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Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics (CMMP) The Science of the World Around Us

Donald C. Shapero, National Academy of Sciences, DMR 0525628. An NSF-supported assessment of and outlook for CMMP. Exploring the discovery, understanding, and exploitation of new materials and phenomena, the report makes the following findings:

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Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics (CMMP) The Science of the World Around Us

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  1. Donald C. Shapero, National Academy of Sciences, DMR 0525628 An NSF-supported assessment of and outlook for CMMP • Exploring the discovery, understanding, and exploitation of new materials and phenomena, the report makes the following findings: • Fundamental and applied research in CMMP are inherently intertwined. • CMMP research is driven by single investigator research groups. • CMMP research connects strongly to society and other science disciplines. • Industrial laboratory research has evolved and new approaches to technological innovation are needed in its place. • Research in CMMP is supported through federal sources and private investment. • Federal support for CMMP research has been approximately flat over the past decade. • State-of-the-art tools, instrumentation, and facilities are key for advancing the forefront of CMMP research. • The report recommends: • Continued strong support from the federal government for research by individuals and small groups while maintaining the ratio of support between individuals/small groups and centers/facilities. • To create a healthier environment for junior faculty members while maintaining support for current projects the report recommends that the funding success rate grow to more than 30% over the next five years. • The report also recommends that the federal agencies work with the community to establish best practices for reviewing proposals in emerging interdisciplinary areas, support initiatives aimed at improving the representation of women and minorities in CMMP, support educational initiatives through stand-alone grants instead of through individual awards, and investigate how the creative, breakthrough research environment created within the large industrial laboratories of the past might be recreated in a new context. • Facilities and instruments that should be given priority, according to the report, include those supporting the development of new materials and next-generation light sources Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics (CMMP)The Science of the World Around Us

  2. Six CMMP Science Challengesfor the Next Decade Donald C. Shapero, National Academy of Sciences, DMR 0525628 • How do complex phenomena emerge from simple ingredients? • What is the physics of life? • What happens far from equilibrium and why? • What new discoveries await us in the nanoworld? • How will the energy demands of future generations be met? • How will the information technology revolution be extended? Report is available at http://books.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11967 or by contacting the Board on Physics and Astronomy at bpa@nas.edu.

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