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James L. Drachenberg For the STAR Collaboration October 1, 2013

James L. Drachenberg For the STAR Collaboration October 1, 2013. Transverse Single-spin Asymmetries from p ↑ + p ⟶ jet + X and p ↑ + p ⟶ jet + π ± +X at √ s = 500 GeV at RHIC. OUTLINE Introduction Event Selection Analysis Description Systematic Uncertainties Preliminary Results

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James L. Drachenberg For the STAR Collaboration October 1, 2013

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  1. James L. Drachenberg For the STAR Collaboration October 1, 2013 Transverse Single-spin Asymmetries fromp↑+ p ⟶ jet + Xandp↑+ p ⟶ jet + π± +Xat√s= 500 GeVat RHIC • OUTLINE • Introduction • Event Selection • Analysis Description • Systematic Uncertainties • Preliminary Results • Conclusions STAR

  2. Contributions to Proton Spin Structure Consider proton moving right Proton spin  Δq(x) Δg(x)   coming into focus: arXiv:nucl-ex/1304.0079 poorly constrained Polarized DIS: ~ 0.3 Spin sum rule: Proton spin  h1(x)   Transversity– data over limited kinematic range: xBj ≤ 0.3 Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  3. Sensitivity to Orbital Motion and Transversity? Sivers mechanism:asymmetry in the forward jet or γproduction Collins mechanism:asymmetry in the forward jet fragmentation ⟨Sq⋅ (p× kT,π) ⟩ ≠ 0 ⟨SP⋅ (p× kT,parton) ⟩ ≠ 0 SP SP kT,parton p p Sensitive to transversity(h1) Sensitive toproton spin–partontransverse motioncorrelations (needs Lz) p p π± Kinematic Variables z = pπ/pjet jT(kT, π)=πpTrelative to jet axis Sq kT,π Separate Sivers and Collins: Go beyond inclusive production - e.g. Jets, correlations, direct photons Sivers~ sin(φS) Collins ~ sin(φS-φh) φS—angle between spin and event planeφh—angle of hadron around jet axis Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  4. Transverse Jet Asymmetries Asymmetry moments sensitive to various contributions (analogous moments sensitive to gluon scattering) AUT – Transverse single-spin asymmetry (also written AN) Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) Approach Transversity • Boer-Mulders • FF Pretzelocity • Boer-Mulders • FF pbeam S⊥ ΦS Sivers • Boer-Mulders • Collins F. Yuan, PRL 100, 032003 (2008) D’Alesioet al., PRD 83, 034021 (2011) pπ Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg jT Φh –pbeam PJET

  5. Transverse Jet Asymmetries Asymmetry moments sensitive to various contributions (analogous moments sensitive to gluon scattering) AUT – Transverse single-spin asymmetry (also written AN) Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) Approach Transversity • Boer-Mulders • FF Pretzelocity • Boer-Mulders • FF pbeam S⊥ ΦS Sivers • Boer-Mulders • Collins F. Yuan, PRL 100, 032003 (2008) D’Alesioet al., PRD 83, 034021 (2011) pπ Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg jT Φh –pbeam PJET

  6. STAR Transverse Jet Asymmetries at Central Pseudorapidity Collins Asymmetry A ≣ 2<sin(ϕS – ϕh)> vs. z Collins Asymmetry A ≣ 2<sin(ϕS – ϕh)> vs. jT 0.1 2<sin(ϕS – ϕh)> R. Fersch, DNP2011 -0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 z 10-1 1 10 jT (GeV) STAR measured transverse single-spin asymmetries for inclusive jet production at central pseudorapidity and √s = 200 GeV (2006) : consistent with zero : hints of non-zero asymmetry with charge-sign dependence Similarly, di-jet and π0 AN at central psuedorapidity and 200 GeV consistent with zero PRL 99, 142003, PRL. 95, 202001, arXiv:hep-ex/1108.0911 Phys. Rev. D 86 32006 (2012) Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  7. STAR Transverse Jet Asymmetries at Central Pseudorapidity 2012 STAR data provide opportunity for higher precision and greatly reduced systematic uncertainties at √s = 200GeV R. Fersch, DNP2011 2011 STAR data provide opportunity for first measurements of central pseudorapidity inclusive jet asymmetries at √s = 500GeV  Increased sensitivity to gluonicsubprocesses Aschenauer, JLab UGM 2013 pT [GeV/c] Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  8. Moments of Jet Asymmetries at 500 GeV Various contributions to polarized jet+π cross section (TMD approach) Phys. Rev. D 83, 034021 (2011) Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  9. Moments of Jet Asymmetries at 500 GeV Various contributions to polarized jet+π cross section (TMD approach) Phys. Rev. D 83, 034021 (2011) Negligible under maximized scenario! Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  10. Moments of Jet Asymmetries at 500 GeV Various contributions to polarized jet+π cross section (TMD approach) Phys. Rev. D 83, 034021 (2011) D’Alesio et al. Possible non-zero contributions, expected to be quite small e.g. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 202001 (2005); Phys. Rev. Lett 99, 142003 (2007); Phys. Rev. D 86, 032006 (2012); arXiv:hep-ex/1108.0911 projections for √s = 500GeV Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  11. Moments of Jet Asymmetries at 500 GeV Various contributions to polarized jet+π cross section (TMD approach) D’Alesio et al. “Collins-like” asymmetry: Sensitive to linearly polarized gluons Completely unconstrained! Phys. Rev. D 83, 034021 (2011) Maximized contribution for √s = 500 GeV Gluon helicity density matrix Off-diagonal terms related to linear polarization in (xy) plane at angle φ to x-axis Phys Rev. D 73, 014020 (2006) Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  12. Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC Jet reconstruction utilizes TPC + Barrel + Endcap EMC J. Zhou, M.S. Thesis • Minbias Trigger: coincidence in • vertex position detector (VPD) • Pb+plastic scintillator with PMT readout • 570 cm from interaction point • 4.24 < |η| < 5.1, Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  13. Jet Reconstruction in STAR STAR Di-jet event at detector-level Data jets MC jets GEANT Detector  e+   e- Particle  Anti-kTalgorithm JHEP 0804, 063 (2008) Radius parameter R = 0.6 PYTHIA Use PYTHIA + GEANT to quantify detector response Parton π± Kinematic Variables z – π momentum / jet momentum jT – πpT relative to jet axis Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  14. 2011 STAR Event Selection • Center of mass energy, √s = 500GeV • Total integrated luminosity of 25 pb-1 for all transverse runs • Polarization for present analysis: 54±3% • Good event vertex with |zvertex| < 30 cm • Jet Reconstruction: • Nhits, track > 12 • Track association with event vertex • Minimum track pT > 0.2 GeV/c • Minimum tower energy > 0.2 GeV • Jet requirements: • No charged particles with pT > 30 GeV/c • Total charged-particle pT> 0.5 • Neutral-energy fraction < 0.98 • |ηjet| < 1.0 (and within detector acceptance of BEMC+TPC) • 6 < pT,jet < 55 GeV/c • Pion Requirements: • Restriction on dE/dx: -1 < nσ(π) < 2.5 (contamination < 3%) • (ηjet-ηch)2 + (φjet-φch)2 > (0.1)2 • Nhits, dE/dx > 5 Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  15. Studies with Embedded Monte Carlo Systematic shifts in reconstructed kinematic variables and azimuthal resolutions evaluated by comparing to Monte Carlo embedded in real zero-bias data simulate effects of real, out-of-time pile-up Detector-level jets matched both to parton and particle jets with matched event vertex Kinematic shifts evaluated at particle level Corresponding parton-jet pT~0.6-1.4 GeV/c lower jet pT track jT track z Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  16. Sources of Systematic Uncertainty • Dominant systematic uncertainty from • reconstructed jets unassociated with parton jets •  Take difference between measured AUT and AUT assuming dilution • Further systematic uncertainties: • Resolution of relevant azimuthal angles •  corrected as dilution to measured asymmetry • “leak-through” of other moments of AUT • Pion contamination from K/p and e± (< 3%) • Polarization uncertainty (correlated vertical scale uncertainty, σ(P)/P = 5.6%) Angular resolution corrected as dilution Pion contamination < 3% Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  17. Asymmetry Measurements half of detector α and β yields are functions of integrated over For uniform acceptance: Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  18. Estimating Leak-through Systematic Assuming 10% Sivers asymmetry 0.2 < zreco < 0.3 For 10%, upper-limit ~ 0.0021 For 2%, upper-limit ~ 0.0004 Acceptance inefficiencies can allow non-zero effects to “leak through” and distort desired observable Quantify distortion by event-weighting unpolarized data yields and calculating resulting asymmetries Reasonable acceptance + small observed asymmetries  Small upper-limits on “leak-through” systematic Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  19. Sivers Asymmetries Asymmetries shown as function of particle-jet pT Corresponding parton-jet pT lower by 0.6-1.4 GeV/c Horizontal errors include uncertainties from statistics, calorimeter gains, efficiencies, track momentum, and tracking efficiency No sign of sizable azimuthal asymmetry in jet production at √s = 500GeV Consistent with expectation from inclusive jets, di-jets, and neutral pions at √s = 200GeV pT [GeV/c] Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  20. Sivers Asymmetries Asymmetries shown as function of particle-jet pT Corresponding parton-jet pT lower by 0.6-1.4 GeV/c Horizontal errors include uncertainties from statistics, calorimeter gains, efficiencies, track momentum, and tracking efficiency Measured asymmetries shown in η-bins No sign of sizable asymmetry pT [GeV/c] Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  21. Collins Asymmetries Increased gluonicsubprocesses at √s = 500 GeV lead to expectation of small Collins asymmetry until larger z D’Alesio et al. Present data do not have sufficient statistics at high-z to observe Collins asymmetry of order 1% Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  22. Collins Asymmetries Present model predictions expect negligible effects for AUT vs. jT integrated over z > 0.1 Measured asymmetries shown for xF > 0 (i.e. 0 < ηjet < 1) in z-bins No sign of non-zero asymmetry as a function of jT or jet pT Similarly, no sign of positive effect for backward region (xF < 0), as expected Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  23. Collins-like Asymmetries Maximized contribution for √s = 500 GeV D’Alesio et al. Model predictions shown for “maximized” effect, saturated to positivity bound Until now, Collins-like asymmetries completely unconstrained  Sensitive to linearly polarized gluons Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  24. Collins-like Asymmetries Measured asymmetries shown for -1 < η < 1 in z-bins Consistently below 2% maximum from model D’Alesio et al. Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  25. Collins-like Asymmetries Similarly, no large effect observed as a function of jet pT Measured asymmetries shown for -1 < η < 1 in z-bins Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  26. Summary • STAR data from 2011 provide first measurements of transverse spin asymmetries for jet production at central pseudorapidity and √s = 500GeV Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  27. Summary • STAR data from 2011 provide first measurements of transverse spin asymmetries for jet production at central pseudorapidity and √s = 500GeV • Increased gluonicsubprocesses at √s = 500 GeV provide unique sensitivity to Collins-like asymmetry from linearly polarized gluons Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  28. Summary • STAR data from 2011 provide first measurements of transverse spin asymmetries for jet production at central pseudorapidity and √s = 500GeV • Increased gluonicsubprocesses at √s = 500 GeV provide unique sensitivity to Collins-like asymmetry from linearly polarized gluons • No observation of large asymmetry from gluon Sivers effect, consistent with expectations from previous measurements of jet and π0 asymmetries at √s = 200 GeV Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  29. Summary • STAR data from 2011 provide first measurements of transverse spin asymmetries for jet production at central pseudorapidity and √s = 500GeV • Increased gluonicsubprocesses at √s = 500 GeV provide unique sensitivity to Collins-like asymmetry from linearly polarized gluons • No observation of large asymmetry from gluon Sivers effect, consistent with expectations from previous measurements of jet and π0 asymmetries at √s = 200 GeV • No observation of large asymmetry from Collins effect, consistent with expectations from decreased quark subprocesses at √s = 500 GeV Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  30. Summary • STAR data from 2011 provide first measurements of transverse spin asymmetries for jet production at central pseudorapidity and √s = 500GeV • Increased gluonicsubprocesses at √s = 500 GeV provide unique sensitivity to Collins-like asymmetry from linearly polarized gluons • No observation of large asymmetry from gluon Sivers effect, consistent with expectations from previous measurements of jet and π0 asymmetries at √s = 200 GeV • No observation of large asymmetry from Collins effect, consistent with expectations from decreased quark subprocesses at √s = 500 GeV • First measurements of Collins-like asymmetries will help place constraints on model predictions beyond maximal projections from positivity bounds Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

  31. Looking Forward • Additional data from 2011 jet-patch triggers will allow much greater precision for higher jet pT (above 7 GeV/c) • High precision measurements from 2012 at √s = 200 GeV will allow greater sensitivity to effects from quark subprocesses STAR Preliminary Results at √s = 500 GeV Sivers Asymmetries Collins Asymmetries Collins-like Asymmetries Transverse-spin Jet Asymmetries - Drachenberg

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