ik/adj. [< Gr. chronos, time] • lasting a long time or recurring • 2. habitual
chronic • Unfortunately, some American troops developed a chronic habit of smoking marijuana during the Vietnam War.
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hubris /hyoo’-bris/noun. [< Gr. hybris, arrogance] 1. arrogance caused by excessive pride