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Between 1980 and 2013, over one-thousand people have been injured in gun related school violence. My name is Matthew Byrd, and my topic is “Do video games and other violent media, cause violence”. Matthew Byrd. Research. Claims Common claims Government research Effects of violent media
Between 1980 and 2013, over one-thousand people have been injured in gun related school violence.
My name is Matthew Byrd, and my topic is “Do video games and other violent media, cause violence” Matthew Byrd
Research Claims • Common claims • Government research Effects of violent media • On children • On adults • As a community • Coverage in Media Studies • Results of research • Past examples
Research • The common claim is a direct correlation between violent media and violence. • More than half of all movies and video games on the market are “violent”. • The government has also done studies on the subject • No correlation was found between violent media and violence during these studies either. • Violence has existed in books and other forms long before video games and movies came around
Research • Children, may not have yet developed the ability to differentiate between right and wrong • Research shows a child's brain does not fully develop until the late teens. • Violent media at a young age can potentially desensitize a child • Youth violence although, has stayed at fairly the same rate as the past century • Just because a violent person enjoys video games, does not mean that is the cause of violence. • No one is searching for a real answer of what’s going on with the youth, and just jumping on the media bandwagon. • If there was a true correlation, all children who play video games would be violent
Research • It was found that most violent offenders preferred other mediums such as violent literature • There are multitudes of reasons for violence such as, family affairs, gun violence, mental illness, or just violent in nature. • A 2002 study by the FBI found that violent offenders did not consume a lot of violent media • Exposure to violent media does however trigger a violent reaction • While making people aggressive at times violent video games will not make people go out on a rampage. • While looking at the video game market around the world, no correlation can be seen • South Korea has the highest video game sales per capita, yet the lowest crime rate, with no limiting laws on the sale of violent media
Research • In the past two centuries there have been countless advancements in technology, all of which have been blamed at some point for demoralizing our nation • During the 50’s comic books were blamed by psychiatrist and politicians who said they caused delinquency • In the 60’s – 70’s, the television was deemed the cause of violence, blame which since then has vanished. • Human brains are too complex to fully understand • We cannot know for sure what causes what in a human reaction • Multiple and complex reasons that may lead one to violence
For my product, I made an informative video, which focused on teaching the viewer past examples of blaming violence on media, the research showing no correlation, as well as showing the opinions of people interviewed.
Product • The first part of my product, focuses on past examples and the “blame game” that is played with the youth culture at the time. • Each generation has something that the older generation blames for being the thing “wrong” with that generation
Product • I interviewed over one-hundred people around Clayton (at the High School, Grocery Store, and other locations) to see what people had to say • Incorporated their views into my product
Mentor • My mentor was Eric Schmieder, a JCC instructor of computer sciences. • He has been in the industry long enough to see if there is any correlation in advancements of technology and violence • Gave me information on how media coverage has changed and also helped brainstorm for the product.
Challenge and Success • Challenge • Finding a mentor • Finding time to work on product • Coming up with ideas for product • Successes • Learning about the changes in media and coverage in the past • Finding research done about the subject If I could change something, I would try to get more time to spend on my product, and interview more people
What I learned • How to create a Resume • About violence and its correlation with media • Time management • How to better edit videos • About how to create informative presentations • Work management
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