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Word for the Dazed

Word for the Dazed. Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”. paragon. /per’- ¶ -gän/ n. [<L. paragone , touchstone] 1. A model of perfection or excellence. Los Osos’s basketball team will someday be a paragon of success.

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Word for the Dazed

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  1. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  2. paragon /per’-¶-gän/n. [<L. paragone, touchstone] 1. A model of perfection or excellence

  3. Los Osos’s basketball team will someday be a paragon of success.

  4. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  5. staunch /stônch/ adj. [< L. stare, to stand] 1. Steadfast; loyal 2. Strong, solid 3. seaworthy

  6. Staunch • Chris Rock is a staunch supporter of one’s right to masticate in public.

  7. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  8. limpid • /lim’-pid/adj.[< L. limpidis,clear] • perfectly clear • transparent

  9. limpid • Jay and Silent Bob’s motives in life are always limpid.

  10. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  11. loquacious • /lo-kwa’-sh¶s/ adj. [< L. loqui, speak] • very talkative

  12. Word for the Dazed • When Eminem testified in court, he was anything but loquacious.

  13. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  14. diffident • /dif’-¶-d¶nt/ adj.[< L. dis, not + fidere, to trust] • lacking self confidence

  15. diffident • The Rock is anything but diffident in the ring.

  16. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  17. chronic • /krän’-ik/adj. [< Gr. chronos, time] • lasting a long time or recurring2.habitual

  18. chronic • Unfortunately, some American troops developed a chronic habit of smoking marijuana during the Vietnam War.

  19. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  20. hubris /hyoo’-bris/noun. [< Gr. hybris, arrogance] 1. arrogance caused by excessive pride

  21. hubris • In the last year, Britney Spears has shown a great deal of hubris (aside from showing other things, as well).

  22. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  23. ephemeral /e-fem’-¶r-¶l/adj. [< Gr. epi, upon + hemera, day] 1.short-lived; transitory

  24. ephemeral • More than likely, O-Town’s success will beephemeral.

  25. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  26. heinous /ha-n¶s /adj. [< Fr. hair, to hate] 1.outrageously evil

  27. heinous • Without a doubt, the vast majority of Americans believe Osama Bin Laden to be a heinous person.

  28. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  29. harbinger /här-bin-j¶r /n. [< OFr. herbergeor, one sent to arrange lodgings ] 1. One that indicates or foreshadows what is to come; forerunner

  30. harbinger • The Defense Department exploded the MOAB (Massive Ordinance Air Burst) bomb as a harbinger of things to come if Iraq does not disarm.

  31. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  32. unctuous /ungk’-choo-¶s /adj. [< L. unctum, ointment ] 1. Marked by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness 2. Greasy; oily

  33. unctuous • Many Europeans consider President Bush’s actions in Iraq to be unctuous.

  34. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  35. vacillate /vas’-¶-lat/vi [< L.vacillare, sway] 1. To sway to and fro 2. To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another; waver

  36. vacillate • Saddam Hussein has not vacillated in regard to President Bush’s demand to leave Iraq.

  37. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  38. fulminate /ful’-m¶-nat/vi, vt[< L.fulmen, lightning] 1. to issue a severe denunciation 2. to explode

  39. fulminate • The Dixie Chicks angered many of their fans by fulminating against President Bush and his desire to go to war against Iraq.

  40. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  41. vociferate /vo-sif’-¶-rat’/vi, vt[< L.vociferart, vox, voice + ferre, carry] 1. to cry out loudly and vehemently, especially in protest

  42. vociferate At the Academy Awards, when Michael Moore vociferated his views about President Bush and the Iraq war, he was widely booed by people in the audience.

  43. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  44. exacerbate /eks-zas’-¶r-bat’/vt[< L.acerbus, harsh] 1. to increase the severity of; aggravate

  45. exacerbates A windy day only exacerbates the situation.

  46. Word for the Dazed • Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

  47. formidable /for-mi’-d¶-b’l’/adj.[< L.formidare, to dread] 1. causing dread, fear, or awe 2. hard to handle

  48. formidable Even though Kobe may not be playing much this year, the Lakers are still the most formidable team in the NBA.

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