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FLOODLOG HUSK/1001/2.1.2/0009. Kick-off meeting of the project „ Flood modeling and logistic model development for flood crisis management „. Kosice, April 16th, 2012. Partners. University of Miskolc (as lead partner) Technická univerzita v Košiciach (as Slovakian lead partner)
FLOODLOG HUSK/1001/2.1.2/0009 Kick-off meeting of the project „Flood modeling and logistic model development for flood crisis management „ Kosice, April 16th, 2012
Partners • University of Miskolc (as lead partner) • Technická univerzita v Košiciach (as Slovakian lead partner) • Dr. Cholnoky Környezetgazdálkodási, Dokumentációs és Kutatási Központ Kiemelten Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft • Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach • BAZ megyei Katasztrófavédelmi Igazgatóság
Duration • Planned: • 2011/11/01 - 2013/10/31 • Actual: • 2012/04/01 – 2014/03/31
Overall goal • The overall goal of the project is to support the Disaster Management Directorate/ Crisis Management Authorities by providing them with a toolset for flood modeling, forecasting the size and location of the affected area and the affected population, identifying relevant objects and human infrastructure in risk, or objects needed for handling the crisis, and to develop the logistics framework to better manage the human and natural resources for the crisis management.
Specific goals • Development of a framework and a pilot database for flood modeling in support of the crisis management authority. • Development of a pilot framework for the environmental impact assessement of the floods on the soil and the water resources. • Feasibility study covering the design of the whole GIS based logistic capacity management and supervisor system. The study deals with all the necessary components of the system that helps Crisis Management Authorities to make effective decisions from the legal background and database elements to the shared and controlled maps of the affected areas and its necessary IT background.
Budget Decreased from total 395000 Eur to 333140 Eur (61860)
Activities 1. Specification of the model details: The result is the framework criteria system that the model outputs has to fulfill. The major partners are the Crisis Management Authorities for both sides, and all partners of the consortium. 2. Specification of the input data need: The result is the list of data layers and their specification by content, scale and informatic standards. Partners: lead partner and the TUKE and the Crisis management authorities. 3. Development of the data layers: The results of these activities will be the complete set of harmonized data layers covering the whole Bódva catchment.
Activities 4. The modification and completion of existing cross-border databases for testing the tools and models. Partners: University of Miskolc and the CholnokyKht. Output: two additional datasets for testing the procedure and extend the coverage. 5. Development of an integrated, operational WEB-based, and desktop-based GIS database. The responsible partner is the CholnokyKht, the output is a web site and a desktop toolset.
Activities 6. Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment of the floods: Partners: Lead partner and TUKE. An environmental and flood based landscape classification will be developed and the potential risk types are going to be tested and summarized. 7. Logistical modeling. Partners: Lead partner and the VSBM. A logistical pilot framework will be developed and tested on the Bódva catchment supporting the flood crisis management activities lead by the Crisis Management Authorities.
Specification of the model details and the required input data layers • Specification of the model details based on the needs and requirements of the Crisis management authority and on the feasibility of the planned system. This activity will result a framework criteria system that the model outputs has to fulfill for both the flood modeling description and forecasting and the logistics modeling. Based on the targeted outputs of the models the input data need for supporting the flood modeling and logistics activities have to be specified as well. This will result the list of data layers and their specification by content, scale and informatic standards. The physical and human geographical layers will be specified by the lead partner and the TUKE. The layers needed for the operational work of the crisis management and its logistical planning are defined by the Crisis management authorities and the Lead partner of the two sides.
Development of the data layers • Development of the data layers specified in the Act 2. This is the largest activity in budget and in time as well. Several experts from the two sides have to be involved fro the data harmonization work. Bilateral scientific teams for all thematic layers will be set up to survey the available national data and develop the harmonization strategy for the common, harmonized database, covering the two sides. Expert will be provided by the partner organizations as well, but mainly external experts will be invited to complete the layers. The results of these activity will be the complete set of harmonized data layers covering the whole Bodva catchment.
The modification and completion of existing cross-border databases for feasibility study • The modification and completion of existing cross-border databases to provide the information for testing the tools and models. There are two cross-border data sets developed by the partners. The first one covers the whole Bodrogköz area and having several physical and human geographical layers in a harmonized, consistent content representation, organized into a GIS database. The second dataset covers the whole Ipoly catchment of the two sides. The major partners will be the University of Miskolc and the Cholnoky.
Development of an integrated, operational GIS database • Development of an integrated, operational GIS database having all three datasets in the same data structure, and a WEB based data dissemination system, where the users can discover, view the data layers and the model results. A specific workstation based system will be set up to support the Crisis Management Authority with more, not necessarily public data and models. The output of this activity will be a WEB portal with a map server and interactive modeling tools. The responsible partner is the Cholnoky.
Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment of the floods • Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment of the floods. The major partners will be the Lead partner and TUKE. This activity will study the impact of the flooding water on the soil quality and on the groundwater system. An environmental and flood based landscape classification will be developed and the potential risk types are going to be testes and summarized.
Logisticalmodeling • The responsible partners are the Lead partner and the VSBM. A logistical pilot framework will be developed and tested on the Bodva catchment supporting the flood crisis management activities lead by the Crisis Management Authorities.
Project management supervision, expertconsultancy • The two Crisis Management Authorities and Directorates follow on the project progress and consult the partners on the most appropriate options
Results • The project will have three major group of results. The first is a database, which is going to be maintained in several publicly accessible sites (in a limited extent), to make sure that the results and the developed data layers can be used freely by any other interested organizations involved in environmental modeling. The full set of layers and variables needed for the operational crisis management will be installed on a desktop based system and will be used and maintained internally by the Disaster Management Directorate, even after the project. This system will contain the data layers and the integrated models for evaluation of the flooding conditions and the logistical models for flood crisis management. The third part is a methodology, a scientifc product, that can be used freely for any modeling in support of other regional directorates of Disaster Management. The project partners aim to develop a full coverage of the natural and human data layers for the whole Hungarian-Slovakian section of the border regions, where the developed methodology can be run as well to ensure the capability of any interstate flood management "players", like local governments of the settlements in risk, to access the data and the tools and increase the safety and life standards of the inhabitants.
Major results • a database, which is going to be maintained in several publicly accessible sites • system containing the data layers and the integrated models for evaluation of the flooding conditions and the logistical models for flood crisis management • methodology, a scientifc product, that can be used freely for any modeling in support of other regional directorates of Disaster Management
FLOODLOG's innovative decision making support system helps DEG to… - localize the affected areas (both environmentally and from infrastructural viewpoint) • use the resources more effectively and with higher consistence • take into account both insider and outsider logistic capacities of their authority scope in the case of the decision making procedure - reduce the redundancy of the disclaiming efforts
Project specific indicators • GIS database for the Bódva catchment (per. 3.) • Modified legacy dataset (per.3.) • Complete framework for logistical modeling (per 6.) • Environmental impact assessment studies (per 5.) • Flood model integrated onto the web site (per. 5) • Web site (per 4. )