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Explore the creation of the universe, the next fundamental level of matter, and the magnetic world of Schwinger in the very early universe. Discover the possibility of multiple universes and the cyclic nature of cosmic evolution.
Probable Physics of the Very Early Universe Vladimir Burdyuzha ASC, Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow “New Trends in High Energy Physics” Odessa, May (12-18) of 2019
Content 1. Creation of the Universe; 2. The next fundamental level of matter and it consequences; 3. Magnetic world of Schwinger.
Very early Universe t=0 is a moment of creation; t=10-43 sec - Planck time; t~10-30 sec - inflation phase, probably; t~10-12 sec - reheating phase; t~10-6-10-3sec-lepto and baryo- genesis t=0→z=∞; t=4x1017sec →z=0;z-red shift Probably many universes are-multivers
Creation of the Universe We proposethe inflaton potential does not possess specific property and the plasma and vacuum of the U. created as a fluctuat. After relaxing processes taking place near Plank parameters they are in a quasi- equilibrium state. After every cycles entropy increased and every next cycle was more longer than preceding. Cyclic solution, tunneling was our result
This is a slow swell The birth of the U. is a quantum g-d transition of nothing into the state of a closed three dimension space of a small but finite size. Cyclic solution is an attractor Phys Rev D.65,126003,2002
Oscillatory regime might be As pointed out by R.Tolman, entropy dS≥0 produced during one cycle would add to the entropy produced in the next, causing each cycle to be longer than the one before it. (N.Turok, P. Steinhardt…2019 “Quantum propagation across cosmological singularities”) also “A Cyclic Model of the Universe”- P. Steinhardt, N. Turok arXiv:hep-th/0111030;arXiv:hep-th/0111098
Initial conditions Topology is closed; N0~ 104-106, RPT is second order on GUT scale (E ~ 1016GeV) and generation a new phase occurs continuously.Phys. Rev. D55 (1997) R7340 V.B., O. Lalaculich, Yu. Ponomarev and G. M. Vereshkov from Rostov University
Creation from nothing The term nothing denotes an extremely compactified empty (withour particles) space: analog of a classical singularity (Zeldovich’s and Grischuk’s gave this definition)
Phase transitions G→D4x[SU(5)]SUSY→D4x[U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3)]SUSY→ 1019 GeV 1016 GeV → D4 x U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3)→D4xU(1)xSU(3)→D4xU(1) 1010 - 105GeV 100 GeV 0.235 GeV At first a gravitation vacuum condensate produced (topological defects)
Results The computer experiments showed that because of the rapid character of the relaxation processes and the absence in the inflaton potential of peculiarities that are able to delay the system in the overcooled phase the usual type of inflation regime is not realized.
Results For production of the observed number of particles 1088 model of a slowly swelling Universe as the result of the multiple reproductions of cosmological cycles arises naturally. Eventually, it had passed off to modern de Sitter regime.
The next fundamental level DM particles from familons, existence of three generations of particles, existence of distinguished scales in the Universe, a fractal distribution of baryons and DM structures are the natural phenomenon in a composite (preon) model of elementary particles. Familons are a kind of axions (bosons)
The example The whole set of elementary particles can be described in the preon version according to the table • Particle Preonic composition Electric charge • Positron + + + +1 • Down quark - □ □ -1/3 • Upper antiquark - - □ - 2/3 • Electronic antineutrino □ □ □ 0 • W+ + + + 0 0 0 +1 • γ + - 0 • We suppose that there are preons of two types: preon ``+'' with the electric charge +1/3 and preon ``0'', without an electric charge. The antipreon ``-'' has the electric charge -1/3, and the neutral antipreon will be designated as ``□''.
Preon Model It is assumed that the second and third generations of particles are excited states of particles of the first generation. Besides, particles of the second and third generations are unstable, i.e., they may consist of combinations of the same preons and antipreons as and the particles of the first generation. Preons and antipreons are fermions. The same building blocks produce bosons.
Preon model-theory Consider the simplest boson-fermion-preon model of left chiral quarks and leptons. The basic elements of this model are the chiralfermionpreonsUαLDαL and the scalar preons of quark φiαa type and lepton χαl type. Then, in this model, the internal structure of elementary particles is:
Preon model - theory • V. B., O. Lalakulich, Yu. Ponomarev, G. Vereshkov Astron. Astroph.Trans.23 (2004) 453 • uiLa = UαL φa+iαauiLa = (uiL, ciL,tiL) • diLa = DαLφa+iαadiLa = (diL, siL,biL) • νiLl = UαLχαlνiLl = νLe , νLμ, νLτ • liLl = DαLχαlliLl= (eL, μL, τL)
Preon model-theory Inside quarks and leptons, the metagluonic fields Gωμνand the scalar preon fields are in the state of confinement. This effect is similar by its physical nature to the confinement of quarks and gluons inside hadrons, providing the existence of nonperturbativemetagluonic and preon condensates. These condensates are described by the following:
Preon model-theory <0I (αmc/π) Gωμν GμνωI0> ~ Λmc4 (1) <0I φa+iα φbiα I0> = Vab~ - Λmc2 (2) <0I χ l+αχαmI0> = Vlm~ - Λmc2 (3)
Preon model-theory In the framework of this theory, DM is a system of familon collective excitations of the heterogeneous nonperturbative vacuum. This system consists of three subsystems: 1) familons of upper-quark type; 2) familons of lower-quark type; 3) familons of lepton type.
Preon model-theory Small masses of familons are the result of super weak interactions of Goldstone fields with nonperturbative vacuum condensates. The value of these masses is limited by the astrophysical and laboratory magnitud. mastrophys.~10-3-10-5 eV; mlaborat.<10 eV.
Preon model The effect of familons mass production corresponds formally the appearance of mass terms in the Lagrangian of Goldstone fields. From general consideration one can propose that massive terms may arise as with ”right” as and with ”wrong” signs.
Preon model The sign of the massive terms predetermines the destiny of residual symmetry of Goldstone fields. In the case of ”wrong” sign for low temperatures T<Tc ~mfamilons ~ 0.1 -105 K a Goldstone condensate produces and the symmetry of familon gas breaks spontaneously.
Preon model A numerical simulation of such relativistic phase transition has shown that a spatial interchange of high-symmetry and low-symmetry phases took place in the Universe with the density contrast δρ/ρ ~0.1! V.B. JETP 124 (2017) 358
Results (3 scales) To explain the scale hierarchy of B structures, our model implements at least three relativistic phase transit. since there are three familon subsystems in the Universe. Baryons repeated this block-phase structure which produced particles of DM. 3 scales: galaxies,clustergal.superclust.
Two periods of the Universe evolution Magnetic world of Schwinger– very early U. Electric world of Dirac–early and modern U. e-, e+- electric charges (el. monopoles) They are observed everywhere g-, g+- magnetic charges (monopoles) They are not observed nowhere Why? They immediately annihilated in the very early Universe
Where we are? We are living in non-symmetric world. g- g+ could produced at red shift z~1010-1011 (t~0.3-0.003sec) and in super-strong magnetic fields of young pulsars also. V.B. JETP 127 (2018) 638
Magnetic charges Magnetic charges were searched more than 100 years. Pierre Curie predicted them in 1894. They were detected by F. Ehrenhaft (Austria) and his results were published J. of Franklin Inst. 3 (1942) 235. Experiments were not repeated during many years since div H = 0. R. Sizov (USSR) in 70th years observed probably magnetic monopoles also. But nobody believed these scientists.
Julian Schwinger He proposed and investigated the concept of a magnetic monopole, that means bringing more high symmetry to Maxwell's equations of electromagnet (dual symmetry) There equations worked very well in the early Univ. rot H = (1/c) әE/әt + 4πjediv E = 4πρe rot E = (1/ c)-әH/әt - 4πjg div H = 4πρg That happened later ? Cooling, phase transitions. Evolution of the Universe from T~1032K to state with T~2.7K during t~4x1017sec
Maxwell equations Maxwell’s eq. now rot H = (1/c) әE/әt + 4πje div E = 4πρe rot E = (1/c)-әH/әt - 4πjg div H = 0 They work very well ! But it is the special case, probably
Three forms of magnetic charges 1. Monopoles g± of middle masses are only discussed (m ~2.4 GeV and m~ 9.6 GeV) here. 2. In early Universe m. with m~1016 GeVexisted. Inflation was invented to deleted monopoles B. Cabrera (PRL 48,1378,1982) observed two events. High e. monopoles did not observe, althoughmany groups is looking for (Baikal exper.) + LHC (MoEDAL) 3. Lepton magnetic monopoles very small mass probably exist (Lochak, 2007)
How can detect? Unfortunately , monopoles of small masses (2.4 GeV) can not been detect on accelerators because of on energy (3.09 GeV) resonance J/ψ is. Its cross-section is more than cross-section of creation g+ g- (10 -31 cm2 » 10 -32 cm2) Schwinger’s monopoles with mass 9.6 GeV probably did not survive (they are relict monopoles and decayed to now). But high energy monopoles (1016 GeV) could survive, fortunately. Monopoles small mass may exist in the Space from pulsars only!
Artificial magnetic monopoles These topological defects (monopoles) were detected in spin ices for extremely low temperatures: Ray et al (Nature, 2014), Chen (arXiv: 2016), Olirainen (arXiv: 2017)……. Dy2Ti2O7 . Sum spin is more than 1. In spin ice elements of excitation were “magnetic monopoles” or more exactly topological defects in frustrated materials (spin ice!)
Dirac and Schwinger conditions (eg/ħc) = k/2 (k=0, 1, 2 …..) Quantization of an electric charge is consequence of presence of a magnetic charge (here k is a monopole quantum number). Schwinger’s condition of quantization is (eg/ħc) = k/2 (k=2,4,6…..) It is more symmetrical one. k is even
Some calculations In Dirac’s approximation:(k=1) g=68.5e that is a magnetic charge is very large. αe= (e2/ħc)=(1/137) characterizes a force of attraction or repulsion of 2 electric charges. αm=(g2/ħc)=34.25 In Schwinger’s approximation (k=2) g=137e
Bad news αe= (e2/ħc)=(1/137) !!!! αm=(g2/ħc)=(137/4)=34.25 We can not do any quant-mechanical calculations for magnetic atoms, in principle, because of αm>1
Some connection in magnetic world (g2/ħc):(e2/ħc)= (137/4):(1/137)= 4692,25 The force of attraction between magnetic charges is near 4700 times more than between electric charges in Dirac’s approx. (g2/ħc):(e2/ħc)= (137):(1/137)=18769 In Schwinger’s approx. force of attraction between magnetic charges is in 18769 times more than between electric charges.
Monopolium: the key to monopoles Till annihilation of magnetic charges (as and electrical) come through the atomic phase that is they produce an atom (g+ g-) monopolium like to (e+ e-) positronium.
Schwinger’s magnetic world Besides, J. Schwinger predicted possibility existence of new particles – dyons which carry electric charge (-1/3)e and magnetic charge (2/3)g . (e1g2 –e2 g1)/ħc) = K K = 1,2,3… Condition of quantization of two dyons
Magnetic Monopoles. Results 1. Magnetic monopoles is absent on the Earth; 2. They exist in Space(relicts or from young NS); 3. They can be observed on ISS by a Wilson chamber; 4. Spectrosc. calculations are difficulty(αg > 1) 5A space experiment must be held. MoEDAL on LHC will give a negative result because of J/ψ particle produces near.
Magnetic fields in very early Universe Helical hypermagnetic fields in the primordial Universe can produce the observed amount of baryon asymmetry through the chiral anomaly without any ingredients beyond the standard model of physics (H~1020 gauss if Hv~ 10-14 g ) Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016) 083520 T. Fujita, K. Kamada (arXiv:1602.02109)