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Clean Air 10 Declaration: Overview of Break-out Discussion. National Clean Air 10 Conference: Empowering LGUs to Clean the Air and Address Climate Change Through Partnerships 23-24 June 2009 Skyline Riverbend Hotel, Marikina City. Background on Clean Air 10 Declaration (1).
Clean Air 10 Declaration:Overview of Break-out Discussion National Clean Air 10 Conference: Empowering LGUs to Clean the Air and Address Climate Change Through Partnerships 23-24 June 2009 Skyline Riverbend Hotel, Marikina City
Background on Clean Air 10 Declaration (1) • 10 years after the PCAA, air quality in major cities in the country is still poor, and some provisions are lacking, have not been implemented well and or dated • A "Clean Air 10 Declaration“ aims to spell out the 10 priority actions for the coming years and strengthen the AQM community in the country.
Background on Clean Air 10 Declaration (2) • The Clean Air 10 should consider the context of air quality within other related issues – climate change, transport demand management, energy security; • Takes into account applicability to all sectors (transport, industry, etc) and from national to local level implementation; • Allows for multi-stakeholder participation and encourages widespread social behavior changes.
Clean Air 10 DeclarationProcess • Sign –up for break-out groups • Break-out Discussion • Present Group’s Draft Declaration Inputs • Drafting of the Clean Air 10 Declaration • Plenary Presentation of the Draft Clean Air 10 Declaration • Responses of Organizations to CA10 Declaration • Signing of CA10 Declaration
Sign-up for Break-out Groups • Opened at the same time as Registration (23 June) • Some organizations pre-requested to join specific discussion groups • Representatives of the same organization are encouraged to join separate groups • Five groups to choose from: • Awareness-raising and networking • Capacity-building • Funding • Policy Formulation and Implementation • Technology
Break-out Discussion • Facilitated by DENR, CAI-Asia and LCP • Objective: • Discuss and identify priority issues within topic • Propose solutions on top 3 issues and identify roles (lead and support organizations) • Identify groups represented in discussion • Draft inputs to CA10 Declaration • Assign rapporteur and CA10 writer from group
Reporting of Discussion Group Results (2) • We, the ___________________ (insert what major groups are represented in discussion group or the major stakeholders of the topic) recognize that _______________________ (what are the priority issues, if possible include positive cases related to topic) urge the ____________________________ (who the task/action is addressed to) to _________________________________(what are the major action points that need to be addressed to help solve the issues?)
Some reminders for Break-out Groups • Please allow others opportunity to speak and share • Discourage plugging of products and organizations • Discourage finger-pointing and focus on solutions and actions
Drafting of The Clean Air 10 Declaration • 5 facilitators + 5 assigned writers from the discussion groups + other invited/volunteering members of the Steering Committee will comprise the CA10 Declaration Writing Committee. • Make use of inputs from discussion groups
Plenary Presentation of CA10 Declaration • A person elected by the CA10 Declaration writing committee will present to the plenary the Draft Clean Air 10 Declaration (24 June am) • The Draft Clean Air 10 Declaration will be opened for minor comments and clarifications • Discourage MAJOR additions and new ideas. • Approval of the Draft Clean Air 10 Declaration by the Body
Organizational Response to CA10 Declaration • Representatives from key organizations have been asked to respond to the Clean AIR 10 Declaration on 24 June. • Organizations identified by discussion groups may also respond. • Short 3-5 mins response on: • which items in the CA10 Declaration they can work on • how they intend to act on items where they were identified to act on (if any) in the CA10 • commitment to report to the group in progress of their actions related to CA10 Declaration
Clean Air 10 Declaration Online Petition gopetition.com/petitions/support-the-clean-air-10-declaration.html Or access the link through LigtasHangin ligtashangin.blogspot.com