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Guns for teachers

Guns for teachers. Lauren Blair, Katie Donner, Deidra Abbott. Our statement.

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Guns for teachers

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  1. Guns for teachers Lauren Blair, Katie Donner, Deidra Abbott

  2. Our statement • Protecting our nation’s children should be our first and most important priority. Our children are the future of our nation. It is of utmost importance for students to have a safe and nurturing environment in which to learn.

  3. Example stories • Nevada school shooting October 2013 • http://www.newser.com/story/176467/nevada-school-shooter-ided.html • Ohio school shooting February 2012 • http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Survived-A-School-Shooting/2304022 • Teacher takes conceal and carry class • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtTne-QdN6g

  4. pros • “Not visible, not showy, not even deadly, but just in case. • You can not stop gun fire without gun fire. People see these terrible things on the news and it not only warns the rest of us but gives the crazy people new ideas.” • “They could save so many lives if they were just armed and had a license to carry a gun. It might not seem right to parents but what's better to have teachers with guns and your child safe or for you to be planning there funeral because of a shooting.” • “Protect the vulnerable. Law and order must prevail. Unsafe environments are not fair to those that live in a civil manner. Egregious actions must be met with equal deterrence.”

  5. Pros • Lawmakers in Virginia and North Carolina have said that not allowing teachers to carry guns into schools or having firearms stored in a central location for faculty to access when a shooter enters a school is increasing the danger to students. • “As long as you have some people with guns, the only result is that you have an elementary school sitting there and people with guns and no way to protect themselves,” North Carolina state Rep. • Enact a series of gun control measures including a ban on high capacity magazines in order to reduce gun violence.

  6. Pros • This is a good website that has the story of Clarksville High School and the shooting that took place there. It also has the opinion of different people that are for teachers carrying guns and against the idea. I believe it is important for teachers to have that right because in many occasions, like this one at Clarksville High School, teachers could’ve defended themselves.

  7. Safety precautions for guns • If guns on school campus staff need to use safety precautions like • any other place. •  All personnel are highly trained in using a gun. • Consisting of them learning how to handle and learn of the • mechanics of a gun. • Use trigger locks or pad locks to store the guns. • Firearms need to be stored unloaded separate from the ammunition.

  8. Schools preparations for crisis • Train staff on school security and emergency planning issues. • Revise security and emergency preparedness plans. • Practice school emergency/crisis plans like evacuations, lockdowns, and other safety drills. • Give training for early warning signs of violence. • Form crisis teams from the school staff and community (police and • the fire department) for all crises. • Update school communication skills.

  9. Obama’s Opinion • Use COPS Hiring Grants to hire more school resource officers. • Hire psychologists, social workers, and counselors can provide • mental health services to students who need help. • Comprehensive School Safety program which is proposed by the • Administration that gives schools money to get safety investments. • The Departments of Education, Justice, Health and Human • Services, and Homeland Security released model emergency • management plans.

  10. Physical Precautions • TowerPinkster’sarchitect company make schools safer around • Michigan. • Because of funds they make changes to standing buildings.

  11. Architect’s changes • Relocate doors. • Better intercom system. • Creating boundaries using signs and landscapes. • Controlled parent drop off area. • Visible stairwells. • Vestibules are controlled and have security. • Adding locks to classroom doors.

  12. Implementation Issues Present School Boards and Administrators with Significant Responsibility and Potential Liability • School safety expert advises against arming teachers and school staff • Arming persons at schools should be left to professional school public safety officials:  School Resource Officers (SROs) and school police department officers

  13. Poses many questions… • Does the school board have appropriate and adequate policies and procedures governing the carrying and use of firearms by teachers and school staff? • What types of firearms (types of guns, caliber of weapons, etc.) are staff allowed to carry and not allowed to carry?  Will staff carry their own personal firearms or school district-issued firearms? 

  14. More questions…. • How is the district prepared to prevent and manage situations where teachers and/or staff members lose, misplace, or have stolen their firearms while on campus? • How will the school district manage an accidental shooting that could occur?

  15. Even more questions…. • What type of weapons retention training has been provided to staff who are armed and what steps have been taken to reduce risks of a teacher or staff member being intentionally disarmed by a student or other person, or for having a firearm dislodged from a staff member's control when the teacher breaks up a fight in a cafeteria or hallway?   • Who pays for it?

  16. References • http://pages.uoregon.edu/joe/firearms-safety.html • http://www.schoolsecurity.org/resources/crisis.html • http://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/index.ssf/2013/03/school_safety_precautions_chan.html • http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-school-teachers-be-armed-with-guns • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/19/guns-in-schools_n_2331898.html • http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/30/19771320-guns-in-school-ark-district-arming-more-than-20-teachers-staff • http://www.schoolsecurity.org/trends/arming_teachers.html

  17. Other resources//other groups with whom collaboration seems likely • NRA-National Rifle Association: Supports the use of addition firearms on school campuses • http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/21/us/connecticut-school-shooting/ • Arkansas Times online: Means of increasing community awareness • http://www.arktimes.com/ArkansasBlog/archives/2013/09/11/state-agency-hearing-pleas-for-licenses-to-carry-guns-in-school • Arkansas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies: Has hearings on who gets to have firearms on campuses • http://www.arkansas.gov/directory/detail2.cgi?ID=1083 • On November 1, 2013 Indiana Governor Mike Pence announces school safety grant of • $9 million: someone to collaborate with for financial support • http://newsandtribune.com/statenews/x252042833/Pence-announces-school-safety-grants

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