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Why should we teach PDHPE??

Why should we teach PDHPE??. FUN!!. Sun Safety. Active Lifestyle. Interesting. Healthy Life Choices. Interpersona l Relationships. Road Safety. EXCITING. My Rationale….

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Why should we teach PDHPE??

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  1. Why should we teach PDHPE??

  2. FUN!! Sun Safety Active Lifestyle Interesting Healthy Life Choices Interpersonal Relationships Road Safety EXCITING

  3. My Rationale….. Personal Development Health and Physical Education for me is a vital learning and teaching unit in Primary Schools. It gives students the opportunity to get away from the usual literacy and numeracy lessons that take place in the classroom and onto a soccer field or basketball court where they learn how to strategise and also lead active lifestyles. Teaching about Healthy Life choices is essential in Australia as obesity is becoming more common amongst young children and the need to learn about nutrition and about the importance of regular exercise is crucial not only for their physical well being but also for their emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. PDHPE also allows space for students to explore and discuss sensitive life issues such as abuse and violence and gives them an opportunity to become aware and knowledgeable when it comes to these tragic issues that occur regularly in todays society.

  4. References • Images retrieved from • http://smallersteps.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/picture-5.png • http://www.hoxtonpark-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/documents/3504280/3510283/1317985850905_19eb9ef929d2d1bb012a162aaf631ed1.jpg/large • http://360financial.com.au/car-loans/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/car-loans.jpg • http://www.hccweb2.org/kariong67/file.php/1/_Images/PDHPE.jpg • http://dairydelivers.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/heart-shaped-fruits-n-veg.jpg

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