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Personal and Social development. Mathematics. Expressive Arts. Counting: Count accurately up to 20 objects, counting forwards and backwards in 1s and 2’s.
Personal and Social development Mathematics Expressive Arts Counting: Count accurately up to 20 objects, counting forwards and backwards in 1s and 2’s. Adding and subtracting : add 2 numbers by counting on and subtract by counting back. Apply counting, adding and subtracting to everyday problems and situations. Use names of common 2D and 3D shapes. Begin to sequence events and tell the time. Use appropriate language when comparing quantities, length, weight or capacity. Explore money and how we count amounts on coins. Painting and printing shapes and patterns using fruit and vegetables. Drawing pictures and looking closely at details. Modelling with dough and clay to make 3D sculptures. Re-enacting familiar stories and scenarios. Taking part in creating Dance moves for Greedy Zebra story and The Animal Bop Children will be encouraged to enter school independently and organise their belongings. We will continue to use circle time activities to develop good relationships, confidence and listening skills. We will use stories to help children explore friendships and to begin to understand other peoples feelings. Challenges for the class to try hard and persevere. We will explore healthy eating and lifestyles.. Physical Development Theme: Fabulous Food Year : Reception Term: Spring 2014 Gymnastics – Create different types of pathway on the apparatus Travel on feet hands and other parts of the body over, under, across, along and around apparatus. Begin to move with music following Outdoors – develop control when catching and kicking, dragging, building and constructing Manipulating malleable materials such as dough, gloop and clay with increasing dexterity. Developing control when using scissors, paintbrushes and pencils Communication/Literacy Children will begin to speak with confidence and clarity about familiar events. We will listen carefully to others and ask appropriate questions We will continue to read a wide range of books including Poetry and Non fiction. We will practise using sounds to read and write words Increased phonic knowledge will help read a wider range of words We will listen and respond to stories and poems about food and learn to recite poems. Make a class book based on a familiar story or set of facts Regularly practise correct letter formation. Knowledge and Understanding of the World Forest School Finding out about food, its properties and how it is prepared. Sorting and categorising a box of shopping Explore a variety of foods from around the world. Role playing `Café’ and `The Supermarket’ Investigate the water cycle, wet weather and floating. Cooking –How does food change when we cook it? ICT – Use ‘Tux Paint’, ‘2 Create a Story’ and Beebots R.E. – Special People, Easter and signs of new life. Looking for signs of Spring Developing physical skills and using tools safely Investigating growth and the effects of weather Exploring the area and recording bugs and plants found Painting and mixing with mud Working cooperatively to build with natural materials