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Green Public Procurement in the Czech Republic

Green Public Procurement in the Czech Republic. Daniel Hajek. Strategic documents. Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Czech Republic The Programme of Support of Environmental Technologies in the Czech Republic (National ETAP).

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Green Public Procurement in the Czech Republic

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  1. Green Public Procurement in the Czech Republic • Daniel Hajek

  2. Strategic documents • Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Czech Republic • The Programme of Support of Environmental Technologies in the Czech Republic (National ETAP)

  3. Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Czech Republic • Priority 5: Sustainable public administration – green public Procurement • Draft, adopt and implement the government programme “Sustainable Public Administration”, making use of the experience gained in implementing pilot projects, the experience of public administration in the EU-15, the handbook “Buying Green” (published for this purpose by the European Commission), and propose criteria for the identification of environmentally sound alternatives. • In the framework of the preparation of this programme, the potential and the economic and social benefit of available measures for sustainable consumption of the public administration will be assessed, and priorities will be set. • Evaluate adopted measures and their benefits, and evaluate the activities and the level of involvement of local authorities. On the basis of this evaluation, adopt additional measures necessary for optimisation of the programme, transfer of experience, and consulting.

  4. The Programme of Support of Environmental Technologies in the Czech Republic (National ETAP) • Set objectives supporting GPP • Analyze the current legislation in the field of public budgets and propose measures for higher employment of environmentally friendly public contracts, • Analyze the potential for the employment of green public procurement including the draft of the relating data monitoring systems, • Submit to the Government the rules for green public procurement for the entire public sector, • Issue a methodology to define the environmentally friendly products and services, in particular, in relation to the Government Resolution No. 720 of July 19, 2000.

  5. Legislation - Law on public procurement • Implement all measure of European legislation, particularly – EC Directives 17 and 18 / 2004 • § 46 technical requirements • Technical environmental requirements (Purchasers can use e.g. criteria of ecolabel to buy environmentally friendly products) • § 56 / 63 technical qualifying precondition (sector contracting entity) • Requirements on environmental management systems (EMAS, ISO 14001) – (provider have to have some environmental management system) • § 78 evaluation criteria • Lowest price • Economical profitability offer • Technical quality of the offer • Environmental characteristic of the offer • Guarantee and after guarantee repair

  6. Legislation Government Regulation 197/2003 – plan for waste management of the Czech Republic • Regulation conserning prevention of waste production limiting their amout and dangerous attribute • Support of the implementation of the environmental managament systems by all accessible means • Support of voluntary activities in productive and also non-productive fields • Support of changes in behaviours in business and public field in the direct of prefering environmental friendly and healthy products

  7. Legislation Law concerning energy economizing • Contains measures e.g. • Regulation of the development of the State energetic conception • The National program of energy economizing • Requirements concerning isolation of buildings

  8. Government Decision No 720/2000 – about prioritizing of „green products“ Recommeds ministries and other state administration bodies to consider environmental criteria in tenders – give preference to ecolabeled products Ministry of the Environment was deputed to collect data of fulfilment of this Decision Previous policyclose connection with ecolabelling

  9. Current policy • Government Decision No 465/2010 - Rules for implementing of environmental requirements in public procurement of state administration and self-administration • Based on: • European Commission´s Communication on public procurement for better environment • European Commission´s GPP Toolkit • Mandatory rules for central bodies in particular product groups • Central bodies will implement environmental requirements (given in toolkits) in all tenders • Recommends the same for local authorities

  10. Included toolkits • Widely use European Commissions´ toolkits • Energy will not be implemented due to other special subsidies from state • Modified according specific conditions in the Czech Republic • availability of products • knowledge of purchasers • possibilities of practical implementation • Product groups with the widest experience as pilot: • Furniture • IT equipment

  11. Toolkits development • Discussion with relevant stakeholders and experts: • The Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy • Consultancy of general philosophy and design of the Rules and Toolkits • Ministry for Regional Development – the highest authority for public procurement • Consultancy of monitoring system and exact wording of „model contractual document“ • PELIKÁN KROFTA KOHOUTEK, Attorneys at Law • Consultancy of exact wording of „model contractual document“

  12. EU / national toolkits • Copying and graphic paper • Cleaning products and services • Office IT equipment • Construction • Transport • Furniture • Electricity • Food and Catering services • Textiles • Gardening products and services • Windows, Glazed Doors and Skylights • Thermal insulation • Hard floor-coverings • Wall Panels • Combine Heat and Power (CHP) • Road construction and traffic signs • Street lighting and traffic signals • Mobile phones • Indoor lighting

  13. Support / Communication / Monitoring • Toolkits contain „model contractual document“ • Purchasers can just fill contact details and basic information about particular tender • Ministry of the Environment will create a special web-site • Best-practise examples • More detailed guidance for download • Workshops • „The Information System of Public Procurement“ will be used for monitoring of the tenders to minimize administrative burden

  14. Purchase in the individual product groups in 2010

  15. Reporting / Expenditures

  16. Other policiesGovernment decision on Program for changing car fleet of public service by “environmentally friendly” vehicles • By the year 2014 will be 25% of all vehicles of state and public service „environmentally friendly“ • Ministry of the Environment create together with criteria a list of vehicles which fulfil these criteria (its easy to find appropriate vehicle)

  17. „External changes“ • § 46a Special technical requirements (Law on public procurement)

  18. Experiences • Cooperation between stakeholders is necessary • It works if rules are followed • Not all state bodies implemented toolkits to internal “instructions” • “The Information System of Public Procurement” did not fulfil our expectations • Awareness-raisingand informational workshops are very important

  19. Good example • Centre of economic activity of Mírov Prison • ask for the ecolabel – the easiest way how to proof conformity with toolkits • the price raised just a little bit (new wood based panels) x nevertheless in a types of contracts is that increase marginal • producer is now very active in promoting it´s green products

  20. Next steps • Discussion and introduction of some „new“ toolkits (usage of recycled materials in road construction) • Find the new way for getting numbers • Workshops for purchasers

  21. Thank you very much for your attentions • Department of economic and voluntary instruments • Tel. +420 267 122 489 • Email: Daniel.Hajek@mzp.cz

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