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Roy's Story: A Tale of Friendship and Change

This module explores the story of Roy, a young boy who goes through a transformation after facing difficult challenges. Learn about the power of friendship, forgiveness, and helping those in need.

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Roy's Story: A Tale of Friendship and Change

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  1. 高二选修(6)Module3 Interpersonal Relationship Friendship 主讲教师

  2. Roy’s story

  3. task1:Skimming Match the parts with their main ideas : Part1: (Para1--2)(A)I found Roy stole the money raised for a charity by accident. Part2: (Para3) (B) I got to know Roy and made friends with him. Part3: (Para4--5 ) (C)I found Roy stole other students’ wallets. Part4: (Para6--8) (D) Unhappy things happened to Roy and he changed completely.

  4. Task2: Vocabulary Answer the questions about the words and phrases in the box. amount financial knock over make (money) move (house) (paper) note raise (money) theft thief wallet 1. are connected with money? 2.are connected with stealing? 3.means to hit and hurt or kill someone with a car ? 4. means to go to live in a different house? 5. means to work to get money? 6. means to get people to give money? 7.means how much of something there is?

  5. Task2: Vocabulary Match the words with their meanings. • an organization that gives money or help to people who need it B. a room where you can leave your coat, bag, etc. C. often angry or unhappy D. To suddenly start to laugh E. something organized by a school to make money • A small cupboard that locks, used to keep books , clothes, etc. in a school or office. G. When our face becomes pink because you are embarrassed. • Locker 2. Moody 3. To go bright red 4. Charity 5. Cloakroom 6. Fair 7. Burst out laughing

  6. Listening • 插入flash

  7. task3:listening B Choose the correct answer. 1. Daniel could see that ____. (a) Roy often told jokes (b) people liked Roy (c) Roy was always happy 2. Daniel’s family moved to London____. (a) because of his father (b) because his father lost his job (c) because the south of England was richer 3 .Roy and Daniel became____. (a) close friends (b) friendly (c) friends 4 .After Roy’s father was killed, Roy’s family moved____. (a) because of money problems (b) because they didn’t want to stay in the same house (c) because their house was too big A A A

  8. task3:listening B C 5. Roy became____. (a) less clever (b) less friendly (c) less interesting 6.When Daniel found Roy with someone’s wallet ,____. (a) Roy was not embarrassed (b) Daniel looked at him angrily (c) Daniel looked at him in surprise 7 .Daniel thought that the person stealing from students___ (a ) might be Roy (b) was Roy (c) was someone he knew 8 .The £500 was raised____. (a) for someone in need (b) for the school fair (c) for the class teacher 9 .The money in Roy’s pockets ____. (a) was almost certainly the money from the fair (b) had been stolen (c) was probably money that Roy had made recently A A A

  9. Task4 : Scanning Read the passage again and finish Activity2 on Page30. 1.What was Roy like before his father died? 2.What kind of relationship did Roy and Daniel have? 3. How did Roy change? 4. What happened in the cloakroom that surprised Daniel? 5. What happened to the £500? 6. How did Daniel know who had stolen it?

  10. Task5: Post-reading If you were Daniel , what would you doat such a time?Give him up or help him?

  11. a friend in need is a friend indeed 患 难 见 真 情

  12. Free Talk : Tell your own story about friendship

  13. Homework: Write your own endings to the story: If you were Daniel, how to solve the problem?

  14. Thank you!

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