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Register for November 8

Register for November 8. http://www.fraserinstitute.org/newsandevents/events/6139.aspx. Questions from last class. Reform? Good or Bad?. Competition in health care?. Should people who smoke have to pay extra for their health care? Or why should I pay the extra taxes for someone who smokes?

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Register for November 8

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Register for November 8 • http://www.fraserinstitute.org/newsandevents/events/6139.aspx

  2. Questions from last class

  3. Reform? Good or Bad? • Competition in health care?

  4. Should people who smoke have to pay extra for their health care? Or why should I pay the extra taxes for someone who smokes? • Should people who have unprotected sex with multiple partners pay extra for health care? Or why should I pay the extra taxes for someone who is a sexaholic?

  5. Should people who are alcoholic have their treatment paid for by taxpayers or should they pay it themselves since they made the choice?

  6. Should people who get pregnant at an inconvenient time have their abortion paid for by the taxpayer or should they pay for it themselves since the couple made the choice?

  7. Is there a difference if an ailment is genetic from if the ailment is because of lifestyle factors? On this list the differences rather than positives or negatives.

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