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Sharing secure m-coupons for peer-generated targeting via eWOM communications. Sue-Chen Hsueh , Jun-Ming Chen Department of Information Management, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan. Source : Science Direct, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications/January 2010
Sharing secure m-coupons for peer-generated targeting via eWOM communications Sue-Chen Hsueh , Jun-Ming Chen Department of Information Management, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan Source : Science Direct, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications/January 2010 Date : May 18, 2012 Presenter :黃家柔
Outline • Introduction • Mobile-coupons’s framework • Implementation of the proposed scheme • Notations • Four phases for MM(targeted member) • Two phases for MU(non-targerted member or non-member) • Analysis of security • Conclusions • Thought
Introduction(1/2) • In this paper,we propose an mobile-coupon(m-coupon) sharing scheme that increase circulate coupons among social network and redemption. • In this scheme, the firm first selects targeted members who repeatedly purchase certain products and then send a virtual coupon book(a chain of coupons) and virtual sharable coupon book(a chain of sharable coupons).
Introduction(2/2) • The targeted members have the coupon that they use and share coupon to peers. If a forwarded m-coupon is redeemed, the sender of that coupon may receive rewards in future marketing campaigns. • We attempt to use on social network reach to improve coupon redemption rate via electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) on mobile devices.
Electronic-coupons’s framework 1. Blank coupon request 2. Blank coupon Manufacture 5.Verification request Electronic coupon provider 6.Certificate of use 7.Clearing request 3.e-coupon 4.e-coupon Retailers Consumer
Mobile-coupons’s framework 1. Authorization Manufacture Mobile coupon provider 4.Verification 2.Issuing 5.Clearing request 6.Clearing WOM Sharing 3.Redemption Retailers Consumer communities
Applications of the hash chains Redeem (higher discount) Chain_X Bob 1.Asking for a m-coupon 2.Xi of the redemption chain and Yi of the sharing chain,for i=1,2,…,n Chain_Y Targetedmember Mobile coupon provider Alice Share (lower discount) Recommended mobile user Retailers
Sharing m-coupon by word-of-mouth Alice Recommended non-member 4. Registered and upgrade 2.Sharing 3. Registration request or redemption 1.Issuing Bob Targeted member 3.Profile-updating request or redemption Mobile coupon provider 4.Acknowledge and upgrade 2.Sharing Candy Non-targeted mobile member
Four phases for MM(targeted member) Phase 1. Issuing phase Phase 2. Redemption phase Phase 3. Clearing phase Phase 4. Sharing phase
Phase 1. Issuing phase Bob Targeted member(MM) Manufacture(F) M-coupon provider(P) 1.SSKMM(MUC || C ) 2.SN 3.EPKF(SSKMM(MUC || C ) , SN) 4. EPKP(SF) , EPKMM(Xp,Yq) SF = SSKF(X0,Y0,EXD,MUC,SN) Hp(Xp) Hq(Yq) P提供SF給R於兌現階段驗證 m-coupon。 5. EPKMM(Xp,Yq)
Phase 2. Redemption phase Bob Targeted member(MM) M-coupon provider(P) 1.RID ,Xi , i , SN 2.EPKP(SSKR(RID ,Xi , i , SN , IDR )) 3. EPKR(SF) SF = SSKF(X0,Y0,EXD,MUC,SN) Hi(Xi) P根據SN查詢對應的SF,供R驗證m-coupon,紀錄第i個m-coupon已兌現。 RID = H(X0 || Xi ||IDR || MUC) ? 4. SSKR(H(Xi || MUC)) Retailers(R)
Phase 3. Clearing phase if相等,F根據SN查詢對應的MUC,再用PKR驗證簽章SSKR(H(Xi || MUC))的完整性。 Manufacture(F) ? 1.EPKF(Xi , i , SN ,SSKR(H(Xi || MUC))) 2. Clearing 用來查詢對應的X0 Hi(Xi)=X0 2’. Failed verification Retailers(R)
Phase 4. Sharing phase Alice Bob Targeted member(MM) 1.Yq , SN , PKP 2. EPKP(MUC’) 3.SSKMM(EPKP(MUC’)) Recommended mobile user(MU)
Two phases for MU(non-targerted member or non-member) Phase 1. Redemption phase Phase 2. Registration phase
Phase 1. Redemption phase Alice Non-member M-coupon provider(P) 1.RID’, Yi , i , SN , SSKMM(EPKP(MUC’)) 2. EPKP(SSKR(RID’, Yi , i , SN , IDR , SSKMM(EPKP(MUC’)))) 3.EPKR(MUC’,SF) P得到MUC’後,根據SN查詢對應的SF 紀錄已兌現的m-coupon:Yi及i RID’ = H(Y0 || Yi ||IDR || MUC’) 4.SSKR(H(Yi || MUC’)) Retailers(R)
Phase 2. Registration phase Alice Non-member Manufacture(F) M-coupon provider(P) 1.1.Registration request 1.2.Key pair SKMM’為非會員註冊為會員後的SK。 2. SSKMM’(MUC’ , Y0) 3.SN’ 4.EPKF(SSKMM’(MUC’ , Y0),SN’) 非會員解密EPKMM’(Yq’)得到Yq’當作未來的Chain_Y’ 5.EPKP(SF’) , EPKMM’(Yq’) SF’= SSKF(Y0,Y0’,EXD’,MUC’,SN’) Hq(Yq’) 6.EPKMM’(Yq’) F會根據Y0去給予上一個分享的消費者應得的回饋。
Analysis of security(1/3) • Confidentiality -XP and Yqare encryptedusing the receiver’s public key,only the legal receiver can decrypt and access the delivered information. • Authentication - In the redemption phase, the R can retrieve the SF , which is used to verify the m-couponsreceived from the P. The R can use the PKF to confirm that the SF was in fact generated by the F. • Integrity • In the issuing phase, the F signs the contents to generate a digital signature SF. Only F’s private key can generate SF, no malicious party can forge or alter the m-coupons.
Analysis of security(2/3) • Verifiability • In the redemption phase, after the MM sends the {RID , Xi , i, SN} to the R for redemption, the R will compute the one-way hash function i times from the received Xi and compare the output with the root value X0,which can be calculated using the received SF . • Double-redemption • After an MM sends a redemption request,the R will send the EPKP (SSKR (RID , Xi , i, SN, IDR )) to the P to request the SF . The P will query the root value X0 and the redeemed Xi to verify that there is no double-redemption.
Analysis of security(3/3) • Unforgeability • In the issuing phase, the F signs {X0,Y0,EXD,MUC,SN} by using the SKF to generate a digital signature SF , which is used for verification during redemption. If a malicious MU attempts to redeem a forged m-coupon, verification will fail, as the forged m-coupon would have been generated using illegal versions of XP and Yq.
Conclusions • Combining the portability of mobile devices with interpersonalinteraction may help increase m-coupon circulation and redemptionrates. • Our current implementation offers incentives to the m-coupon forwarder by issuing rewards that can be claimed during future marketing campaigns. • Coupons under our current scheme can only be shared between a targeted user and a recipient. In the future, we would like to extend our work to explore sharing of m-coupons between recipients.
Thought(1/3) • 這篇它雖然有針對非會員提出解決方法,但在一開始發行階段,是由會員向行動優惠券發行提供商提出要求領取行動優惠券,由行動優惠券發行提供商確認是否為會員,但這動作沒有考慮到另外一種情況是由行動優惠券發行提供商直接向消費者做宣傳發行的動作。 • 如果由行動優惠券發行提供商發送簡訊的話,但簡訊內容都是一樣的,這樣無法辨別優惠券是由誰分享的,若在簡訊上面一併附帶一組編碼,或許可以用來識別使用者。 • 在發行階段,是由廠商產生Xp,Yq後透過行動優惠券發行提供商傳給消費者,這部分感覺比較像是由廠商去發行優惠券,行動優惠券發行提供商像是中間傳遞者。
Thought(2/3) • 紅利點數定義 : 紅利點數→兌換優惠卷→分享 • 紅利點數發放 : 是消費者於消費後,由零售商根據消費者消費金額對應的紅利點數去發放給消費者的紅利點數,由優惠券發行提供商統一紀錄。 • 紅利點數回饋:是消費者於分享優惠券後,由優惠券發行商發送紅利點數回饋,這部分在優惠券發行商的定義上可能得再重新定義,優惠券發行提供商除了發行優惠券外另外也發行紅利點數回饋。然後,消費者再將零售商發送的紅利點數和從優惠券發行提供商發送的紅利點數回饋傳給優惠券提供商統計兌換優惠券。 回饋
Thought(3/3) ▪ Note: 被分享的消費者。 • 分享的定義: (兌現) Chain_X ▪ 優惠券分享完後就不可使用了,即消費者本身不可再使用,只有最後拿到優惠券的消費者可使用。 …… Chain_Y (分享) customer ▪ 一個消費者可分享給很多消費者,分享的每個消費者又可以再分享下去,且消費者本身和每個被分享的消費者都可以兌現優惠券(但優惠折扣會隨著分享而遞減),才能“達到分享的最高效用,增加誘因促使消費者消費",這部分是比較符合現實層面需求理想化的情況。 (兌現) Chain_X …… …… customer …… …… …… …… (use) 折30% (n-1) 折50% (n) 折10% (n-2) Chain_Y Retailers Retailers (分享)