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World War II

Explore the devastating impact of World War II, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the origins of the nuclear arms race in the Cold War era. Discover the strategies, conflicts, and global consequences of atomic diplomacy.

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World War II

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  1. World War II

  2. Pearl Harbor

  3. Killing Japanese didn't bother me very much at that time... I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal. General Curtis LeMay The Savagery of War

  4. Fire-bombing of Tokyo

  5. The Manhattan Project

  6. The End of WWII & The Origins of the Nuclear Arms Race • The Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

  7. Hiroshima

  8. ‘Atomic Diplomacy’ & the Cold War • World War II in the Pacific • The US, Russia & Japan • The Potsdam Conference, July, 1945 • Hiroshima, Aug. 6, 1945 • Nagasaki, Aug. 9, 1945

  9. “The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb” • The Atomic Bomb & History • “Half a million lives saved” • Harry Truman • “a million lives saved” • Henry Stimson • Atomic Diplomacy The Doomsday Clock

  10. The Genie Out of the Bottle • The Cold War & Control of Atomic Energy • The Bikini Atoll Bomb Test • The Baruch Plan

  11. King’s X, 1946 Having invented a new Holocaust, And been the first with it to win a war, How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed, King’s X—no fairs to use it any more! --Robert Frost

  12. The Scientists & the Bomb One World or None “If the Bomb Gets Out of Hand” “The Peril of Universal Death” World Government What to do? What happened?

  13. Cold War “consensus” The Truman Doctrine “containment” Cold war at home NSC-68 Against negotiations with Russia Develop H-bomb Rapid build-up of armed forces Large tax increases Mobilization of American society to create “consensus” emphasizing “sacrifice” & “unity” A strong alliance system A campaign to undermine Russia from within

  14. The Nuclear Arms Race NSC-57 The “Super”—Mike test, 1952 Soviet H-bomb, 1953 US Bravo test, 1954 Soviet ICBM, Aug. 1957 Sputnik, Oct. 1957 US atomic arsenal: 1945: 2 1947: c. 6 1950: 300 1951: 640 1952: 1,005 1953: 1,436 1954: 2,063 1955: 3, 057 Global atomic arsenals

  15. “The Devil & John Foster Dulles” • The advent of “deterrence” (Brodie) • From “The New Look” to “Flexible Response” • The Bay of Pigs, 1962 • The Limited Test Ban Treaty, 1963

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