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Challenges faced by women 50+ in the labour market. Halina Potocka, AGE Vice-President Women's careers after 40 and 50. What is AGE?. AGE Platform Europe a network bringing together European, national and regional non-profit senior organisations
Challenges faced by women 50+ in the labour market Halina Potocka, AGE Vice-President Women's careers after 40 and 50
What is AGE? AGE Platform Europe a network bringing together European, national and regional non-profit senior organisations set up in 2001 following a process of discussion on how to improve co-operation between older people's organisations in the EU + to improve older people’s representativity at EU level. a non-profit making international association, financed by membership fees and an annual subsidy from the European Commission (PROGRESS programme).
AGE network Gathers 156 associations of older people, or working with and for older people, from 27 EU States Represents 28 million older people across the EU, but promotes the interests of the 150 million older people in the EU A network that does not stop growing!
AGE objectives To voice and represent the interests of older and retired people in the European Union To improve the dialogue and cooperation between its members and the European Institutions. To support networking - and best practice exchange-between older people’s groups in Europe (EU platform) To disseminate information towards its members and influence decision makers at EU level (+ national level through AGE national member organisations)
AGE structure General Assembly (once a year): adoption of work programme, budget and applications for membership Administrative Council (twice a year):implementation of work programme + policy decisions Executive Committee: policy guidance + adherence to statutes and internal rules Expert Groups: on age discrimination, employment, pension, social inclusion, health, new technologies and accessibility Secretariat in Brussels: day-to-day management of the association + liaising with the EU institutions
AGE policy areas Policy influencing and development on 6 areas: • non discrimination • employment of workers > 50, active ageing • social inclusion, the fight against poverty • social protection (pension reform, minimum income) • health care and long term care of the elderly • accessibility to new technologies, transport (mobility)
AGE lobbying activities Participation in consultative committees set up by the Commission The European Parliament Intergroup on Ageing The Social Protection Committee. Participation in key events organised by EU Presidencies or other EU key stakeholders Regular press releases + opinion paper to deliver AGE key messages Networking: direct contact with EU Officials Joint campaigns on key issues: Elder Abuse
Specific challenges that women 50+ face in the labour market • Age discrimination • The gender employment gap • The gender pay gap • The gender pension gap • AGE recommendations
Age discrimination 46% of Europeans think that discrimination on the basis of age is widespread.At the country level, this view is most widely held in Hungary(79%) and the Czech Republic (74%). An examination of the development over the past five years showsthat the feeling that age discrimination has increased is most widely held in Hungary(63%) and the Czech Republic (53%). The analyses reveal that citizens aged 40 or over are more likely to say thatdiscrimination on ground of age is widespread.
Fundamental right Employmentis a fundamental right, representedby Article 15 of the Charter for Fundamental Rights, which adds to the responsibility of policy-makers to find the most effective solutions for the reduction of unemployment. It is clear thatinequalities in our societies have increased, since there is evidence that some groups are particularly affected: older and younger employees. This week Equality Summit focused on the fight against discrimination and on the promotion of equality in the workplace.Crisis => sometime convenient excuse for reducing support for effective mechanisms and measures.
Gender employment gap Olderwomenmuchlessinvolved in paidemploymentthanolder men: EU average – 18% for 55-64 (age 24-54: 15%) Part-time much more commonamongfemaleworkers (men: 7%, women: 30%) Why: bulk of informal care stillprovidedmainly by women 50+ squeezedbetweendemandsfromtheirageing parents and grand-parental duties=> sandwich generation Yetemploymentpolicies on reconciliationforwork and family life target parents withyoungchildren
The gender pay gap Across Europe women earn on average 17.8%less than men (17.5%-Hungary) and in some countries the gender pay gap is widening (Estonia 30.3%) Gap isevenwider for olderwomen Will increase due to cuts in social services such as subsidised long-term care and childcare Institutional mechanisms and systems on wage setting can influence the pay gap.
The gender pension gap Poverty risk for older women is higher in EU15 (21%) than in the ten new Member States (10%) Gender differentials are notably higher in Sweden, Austria, Germany, Finland and Ireland; also in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovenia and Cyprus Gender pension gap isevenhigherthangenderpay gap (in BU: 34%, 2005) The average EU at-risk-of-poverty rate for older women is of 22 percent against 16 percent for older men
AGE Recommendations Adopt an EU « carer’s leave directive (EC has included this in its work programme 2011) Adopt more flexible working conditions to enable informal carers to reconcile work and family life Forbid pro-actively all gender/age discrimination in the workplace
AGE Recommendations Addressgenderinequalities in pension systems => fair compensation for carer’s breaks, labour marketsegregation, minimum pensions Promote use of unisexmortality tables for calculation of annuities in fundedschemes European social systems must move to a better adjustment and recognition of societal role which falls on mature workers.
Equality Summit 15-16 Nov 2010 Brussels „We'll face the real impact of an ageing population and a shrinking work-force from2012 onwards. […] We arelosing an important source of labour, skills and knowledge. […] When we speak about promoting equality, non-discrimination, we should not forgetthe need to reduce inequality. Not only are people at risk of discrimination affectedby higher unemployment rates, they also face a higher risk of poverty than the restof population. Today, 84 million Europeans still live at risk of poverty. This is simply not acceptable. An important step to fight against poverty will be through the Europe 2020 flagshipinitiative, the Platform against poverty, which I intend to launch early December.
Equality Summit 15-16 Nov 2010, Brussels This Platform will serve as a visible expression of solidarity towards the mostvulnerable members of our societies. Its design owes much to the input from civil society stakeholders. […] The objective of the Platform is to tackle poverty in a wider context, becauseindividuals experiencing poverty are often affected by multiple interrelated problemsthat often trap them in a vicious cycle ofdisadvantage and inequality. LászlóAndorEU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and InclusionClosing remarks at the Fourth Equality Summit Fourth Equality Summit Brussel
AGE Platform Europe Rue Froissart 111 1040 Bruxelles – Belgique Contact person: Rachel Buchanan E-mail: rachel.buchanan@age-platform.eu tel. : + fax : + www.age-platform.eu