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بسم تعالی IN THE NAME OF ALLAH. Afghanistan Country Paper. For sustainable Rural Development course in Thailand. Afghanistan. Afghanistan: Some Basic facts. Afghanistan has lies on the Central, West, and South Asia Total land area 647,500 sq km. Surrounded by:
بسم تعالیIN THE NAME OF ALLAH Afghanistan Country Paper For sustainable Rural Development course in Thailand
Afghanistan: Some Basic facts • Afghanistan has lies on the Central, West, and South Asia • Total land area 647,500 sq km. • Surrounded by: - Islamic Republic of Pakistan, - Islamic Republic of Iran, - Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and China.
Afghanistan: Some Basic facts… • Administration: • Central government • 34 provincial governor • 364 districts governor • Over 38000 villagesleaders and CDCs
Some Basic facts… • Population: - 24. 1 million on year (2006 /07) - Rural population is 79% or 19 million - Percentage of male 51% and female 49% - Annual growth rate 2.03% • 5 million displaced. • 800,000 people permanently disabled • 1.5 million people martyred
Some Basic facts… • Access to Health. • 17.5 doctors and 48.3 medical helpers per 100,000 people and 2,206 people per hospital bed. • Access to clean water…………25%; • Sanitation facility…………..…17% • Life expectancy; ………48 years
Poverty Situation • Afghanistan GDP: US$ 400 per capita. • One out of10 children dies before the age of five; • 20.4 percent of the rural population consuming less than needed calories per person per day.
Some Basic facts… • Agriculture: • About 12 % of total land is arable; • Forest coverage is about 3%; • Permanent pastures 46%; • Mountainous area Is 39%;
Some Basic facts… • Agriculture production: • Wheat, rice, been, maize, melon … • Vegetables:Onion and Potato, tomato, • Livestock: cattle, sheep, goat, camel, • Fruits: apples, pomegranate, apricots and mulberry grape
Afghanistan MDG Target 2004 -2020 • Gaol 1: Eradicate extreme poverty from: 53 % to 26 % hunger from 48 % to 24 % • Goal 2: Primary education: for girls from • 21 % to 100 % for sons from 51 % to 100 % • Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empowerment • Goal 4: Mortality rate among children under 5 • from 260/ 1000 to 90/ 1000
Afghanistan MDG Target 2020 • Goal 5: Improve maternal mortality rate from 1600/ 100,000 to 400/ 100,000 • Goal 6: Improve health conditions: TB from 321 / 100,000 to 91 / 100,000, malaria… Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability, access to drinking water from 43 % - 87 % • Goal 8 : Global partnership for development: increased GDP from US$170 / year to US$ 500 / year • Goal 9 : Enhance security : Reform and professionalize the Afghan National Army by 2010
همه با هم در راه ترقي افغانستان عزيز Together Towards A Competitive Afghanistan
بسم تعالیIN THE NAME OF ALLAH بسم تعالیIN THE NAME OF ALLAH Brief introduction to Ministry for Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) v
Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) • Goals: To ensure the social, economic and political well-being of rural communities, especially poor and vulnerable people, through the provision of basic services, strengthening local governance and promoting sustainable livelihoods free from a dependency on illicit poppy cultivation
MRRD Strategic Focused Areas • Priority Expected Results: • Improved Rural Well-being • Local Governance • Equitable Gender Development • Programme Alignment • Organisational Development • Partnerships
Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) MRRD Long-Term Vision: • “A healthy, poverty free Afghanistan based on independence, freedom, democratic governance, self-reliability and equitable development.” MRRD Mission Statement: • “To ensure the social, economic and political welfare of rural society, especially poor and vulnerable people, through the provision of basic services, strengthening of local governance and promoting sustainable livelihoods.”
MRRD Core Values • MRRD is people focused with emphasis given to the poor • MRRD favours participatory community led approaches • MRRD believes in equity in development • MRRD believes gender equity • MRRD demonstrates honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability • MRRD promotes innovations and creativity • MRRD ensures provision of effective, efficient and quality services • MRRD protects the environment • MRRD respects religious and cultural diversity • MRRD believes in national unity • MRRD promotes cooperation, coordination and collaboration with relevant stakeholders • MRRD upholds the interests of vulnerable and socially excluded groups of the society • MRRD believes in sustainability and self reliance
MRRD’s Rights-based Strategies • Promotion of good local governance • Provision of access to basic services • Means of livelihoods • Humanitarian response
GOOD LOCAL GOVERNANCE through community development & strengthened local government NSP Community mobilization CDC election & training. Formulation of development plan Community initiative projects Implementation of block grants M&E Seeking additional resources NABDP Strengthen PDC Creating DDAs Support & to formulate development plans Collaborate with other programmes to maximise support to provincial authorities and district administration PROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEES PROVINCIAL COUNCILS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT ASSEMBLIES CDCs CDCs CDCs VILLAGE VILLAGE VILLAGE VILLAGE VILLAGE VILLAGE Equitable Growth through Poverty Reduction
INCREASED PRODUCTIVE INFRASTRUCTURE enhancing health, education, market access WATSAN Sustainable safe drinking water points Hygiene education and sanitation facilities NRAP Connectivity thru rural road network Access roads to markets & social services Maintenance of roads Provincial Planning Workshops NSP Construction of roads, small scale irrigation and wells based on community development plans using block grants NABDP Infrastructure interventions based on community requests Priority Projects Identified by District Development Assemblies Community Priority Planning Village Development Plans RURAL COMMUNITIES Equitable Growth through Poverty Reduction
ENHANCED LIVELIHOODSwithcredit & productive infrastructure MISFA Establishes and develops functioning Afghan MFIs. MFIs provide rural financial services. MFIs assist clients to save and develop skills in financial management. Develops special products (eg for Kuchis) NRAP, Wat/San Access roads to markets & social services Small-scale irrigation Water & Sanitation Skills development for ex-combatants Employment assistance for trained ex-combatants Macro Level AUTONOMOUS PUBLIC AFGHAN COMPANY FOR RURAL FINANCE (National) FEASIBILITY STUDIES FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH IN KEY SECTORS (Regional) NABDP ESTABLISHMENT OF RURAL FINANCE SERVICE PROVIDERS (Provincial) Micro Level RURAL FINANCE FOR ALTERNATIVE LIVELIHOODS MICRO-CREDIT FOR RURAL POOR TARGETED SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ACCESS TO BASIC SERVICES RURAL COMMUNITIES Equitable Growth through Poverty Reduction
MITIGATION OF SHOCKS through Emergency Preparedness & Response NSS/VAU Inter-ministerial Early Warning System Emergency Needs Assessments NSP Training of CDCs in Disaster Preparedness by FPs Investment in infrastructure INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY MRRD Coordination & Assistance Provision Other Ministries Provision of Emergency Assistance FEWSNET Climate monitoring and forecasts (snow coverage & rainfall) RURAL COMMUNITIES Equitable Growth through Poverty Reduction
Further Policy Development • Strategic Plan for MRRD (2007 -09) is finalized. • Integrated program planning and performance based budgeting through annual policy review process & independent evaluations. • Strategic framework for development and maintenance of rural infrastructure (roads & drinking water), including standards and norms. • Mainstream Alternative Livelihoods through national programmes.
Further Policy Development • Engage with other Ministries to develop a comprehensive Rural Development Strategy. • Establishment of an Institute on Rural Development to enhance capacity across the country in participatory learning and research. • Development of policy guidelines and regulatory framework for the advancement of Rural Enterprise/Agro-Industry and Rural Energy through the establishment of two new Departments – Rural Enterprises and Rural Energy.
MRRD Implementation Strategy • Promote stability and state building by ensuring greater government participation and visibility in the delivery of services. • Facilitate an enabling environment in which public goods and services can be delivered with efficiency and accountability. • Develop public-private partnerships through collaborative project nominations, setting technical standards and joint monitoring of deliverables.
MRRD National Programmes • National Solidarity Programme (NSP): fostering community-level good governance and supporting community-driven development at the village level • National Area-Based Development Programme (NABDP): promoting comprehensive rural development in an integrated, people-focused manner at district & provincial levels • National Rural Access Programme (NRAP): establishing a quality rural road network that connects people with services and market • Rural Water and Sanitation Programme (RuWatSan): improving health and hygiene and reducing child mortality through provision of potable water and sanitation facilities • Micro-Finance: improving the lives of the poor and vulnerable through the establishment of wide credit and savings outreach • National Surveillance System (NSS): providing information and statistical data on the conditions in all 34 provinces by undertaking assessments, surveys, and studies.
MRRR National Prgrammes.. 7.ARDP a ten years progamme aimed to generate and facilitate Rural Enterprises . Via provision basic services for business development and access to credit .
Islamic Republic of AfghanistanMinistry of Rural Rehabilitation & Development Equitable Growth through Poverty Reduction Making the poor an asset rather than a liability for economic growth
Best Practices National solidarity program has produced best results • Practicing decentralization method for planning and implementation of the projects. • Balanced gender participation in all steps of the project planning and implementation • Covering whole country no bypassed community . • Changing the mindset of the people for devolvement activities • Giving the feeling of ownership to community members. • Above 50 thousand of project been successfully and sustain ably implemented within four years .
Best Practices • Using community based implementation approaches . • Men and women having equal rights to take decision. • In some projects community contributions are more than block grant .
Major constraints • Insecurity • Lack of arable land • Periodically drought • Lack of good road network • Lack of effective coordination at the area of the rural development • Low institutional capacity within the Gov • Lack of financial institutions in rural areas
Major… • Lack of processing technology in rural area • Critical skills lacks in rural areas
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