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Helping Our ELL Students Succeed: Finding the Right Setting

Helping Our ELL Students Succeed: Finding the Right Setting. Amy Tatasciore Education 702.22:Seminar in Applied Theory and Research I Spring 2010. Table of Contents. Introduction Statement of Problem: Slide 3 Review of Related Literature: Slides 4 & 5 Statement of Hypothesis: Slide 6.

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Helping Our ELL Students Succeed: Finding the Right Setting

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  1. Helping Our ELL Students Succeed: Finding the Right Setting Amy Tatasciore Education 702.22:Seminar in Applied Theory and Research I Spring 2010

  2. Table of Contents • Introduction • Statement of Problem: • Slide 3 • Review of Related Literature: • Slides 4 & 5 • Statement of Hypothesis: • Slide 6

  3. Statement of Problem With the number of ELL students in our schools on the rise, educators struggle to find the right setting for our students to succeed. While Bilingual education can be a great option, it is not the only successful setting for ELL students. ESL settings can yield academic achievement.

  4. Related Literature- Pros • Structured English Immersion: Breakthrough in Teaching Limited- English- Proficient Students • (Baker, 1998) • The Effects of Integrated Language- Based Instruction in Elementary ESL Learning • (Kim, 2008) • Accelerating Early Academic Oral English Development in Transitional Bilingual and Structured English Immersion Programs • (Irby,Lara-Acecio, Kwok, Mathes, Tong, 2008)

  5. Related Literature- Cons • Effects of Bilingual and English as a Second Language Adaptations of Success for All on the Reading Achievement of Students Acquiring English • (Slavin, Madden, 2000) • ELL Programs: Not “One Size Fits All” • (Hoinsfeld, 2009) • Variations in Reading Achievement among Spanish Speaking Children in Different Language Programs: Explanations and Confounds • (Reese, Goldberg, Saunders, 2006)

  6. Statement of Hypothesis HR1- Implementing ESL strategies and techniques with first grade ELL students with English only instruction will yield the same or greater reading levels than with instruction in the native language.

  7. References • Baker, K. ( 1998). Structured English Immersion: Breakthrough in Teaching Limited- English-Proficient Students. Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 80 (3), 199-204 • Callahan, R. Wilkinson, L. Muller, C. and Frisco, M. (2009). ESL Placement and Schools: Effects on Immigrant Achievement. Educational Gandara, P., Merino, B. (1993). Measuring the Outcomes of LEP Programs: Test Scores, Exit Rates, and Other Mythological Data. Policy, 23 (2), 355-384 Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Vol. 15 (3), 320-338 • Gandara, P., Merino, B. (1993). Measuring the Outcomes of LEP Programs: Test Scores, Exit Rates, and Other Mythological Data. Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Vol. 15 (3), 320-338 • Hoingsfeld, A. (2009). ELL Programs: Not “One Size Fits All”. Kappa Delta Pi Record, Vol. 45 (4), 166-171 • Irby, B. Lara-Acecio, R. Kwok, O. Mathes, P. Tong, F. (2008). Accelerating Early Academic Oral English Development in Transitional Bilingual and Structured English Immersion Programs. American Educational Research Journal, Vol. 45 (4), 1011-1044 • Janzen, J. (2008). Teaching English Language Learners in the Content Areas. Review of Educational Research, Vol. 78 (4), 1010-1038 • Kim, Y. (2008). The Effects of Integrated Language- Based Instruction in Elementary ESL Learning. The Modern Language Journal. 92 (3), 431-451Peer Reviewed from PsycINFO database • Koskinen, P. Blum, I. Bisson, S. Phillips, S. Creamer, T. Baker, T. (2000). Books Access, Shared Reading, and Audio Models: The Effects of Supporting the Literacy Learning of Linguistically Diverse Students in School and at Home. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92 (1), 23-36 Peer Reviewed from PsycInfo database • Reese, L. Goldenberg, C. Saunders, W. (2006). Variations in Reading Achievement among Spanish Speaking Children in Different Language Programs: Explanations and Confounds. The Elementary School Journal, Vol.106 (4), 364- 385 • Slavin, R. Madden, N. ( 2000). Effects of Bilingual and English as a Second Language Adaptations of Success for All on the Reading Achievement of Students Acquiring English. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 4 (4), 393-416 Peer Reviewed from PsycInfo database

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