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Making a difference in the health & happiness of NJ families

Making a difference in the health & happiness of NJ families. Our Mission. Get FIT is dedicated to promoting full, happy, healthy, fit lives for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their caregivers. . Fitness-Integration-Training. Why Get FIT?.

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Making a difference in the health & happiness of NJ families

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  1. Making a difference in the health & happiness of NJ families

  2. Our Mission Get FIT is dedicated to promoting full, happy, healthy, fit lives for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their caregivers.

  3. Fitness-Integration-Training

  4. Why Get FIT? Childhood obesity issue in NJ (ranked 27) Obesity rates for children with disabilities are 38% higher than for children without

  5. Why Get FIT? • Obesity rates for adults with disabilities are 58% higher than for adults without • Lack of accessibility • Physical/attitudinal barriers • Stigma/stereotypes • Chronic lack of opportunity

  6. But, WHY? • Differences in body composition (muscle mass vs. fat mass) • Lack of physical activity • Medications that increase appetite • Parents may be over-permissive or over-restrictive regarding food and exercise • Parents may be afraid to allow their child to do things for him/herself because of seizures, asthma etc. • Parents may be confused about how and when to set limits for a child with physical or mental disabilities • U.S. lifestyle—media messages telling us to increase consumption of calorie dense foods, labor saving devices

  7. Less of this…

  8. More of this…

  9. Did you know!?!? Children with special needs may have fewer opportunities for physical activity because of a need for constant supervision or for adaptive equipment. 20% of children 10 through 17 years of age who have special health care needs are obese compared with 15% of children of the same ages without special health care needs. Children who walk with braces and crutches or walkers actually burn more calories than children without during actual periods of walking.

  10. It’s more than just a weight issue Overweight children are more likely to be teased and to be targets of bullies. As BMI in children with developmental disabilities rises, quality of life decreases Overweight may lower self esteem by interfering with independence.

  11. Where can you Get FIT? Camp YMCA Private Gym School Home

  12. Get FIT @ Gym

  13. Get FIT @ Gym

  14. Get FIT @ YMCA

  15. Get FIT @ School

  16. Get FIT @ Camp

  17. Get FIT @ Camp

  18. Get FIT @ Home

  19. Get FIT @ Home

  20. The Family Resource FOOD Network

  21. Train-the-Trainer- Statewide

  22. Where would you like to Get FIT?

  23. Epilepsy and Exercise- Risks Consult with your doctor/neurologist first, and discuss seizure precipitants If exercise is identified as a seizure precipitant then an exercise program can be designed that will allow the person to exercise safely and possibly even avoid the factor that exacerbates seizures

  24. Epilepsy and Exercise- Benefits • The benefits usually outweigh the risks, but everyone should consult their doctor first • Exercise promotes stress reduction, and has positive effects on blood pressure, blood sugar and bone health • Aerobic exercise often reduces seizure frequency, relieves depression, reduces social isolation, and promotes cardiac and general health. • Walking, jogging, running (indoor, grass, or supervised track)

  25. Athletes with Epilepsy Jason Snelling- Falcons Alan Faneca- Steelers

  26. Get FIT Spotlight 12 week Get FIT @ Home program in Texas Sarah lost 3 inches off her waist & 2 inches off her hips Less frequency of seizures Increased self confidence Made new friends

  27. Strategies of Success • Discuss benefits and guidelines for exercise • Appropriate clothing and shoes for exercising • The advantages of warm-ups and stretching • The benefits of exercise/physical activity • Appropriate breathing when exercising • The advantages/benefits of cool-downs • The advantages/benefits of a balanced diet

  28. Strategies of Success • Make it fun • Supervised setting • Start slow, increase intensity over a period of time • Low to the ground activities • Recumbent bike vs. Treadmill • Weight machines Vs. Free weights • Include all members of the family

  29. For More Information www.getfitnj.org www.Facebook.com/getfitnj Adeola Sonaike asonaike@familyresourcenetwork.org 609-392-4900

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