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Meeting of the English Speaking Caribbean Ozone Officers. Regional Network Meeting. Antigua Barbuda. 1 st -3 rd March 2011. UNIDO CONTRIBUTIOIN TO HPMPs. UNIDO is developing so far 42 HPMPs as lead Agency( 14 in LVCs) Completed as cooperating Agency 17 sector plans
Meeting of the English Speaking Caribbean Ozone Officers Regional Network Meeting Antigua Barbuda 1st-3rd March 2011
UNIDO CONTRIBUTIOIN TO HPMPs • UNIDO is developing so far 42 HPMPs as lead Agency( 14 in LVCs) • Completed as cooperating Agency 17 sector plans • UNIDO was the first Agency to submit an HPMP at 59 EXCOM in November 2009 which triggered a whole set of new decisions. • Approval by the EXCOM of 14 HPMPs( 8 in cooperation with UNEP) • Approval so far of 18 stand alone projects and 12 sector plans. • UNIDO is submitting 28 HPMPs in 2011 • UNIDO is conducting three demonstration projects to test new alternatives (one jointly with Japan) • UNIDO is committed to promote low GWP ALTERNATIVES • UNIDO is also engaged in the implementation of HPMPs in CEIT countries with GEF funding (Azerbaidjan, Kazakhstan,Russian Federation and Ukraine)
Developing an HCFC Phase-out Strategy At present there are a number of non-ODP alternatives available for several HCFC uses. However the suitability of alternatives must be considered in light of their availability, maturity of the technologies, cost-effectiveness, energy efficiency, and other environmental considerations. The level of uncertainty regarding future technologies for Article 5 countries is therefore relatively high. On the other hand the agreement to accelerate HCFC phase out requires countries to move quickly to achieve the initial freeze and reductions targets. The Multilateral Fund has therefore recommended a staged implementation approach to developing HCFC Phase out Management Plans (HPMPs), whereby the first stage should address all policy and institutional strengthening as well as technical and financial assistance measures required to achieve compliance with the year 2013 freeze and 2015 10% reduction targets in all A5 countries.
UNIDO JOINT PROGRAMME WITH UNEP IN LVCs -At present UNIDO is jointly implementing 7 HPMPs in LVCs -UNIDO in charge of the servicing sector and in few cases of the manufacturing sector (mainly flexible sector) -Additional 9 HPMPs are expected to be submitted in 2011 with UNEP being the lead Agency. -At the last coordination meeting UNEP and UNIDO agreed to submit joint regional projects for ODS destruction.
Contact Montreal Protocol Branch Programme Development and Technical Cooperation Division UNIDO Contact Person: S. M. Si Ahmed, Director S.Si-Ahmed@unido.org www.unido.org Tel: +43 1 26026 3782 Fax: +43 1 26026 6804