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为中国祷告 PRAY FOR CHINA. Photos obtained through news medium Reuters. Special thanks for those who care and took the photos for this sharing. Produced by Dr. John W. Tse, Canada.
为中国祷告PRAY FOR CHINA Photos obtained through news medium Reuters Special thanks for those who care and took the photos for this sharing Produced by Dr. John W. Tse, Canada Revision and Chinese translation by: OMAC Music: Amazing Grace
中国正蒙灾China is in suffering! 5月12日四川北川县发生了8.0级地震。此乃近三十年来最严重之一。正当人们工作学习的下午。近8万人因此丧生,许多仍被埋,下落不明。中国需要你的祷告和帮助。求神在此危难之际赐福中国及其人民。 China has the most severe earthquake in Beichuan, Sichuan province on May 12, 2008. It reached 8 scale and is one of the worst one in the past 3 decades. It happened during the day while workers were in their office and children were in their school. Around 80,000 people have already died and many are still buried. China needs your help and prayer. May God bless China and her people in this very difficult time.
2008年5 月12日白昼,北川8.0级地震 May 12, 2008 : Beichuan, Sichuan 8 magnitude earthquake during day time
众多同胞葬身废墟! Many people died in crumbled buildings!
他们就这样不辞而别! People perished without saying good-bye!
亲人为躺在门板上的女儿遗体痛哭欲绝 Relatives cry over the body of a young girl lying on a door used as a make-shift stretcher
桥梁坍塌! Bridges were collapsed!
道路阻断! Roads were buckled!
古迹毁灭! Historical buildings were destroyed!
地基塌陷! Foundations were collapsed!
一度啊,曾为家园! It was once a home!
几时曾是闹市! It was once a shopping place!
但现在人民却失去了一切的财产! People lost all their properties and savings!
昨日满载学子的校园! It was once a school full of students!
今日却成了活泼可爱孩子们的坟场! This lively school is now a burial site of many children! 断壁残垣难掩悲伤!The collapsed debris silent their cry!
学生在哪!? 人们找啊找。。。 People are still searching for students in this collapsed school !
你可否听闻为师生们而发的悲嚎? Who hears our cry for our dead teachers & students?
谁?照料我生后的家人。 Who can take care of my family when I am gone?
谁救我出千斤重压? Who can free me when I am trapped?
谁慰藉我失去了唯一的骨肉? Who can comfort me when I only have this one child?
76岁老母亲危楼中待救。 A 76-year-woman waits to be rescued from her apartment in a damaged building.
同胞们无家可归! People are homeless! After the earthquake they have no home, school or office to return to!
伤痛不分年岁,族别!Pain and injury show no age or ethnic differences! 闹市转眼成医院!Street is now the hospital!
请救救我!Who can give me a hand? 救援队正拯救废墟下的学生。 A rescuer helps a trapped student out of the debris at Wudu Primary school on the outskirts of Mianzhu, Sichuan
同胞正蒙伤哀哭!People are crying and hurting! 我们怎可无动于衷!Do not just stand there!
谁能将神的拯救带给我?Who can help me?除了你,还能有谁?If you don’t care, who would?
感恩吧,我们自己有房有家,还有健康平安。 Be thankful that we have a home, family, peace and good health. 然而我们怎可不向灾民伸出援手? Can you do something for the people in China?
孩童正受煎熬!Children are fainted! 天父,帮助我们以爱去分担他人的重担! God, helps us to bear one another’s burden!
灾难之后留下什么?What is left after this disaster? 虽财物尽失,但圣灵带领我们去重建。 Property? It might be nothing left! But we still have the God given spirit to rebuild again.
感谢神,又一幼小生命得拯救! Thank God a child was rescued!
我们能做什么?What can we do? • 为中国祷告。 Pray for China, • 为救援及救援工作者祷告。 Pray for the rescue work and the rescuers, • 为政府及领袖祷告。 Pray for the government and leaders, • 为平安与重建祷告。Pray for peace and reconstructions, • 求神在此危难关头赐福和救助中国。 Pray that God will help and bless China in this difficult time, • 捐献一些东西去帮助中国。Give something to help China, • 转发此文给你的朋友以增加祷告人数。Pass on this slide show to your friend so that more people will pray for China! • 在你们的教会,团契与小组里分享。Show this in your church, fellowship or cell group.
世界充满希望!There is HOPE in this world! 因为天父关爱!Because God cares! 因为你关爱!Because you care! 因为即使最严酷的灾难也无法阻挡爱! Because there is still love in this world in midst of disaster!
“如今常存的有信,有望, 有爱; 其中最大的是爱”“Right now three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 敬谢你的爱与祈祷!Thank You for your love and prayer! From Dr. John W. Tse, Canada