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INTRODUCTION Our weather is ever changing, can be extremely unpredictable and exciting, and often includes some of the most fascinating natural phenomena known to mankind. Throughout this Webquest, you will comprehensively cover components such as the states of matter, the water cycle, clouds, air movement, cold/warm fronts, weather instruments, forecasting the weather and realizing how your lives revolve around our dynamic weather. You will engage in collaboration, research, experimentation, and creation. You will use your knowledge to perform a vital task, predict the weather. HOMEPAGE
TASK Channel 2 has just contacted our school. They are looking for students to help them with their weather forecasting. They somehow learned that our class was studying weather and meteorology and decided to come to us first. They would like to give all students a chance. Here is your big break! You could be part of the news telling millions of viewers what the weather will be like for the coming days. You will complete a set of tasks to help you gather all the information you need to create a great weather forecast to show them that you are the one for the job. Complete all the tasks and you could be the next weather forecaster broadcaster for Channel 2's 10:00 pm News! HOMEPAGE
PROCESS • 1. Read HSP Georgia Science Chapter 1 Lesson 1, “What is the Water Cycle?” with your partner. Complete the lesson review and submit for grading. You may continue with a passing grade of at least 70%. • 2. Complete Investigate – Changing States of Matter Lab. Be sure to follow all directions. Submit your lab report for grading. You may continue with a passing grade of at least 70%. • 3. Read HSP Georgia Science Chapter 1 Lesson 2, “How Do the Oceans and the Water Cycle Affect Weather?” with your partner. Complete the lesson review and submit for grading. You may continue with a passing grade of at least 70%. • 4. Complete Investigate – The Water Cycle and Weather Lab. Be sure to follow all directions. Submit your lab report for grading. You may continue with a passing grade of at least 70%. • 5. Read HSP Georgia Science Chapter 1 Lesson 3, “How is Weather Predicted?” with your partner. Complete the lesson review and submit for grading. You may continue with a passing grade of at least 70%. • 6. Complete the Online Weather Scavenger Hunt. Submit your scavenger hunt for grading. You may continue with a passing grade of at least 70%. • 7. Complete Investigate – Measuring Weather Conditions Lab. Be sure to follow all directions. Submit your lab report for grading. You may continue with a passing grade of at least 70%. This lab will take 1 week to complete. You will complete this lab in class while watching a weather forecast at home all week. • 8. Watch MULTIPLE weather forecasts on television. Record weather data on the chart: precipitation, cloud cover, air pressure, fronts, wind direction, wind speed, high temperature, low temperature. Write a prediction about what the weather will be like the next day on your observation chart. You will do this for 1 week. • 9. Create a visual, weather map showing your collected data. It should include: precipitation, cloud cover, air pressure, fronts, wind direction, wind speed, high temperature, and low temperature. • 10. Now create a weather broadcast. Remember to include all of those things that are on your weather map and television weather forecasters include in their broadcasts! Your broadcasts will be videotaped. HOMEPAGE
RESOURCES • 1. HSP Georgia Science Chapter 1 Lesson 1 https://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/content/hsp/science/hspscience/ga/gr4/se_9780153734168_/flashNavhigh.html?page=toc Extend Chapter Reading - http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/science_up_close/508/deploy/interface.html • 2. Investigate – Changing States of Matter Lab. • 3. HSP Georgia Science Chapter 1 Lesson 2 https://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/content/hsp/science/hspscience/ga/gr4/se_9780153734168_/flashNavhigh.html?page=toc Extend Chapter Reading - http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/science_up_close/408_ca/deploy/interface.html • 4. Investigate – The Water Cycle and Weather Lab. • 5. HSP Georgia Science Chapter 1 Lesson 3 https://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/content/hsp/science/hspscience/ga/gr4/se_9780153734168_/flashNavhigh.html?page=toc Extend Chapter Reading - http://www.weatherwizkids.com/weather-instruments.htm • 6. Online Weather Scavenger Hunt. • 7. Investigate – Measuring Weather Conditions Lab. http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/wwatch/gather_data/ • 8. Weather Forecast Observation Chart • 9. Weather Map Directions and Rubric • 10. Weather Forecast Directions and Rubric HOMEPAGE
EVALUATION Classroom Participation – time on task and focused Science – weather map and weather forecast HOMEPAGE
Congratulations on a job well done. After finishing this Webquest, you should be able to interpret weather data and weather maps and be able to interpret current weather conditions and make good weather predictions about the future. This will be a handy tool that will help you to plan vacations and other events around the weather. In any case, watching the weather is a fun hobby for anyone who has a curiosity for thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes! CONCLUSION HOMEPAGE
TEACHER PAGE OBJECTIVES STANDARDS S4E3. Students will differentiate between the states of water and how they relate to the water cycle and weather. a. Demonstrate how water changes states from solid (ice) to liquid (water) to gas (water vapor/steam) and changes from gas to liquid to solid. b. Identify the temperatures at which water becomes a solid and at which water becomes a gas. c. Investigate how clouds are formed. d. Explain the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, and precipitation). e. Investigate different forms of precipitation and sky conditions. (rain, snow, sleet, hail, clouds, and fog). S4E4. Students will analyze weather charts/maps and collect weather data to predict weather events and infer patterns and seasonal changes. a. Identify weather instruments and explain how each is used in gathering weather data and making forecasts (thermometer, rain gauge, barometer, wind vane, anemometer). b. Using a weather map, identify the fronts, temperature, and precipitation and use the information to interpret the weather conditions. c. Use observations and records of weather conditions to predict weather patterns throughout the year. d. Differentiate between weather and climate. 1. The students will understand what meteorology is and will recognize and define terms associated with weather. 2. Students will understand the processes of scientific investigation and design, conduct, communicate about, and evaluate such investigations. 3. Students will know and understand common properties, forms, and changes in matter and energy. 4. Students will learn and demonstrate the steps of the water cycle. 5. Students will be able to identify cirrus, stratus, and cumulus clouds and characteristics of each. 6. Students will understand that the atmosphere is made up of different layers and that the sun and earth affect the way these layers are warmed. 7. Students will learn differing weather patterns due to cold and warm fronts. 8. Students will realize the components of air movement including wind direction and speed, prevailing winds, air pressure, low and high pressure, and air masses and will identify the scientific instrument used to measure each. 9. Students will review weather instruments including the thermometer, barometer, anemometer, weather vane, hygrometer, and satellite as well as several others not previously studied and predict what information we may gain from satellites or more advanced instruments in the future. 10. Students will observe various forecasts and judge what makes one more successful than another. 11. Students will chart daily observations of weather both obtained from student made instruments and the weather channel. Students will use this data to create and orally present a weather forecast in which they will use a self-made weather map and data graph as visual aids to support their findings. HOMEPAGE