The region of Benešov attracts many tourists by naturalbeautiesandgoodconditionsfordoingsports, traditional folk customsandculture. Itissituated on thehighestplace in this area. In ourdistrictthere are many worthseeingplaces (MoravienKarst).
Theschoolislocated in thesouth-eastoftheCzechRepublic (district: Blansko). Itis a smallvillageschool, whichisattended by many pupilsfromsmalllocalvillages in the region. The Benešov schoolisattended by 125 pupilsfromseveralvillagesfromsurrounding. andthere are 11 teachers. Ourpupils are attheagefrom 6 - 15 years. TheylearnEnglishfromthe 2nd classandGermanfromthe 7th class.
Let´s learn English language through tales and stories it was the main idea of the project Story- Based English Teaching . Four countries were involved in this project – Turkey, Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic. Turkey was the Maincoordinator of thisproject.
All project partners had to decide and choose some of tales which should reprezent their country. Then we all created stories, translated texts, made and enclosed funny activities connected to the stories to the international portal. There were prezentations, puzzles, crosswords, colouring pictures and quizzes. A Generous Lion A stingy hunter sees a lion in the forest and he starts to watch it. The lion catches a big deer and it takes the dead deer to its own family to eat. After its family has eaten the deer meat ,the lion starts some of the remained but it doesn’t finish the whole meat and gives it to the other lions. Hunter watches the sharing soul among the animals in astonishment. He comes back to his home feeling sad about his stingy character. ‘’We can learn something from everybody sometimes even from animals.” Our partner Marinela from Romania sent The Story of Lazy Man.It tells how a lazy man wastes a lady's mercy and punished by the villagers.I noticed the last sentence "So the bridge was mended and my story ended"Thanks Marinela for such a cultural bridge from Romania (a story fromTurkey)
From many suggestions of tales we chose the character of the Little Mole. To response to our story in which the main character was greedy cow were enlightening fables from Turkish partners . Children from Romania continued this vein as well. And children from Poland made their own stories which was based on proverbs and sayings too. Morals are probably the same in all countries.
We decided to put on a theatre performance in the Czech – English version. We played the tale Kitty and Doggy at our school academy. We also presented our co-operations in the international project to the public there.
All projects activities were very insiring for us. We make new friends, get new information we were interested in. We also had a lot of fun by working on a computer. That is why we like being involved in international projects and we are glad that E twinning is here!
Wewereawared by these prizesforwork on theproject Story – basedEnglishTeaching