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Menu Madness

Menu Madness. Lynn Allen Autodesk Technical Evangelist. Course Objective. Cover those basic customization techniques that give us the best results in the shortest amount of time!. Course Outline. The Anatomy of a Menu file Basic Menu Customization Shortcut menus Toolbars Accelerators

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Menu Madness

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  1. Menu Madness Lynn Allen Autodesk Technical Evangelist

  2. Course Objective • Cover those basic customization techniques that give us the best results in the shortest amount of time!

  3. Course Outline • The Anatomy of a Menu file • Basic Menu Customization • Shortcut menus • Toolbars • Accelerators • Ways to torture your coworkers!

  4. Anatomy of a Menu:Major Menu Divisions ***BUTTONSn ***AUXn ***POPn ***IMAGE ***SCREEN ***TABLET *** MENUGROUP= ***ACCELERATORS ***HELPSTRINGS ***TOOLBARS

  5. Pull-down menus:***POP1-499 menus – Only ***POP1-16 will display

  6. Short-cut (Cursor) Menus ***POP0 and ***POP500-999

  7. New Pops (2000-2002): • POP500 Grips cursor menu • POP501 Default cursor menu • POP502 Edit cursor menu • POP503 Command cursor menu • POP504 Dimension cursor menu • POP505 Viewport cursor menu • POP506 XREF cursor menu (multiple) • POP507 MTEXT cursor menu • POP508 TEXT cursor menu • POP509 HATCH cursor menu • POP510 LWPLINE cursor menu • POP511 SPLINE cursor menu

  8. New Pops - 2004 • POP512 Polyline • POP513 Xref (Single) • POP514 Block • POP515 Blocks with Attributes • POP516 Viewports (multiple)

  9. Buttons and Aux menus(used to control the buttons on your input device) Buttons1 and Aux1 simple pick Buttons2 and Aux2 shift+pick Buttons3 and Aux3 control+pick Buttons4 and Aux4 shift+control+pick

  10. IMAGE menus

  11. Screen Menus

  12. Tablet Menus

  13. TABLET Menus ACAD.MNU permits a total of 4 tablet menus ***TABLET1 ***TABLET2 ***TABLET3 ***TABLET4

  14. Menugroup= Used for marking menu items and partial menu loading

  15. Helpstrings

  16. MNU MNC MNS MNR MNL Menu Filetypes

  17. MNU Template File MNC Compiled Menu file MNS Source File MNR Resource File MNL Lisp file attached to menu

  18. Pull-down Menu Basics : ; enter Example: zoom;a erase;all;; \ pause for user input Example: -insert;pulley;\;;\ dtext;\.5;0;\

  19. Menu item layout Menu items need a title[in brackets]followed by the macro (what you want the menu item to do!) [title]menu macro [I give up!]quit

  20. [screen display] Example: [Pulley]-insert;pulley ^C cancel Example: [Pulley]^C^C-insert;pulley & mnemonic key Example: [&Pulley]^C^C-insert;pulley * repeats a menu item Example: [&Pulley]*^C^C-insert;pulley;\;;\

  21. Misc. menu codes [- -] draws a separator line + for long menu items that need to wrap down to the next line. * repeats a menu item Multiple repeats a command \t right justifies menu text

  22. Sample.MNU (pull-down) ***POP1 [&Misc] [&Zap]^C^Cerase;all;; [&Logo]^C^C-insert;logo [S&Quare]*^C^Cpolygon;4;e;\\ [&Filled Circle]^C^C_donut;0;\ [&Trim Corners]^C^Cmultiple;fillet;r;0;\\ [Ale&X Toolbar]^C^C-toolbar;alex;show [- -] [Z&oom]’zoom [&Annoying display items]^C^Cucsicon;off;+ blipmode;0 [&Extend\rF11]^C^Cextend

  23. Casading Menus -> indicates the Start of a cascade <- indicates the End of a cascade [->CIRCLE] begins a cascade <-<- returns you from a second cascade.

  24. Cascade example from the ACAD menu: [->&Ellipse] [&Center]^C^C_ellipse _c [Axis, &End]^C^C_ellipse [--] [<-&Arc]^C^C_ellipse _a [--] [->&Block]

  25. Cursor Menus • ***POP500+ Can create your own object shortcuts For editing: OBJECT_objectname Example: ***POP509 **OBJECT_HATCH For creating: COMMAND_commandname Example: ***POP513 **COMMAND_CIRCLE

  26. Buttons menu ***BUTTONS1 ; ‘zoom ------------------------------------------------------ ***AUX1 ; ^C^Cqsave

  27. Tablet Menu ***TABLET1 [A-1]^C^CXLINE [A-2]^C^CRAY [A-3]’RTPAN [A-4]’RTPAN [B-1]’RTZOOM [B-2]’RTZOOM

  28. Toolbars!(Couldn’t be easier!)

  29. Toolbar Customization dialog

  30. Torture your coworkers...

  31. The Object Property toolbar: **TB_OBJECT_PROPERTIES ID_TbObjectP [_Toolbar("Object Properties", _Top, _Show, 0, 1, 1)] ID_Ai_molc [_Button("Make Object's Layer Current", "ICON_16_MOLC", "ICON_16_MOLC")]^C^C_ai_molc [- -] [_Control(_Layer)] [- -] [_Control(_Color)] [- -] [_Control(_Linetype)] [- -] [_Control(_Lineweight)] [- -] [_Control(_PlotStyle)]

  32. Others you can add: [_Control(_DimStyle)] [_Control(_View)] [_Control(_UCSManager)] [_Control(_ViewportScale)] AutoCAD 2004: [_Control(_TxtStyle)]

  33. Warning! Toolbars are saved in the MNS! To SAVE for good: Rename the MNS to the MNU (always save a copy of the original MNU!)

  34. Accelerators • The ability to assign AutoCAD commands to specific keys and key combinations

  35. Accelerator editor

  36. The following keys can be reassigned: • Function keys (F1-F12) [“F1”], [“F2”], [“F3”], [“F4”] • Control key combinations[Control+“L”], [Control+”K”] • Shift key combinations[Shift+”E”], [Shift+”R”] • Shift + Control key combinations[Shift+Control+”E”], [Shift+Control+”Z”]

  37. More accelerators... • Arrow keys[Control+”up”], [Control+”down”], [Control+”left”], [Control+”right”] • Escape key [“Escape”] • number pad keys 0-9 [“numpad0”],[“numpad1”] • Home,End,Insert and Delete [Control+”Home”],[Control+“End”],[Control+“Insert”],[Control+“Delete”]

  38. Examples: [Shift+”E”]endp [Shift+Control+”I”]int [Conrol+”Q”]Quit [Control+“INSERT”]^C^Cinsert [Control+“DELETE”]^C^Cerase [Control+“LEFT”]^C^CU [Control+“RIGHT”]^C^Credo [“F4”]’osmode;4095 [“F11”]^C^Cextend [“F12”]^C^Ctrim [“NUMPAD5”]@x^h ["NUMPAD6"]<0 ["NUMPAD9"]<45 ["NUMPAD8"]<90 ["NUMPAD7"]<135 Note: Be careful what you assign!

  39. Ways to abuse your coworkers... TORTURE.MNU ***accelerators [“ESCAPE”]^C^Cerase;l;;

  40. How to contact me: lynn.allen@autodesk.comwww.autodesk.com/lynnallen

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