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CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF FOREST GENETIC RESOURCES IN ROMANIA – ADAPTATION OF SPECIES IN EXTREME SITE CONDITIONS. Gheorghe P ârnuţă* Marin Tudoroiu * Ecaterina-Nicoleta Chesnoiu* Marius Budeanu* Elena Stuparu* Virgil Scărlătescu* Adrian Lorenţ* Mihai Filat*
CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF FOREST GENETIC RESOURCES IN ROMANIA – ADAPTATION OF SPECIES IN EXTREME SITE CONDITIONS Gheorghe Pârnuţă* Marin Tudoroiu* Ecaterina-Nicoleta Chesnoiu* Marius Budeanu* Elena Stuparu* Virgil Scărlătescu* Adrian Lorenţ* Mihai Filat* Maria Teodosiu* Marius Sorin Nică* Mihai Daia*** Nicolae Şofletea** AlexandruLucian Curtu** * Forest Research and Management Planning Institute ** Transylvania University Braşov *** National Forest Administration -ROMSILVA TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
Romania takes part in the MCPFE (Ministerial Conferences on the Protection of Forests in Europe) process which has promoted several resolutions to enhance the conservation on forest biodiversity in general, and forest genetic resources, in particular TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
Strasbourg 1990- S2 Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources, • Helsinki, 1993 – H2 General Guidelines for the Conservation of the Biodiversity of European Forests, and • Viena, 2003 - V4 Conserving and Enhancing Forest Biological Diversity in Europe TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
On European level the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN)Programme was launched in 1994 under IPGRI coordination (now called Bioversity International), as an instrument for implementation of S2 Resolution. On European level the EUFGIS (Establishment of an European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources) Project is underway and Romania is a participant (ICAS being the national focal centre) TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
Romania is a participant in the EUFORGENProgramme which has developed the conservation methods for tree species. A dynamic gene conservation strategy is based on: the maintenance of the evolutionary processes within tree population to safeguard their potential for continuous adaptation: in their natural habitats (in situ), or outside their natural range in artificial (planted) sites (ex situ). TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
THE OBJECTIVE OF FGR CONSERVATION The main objective of FGR conservation is to ensure the adaptability of species and populations in a changing environment, by maintaining an adequate level of genetic varability TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
METHODOLOGY • A.ESTABLISHMENT OFFGR : • The method used is in accordance with: - the Fellow up Committee recommendations for applying the S2 Resolution , Strasbourg (1990), and - Minimum species requirements recommended by EUFORGEN networks TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
ESTABLISHMENT OFFGR : • the FGRis formedby acore zone(the properly genetic resource which has minimum 10 ha of surface)anda buffer zonewhich surrounds the core zone and has a protection role • Establishing a FGR implied several phases(activities): 1-fieldexploration; 2-sampling; 3-description and field materialization;4-evidence;5-classification(genetic evaluation)of FGR; 6-establishment of management measures TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
B. Setting up of the GIS database and elaboration of digital maps on national level: • in the field: identification and determination of all in situ FGR’s coordinates • in the office: elaboration of database and digital maps using ArcGIS-ArcInfo 9.2 software TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
RESULTS I.Elaboration of National Register of Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) II.Technical Guidelines for sustainable management of FGR III.Elaboration of GIS database and digital maps concerning the FGR TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
I.Elaboration of National Register of Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) - There were established 698 FGR of conservation units for 45 main forest tree species and 31 secondary forest tree species - The FGR are presented in detail in register sheets TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
The FGR Register sheets contain details on the following items: • Administration (County forest administration, Forest district) • Administrative localization (management unit and compartment); • Surface; • Description of the site and stand conditions(including geographic coordinates) of the core zone, and • the composition of the buffer zone. TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
Each FGR has an unique code. • For each oh the FGR there are presented: • Name; • Conservation type(in situ sau ex situ); • Origin; • Present ownership(public of state or of territorial administrative units, and private of natural persons or companies, associations). TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
Register sheet TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
A EASTERN CARPATHIANS, A1 WESTERN RANGE Region of provenances: A 110 Norway spruce forests Code: RG-MO/FA,BR,PAM-A110-1 in situ ConservationName: Bătrâna Ownership:public of state Origin: autochthonous
FGR for autochthonous conifer species TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
FGR for nonautochthonous conifer species TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
FGR for autochthonousbroadleaves TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
FGR for autochthonousbroadleaves TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
FGR for nonautochthonousbroadleaves TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
FGR classificationdepending on the conservation type TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
FGR classification by the ownership type TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
FGR in protected areas TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
II.Technical Guidelines for sustainable management of FGR • They were elaborated based on: • the existing data from the Romanian and foreign literature: Geburek, Th. & Turok, J. / Editors, 2005: Conservation and Management of Forest Genetic Resources in Europe, Arbora Publishers, Zvolen, 2005, 694 p. • the scientific results obtained within COREGE-FOREST Project TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
PROPOSED MEASURES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF FGR THE CORE ZONEof the FGR The Core zone’s management compartments are set in the I 5H functional category Group I:Forests with mainly protection functions Subgroup 5:Forests with scientific importance for gene pool and ecological protection; 5H– Forests selected for seed production and or forest gene pool conservation (T. II). TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
THE CORE ZONEmust beneficiate of total conservationand is excluded from exploitation (T II –wood production is not planed) There are allowed only special conservation operations, sanitary cuttings, extraction of injured trees (by wind, isects, pollution) etc. TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
THE BUFFER ZONE Themanagement compartments from this zone are set in the I 5L functional category Group I:Forests with mainly protection functions 5L -Forests situated in the protection areas (buffer zones) of the scientific reserves, from the National parks, or other reserves. TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
PROPOSED MEASURES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF FGR • THE BUFFER ZONE • There should be applied all the necessary measures to ensure its protection role of the core zone. • The improvement cuttings are allowed and the adequate treatment methods are those which imply a long regeneration period • Only intensive treatment methods are recommended, depending on the forest type, according to the present ”Technical Guidelines for choosing the treatment method TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
RESULTS Setting up of GIS database and elaboration of digital maps concerning the FGR • A GIS database for in situ and ex situ FGR was created using ArcGIS – ArcINFO 9.2software in PersonalGeodatabaseformat • There were elaborated 29 maps for the 45 forest tree species for which were established FGR • The maps are realized on a 1:3000000 scale and they contain the FGR localization on regions of provenances and basic material categories for production of FRM TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
FGR IN EXTREME SITE CONDITIONS • FGR situated at high altitude • From regions of provenances: • 1D – Larch forests zone, pure or mixed with Norway spruce 1E – Cembra pine forests zone, pure or mixed with Norway spruce TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
1Ce – Norway spruce forests on swampy soils TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
5Be– Termophil Sessile oak forests mixed with other broadleaved species • 6 De –Termophil Pedunculate oak forests on sandy soils TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
8Ae– Isolated islands of forests in steppe region TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
8 Be – Grayish oak forests on sandy soils TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
9 Be – Pedunculate oak forest on swampy soils TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
Taxodiumdistichum FGR from Danube Delta, Tulcea Forest District TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
Quercus peduculiflora FGR in steppe conditions, Buzau Forest district TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
Pedunculate oak FGR on sandy soils in Carei Forest district TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010
Pubescent Oak on rocky soils (in Aiud Forest district) TREEBREEDEX SEMINAR, Bucharest 23-25 February 2010