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July 17, 2009. Raising the Quality of Education in North Miami and North Miami Beach: A Teacher’s Perspective. Group Members: Jennifer Therazin Octania Therazin Viotha Louis Daphney Raphael Ania Pompilus Elizabeth Bellevue. July 17, 2009. Objective.
Raising the Quality of Education in North Miami and North Miami Beach: A Teacher’s Perspective Group Members: Jennifer Therazin OctaniaTherazin Viotha Louis Daphney Raphael AniaPompilus Elizabeth Bellevue July 17, 2009
Objective Finding out the base of a quality education from perspectives of teachers and administrators from North Miami Senior high as well as North Miami Beach Senior high.
Introduction • The quality of education in North Miami is an important issue and the budget allocated from the school board plays a major role. • These important factors are taken into consideration.
City of North Miami North Miami is a city located in northeast Miami Dade County in the state of Florida and about ten miles north of Miami. The city lies on Biscayne Bay. In 1953 the town originally called “Arch Creek” then it was renamed and called the “City of North Miami.” The city contains five elementary schools, three middle schools, and two high schools. They are all part of the public school system which is administered by the Miami-Dade County School Board.
Dade county public schools budget cuts • The budget distributed towards education is very important, and the way in which it is divided is also a major issue. • Over the past year Miami-Dade County public schools has reduced its budget to close to $300 million. • The reductions included a rollback of administration with a 27 percent cut of central office expenses and administrative salaries. • The school district is currently dealing with approximately $56 million in budget cuts.
Testing and Analysis • We decided to display the results on a t-test. • We used the six basic questions that focused on a lack of materials, i.e.: • In general, I feel that there are sufficient materials and resources available to students at my school. • There is no shortage of textbooks in the classrooms at my school. • My school has an adequate number of computers available for student use. • My school provides teachers with adequate resources for their teaching activities. • Each question had a possible answer range of 1-5. One being strongly agree and five being strongly disagree. • Therefore there was a maximum of 30 points and minimum of 6. • The greater the number it meant the more inadequate the school resources were. Also the better supported our hypothesis would be.
Conclusion and Discussion Based on our results and as residents and students of North Miami Senior high school we personally believe that there should be more textbooks for the classroom, more computers for research, and more experienced teachers to better suit the educational needs of the students.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases in North Miami compared to North Miami Beach Steve Alexis Herine BaronIslangiaLeveille Mariana Osorio Yetsania Flores July 17, 2009
Our Goal & Hypothesis • Goal • The goal of this project is to determine the level STD’s (AIDS, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia) of the cities of North Miami and North Miami Beach (NMB). • We believe that the main factor of the alarming rates of STDs is because the educational level on the issue is very low. • Hypothesis • The clinics in the City of North Miami will have more patients than North Miami Beach coming in to get tested, because patients think that there’s a probability that they might be infected with a STD.
Survey Target: Clinics • North Miami Clinics: • Alert • Planned parent hood • Universal Medical Bldg. • Doctors Medical • North Miami Beach Clinics: • Around the Clock • Women & Teen Health • American Urgent Care • AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Methods • As a group we went to 8 clinics in the area of North Miami and North Miami Beach to gather information on STDs in the neighborhood. • We stated that, “We are in the STUDY Program for the CRA of North Miami and we are completing a research project on STDs in our community and in the community of North Miami Beach”. • Survey population • Physicians – Nurses – Executive directors – Managers • Extra information that wasn’t stated in the questionnaire, such as: charts, brochures & websites were also given to us.
Survey Results • North Miami • Patient population: three out of four clinics (75%), stated that it was about the same number of males and females that came in to get tested. • 75% of the clinics agreed with the statement that African Americans visit the clinic more likely than other ethnic groups. • (75%) said there was no decrease in the past ten years. • North Miami Beach • Two out of the four clinics (50%) stated that more females than males get tested. • (75%) of the clinics agreed with the statement that there isn’t a primary group that best describes their patient population. • Furthermore, (50%) of the clinics in North Miami Beach disagreed when asked if African Americans get tested for STDs more than any other ethnic groups. • When it comes to the future increases four out of four (100 %)clinics strongly agree that there will be an increase of positive result of STD in the future.
Conclusion • The clinics that we surveyed (Doctors Medical, American Urgent Care) mentioned that the age ranges of the highest STD cases are 15-24. • One way to prevent an increase in the amount of STD cases in both North Miami and North Miami Beach is to provide educational focus of STDs throughout the community. • You can do so by passing out flyers, getting grants from large companies and the government to provide free condoms to clinics that aren’t able to provide it to the public. • Websites such as: http://www.rapituppresents.com/, gyt.com, mtv.com, alerthealth.org, plannedparenthood.org, womenandteenshealthcare.com, aidshealth.org should be advertised more . • In addition, it will be great if there were more awareness posters at schools, bus stops, outside teen-clubs and billboards. • As we saw through research and talking to testing clinic supervisors we conclude that our hypothesis was correct that the clinics in the City of North Miami will have more patients than North Miami Beach coming in to get tested. • After visiting actual clinics and gathering information the group sat down and discussed that there was a low amount of STD knowledge in the community. • With the saying of “one step forward and two step back” is how informed we feel many people are when it comes to STD’s in our community. We believe that many people chose to be uninformed.
References • http://www.aids.org/factSheets/101-What-is-AIDS.html • http://www.cdc.gov/std/gonorrhea/stdfact-gonorrhea.htm • http://www.cdc.gov/std/syphilis/STDFact-Syphilis.htm • http://www.cdc.gov/std/Chlamydia/STDFact-Chlamydia.htm
Gang Violence in North Miami compared to North Miami Beach Yonie Dorval Chris Brown Lina Lubin Rotchil Noel Lynard Williams Will’ Rod Delices July 17, 2009 S.T.U.D.Y
Introduction • “Advocates for children” wrote an article and predicted by the year of 2000 gang violence will become a greater threat to the well-being of our society and is to “spiral out of control”. • Unfortunately, their prediction became reality. Gang violence is becoming more and more of a problem today. • Our goals and objectives primarily are to compare the cities of North Miami and North Miami Beach crime rates dealing with gang violence. • Our secondary goal and objective is to provide information on how to decrease the gang violence in the city of North Miami
Methods/Procedures • We completed our data by creating a questionnaire for North Miami and North Miami Beach police officers and residents. • We had questions weighted from a scale of 1-10 and also questions whether they agree or disagree with a statement. We also were concerned with how well informed the residents are about gang violence in their prospective areas. • To obtain the information we needed we went to the North Miami and North Miami Beach Police departments and asked some of the officers to complete our questionnaire. • We also went door to door asking the residents of both cities to complete the questionnaire. • In our questionnaire sample there were 15 North Miami police, and 9 North Miami Beach police officers, overall we surveyed 23 police officers. • Furthermore, we surveyed 13 North Miami residents and 13 North Miami Beach residents. In total we surveys 51 people.
Survey Population • Gender: • 23 females and • 28 males • Ethnicity: • 26 black • 10 whites, • 12 Hispanic • 3 others • City of residence: • 28 North Miami • 19 North Miami Beach
Survey ResultsWhich of these gang related issues are significant problems in your city?
Conclusion • We strongly believe that the lack of programs in the community contribute to gang violence as well as parental involvement. • If young people cannot communicate their concerns and problems to someone significant at home, they could make a negative decision to join a gang • In our opinion, if communities were to start having programs to discourage our teens from joining gangs, gang violence will decrease tremendously. Examples of community programs we would establish are : • B.A.D – Bold Angered Delinquents ( A program that provides mentors and classes for teens in the area.) • Prop- A program that shows how to respect yourself along with your peers. • F.T.Y - For The Youth ( Basketball tournaments, Step Teams, Scholarship training.)
References • Federal Bureau of investigation .gov • NCPC.org • Violence prevention institute.gov • Wikipedia.com