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In the Name of God. The Role of Women in Higher Education in Iran. By: Dr. Nahla Gharavi - Naeeni Associate Professor at Tarbiat Modarres University Tehran/ I. R. of Iran E-mail: Naeeni_n@yahoo.com Mar, 2010. Introduction.
In the Name of God The Role of Women in Higher Education in Iran By: Dr. NahlaGharavi- Naeeni Associate Professor at TarbiatModarres University Tehran/ I. R. of Iran E-mail: Naeeni_n@yahoo.com Mar, 2010
Introduction • The importance of education is quite clear. Education is the knowledge of how to put one's potentials to maximum use. One can safely say that a human being does not have proper sense until he is educated.
Introduction (continued…) • This is why Islam attaches such great importance to knowledge and education. This is why Islam attaches such great importance to knowledge and education, as prophet (p.b.u.h) said: • طلب العلم فریضة علی کل مسلم الا ان الله یحب بعاة العلم • Looking for knowledge is obligatory for each Muslim. Behold that Allah loves those who look for knowledge (Kulainy, vol1.p30).
Introduction (continued…) • The Prophet (p.b.u.h) has said: • انما العلم ثلاثة آیة محکمة او فریضة عادله او سنة قائمة و ما خلا هن فهو فضل • Verily, knowledge is three: strong sine or just obligatory act or current sonnah and extra knowledge are grateness(Kulainy,vol1.p32).
Women and Higher Education As prophet (p.b.u.h) was teaching men, He was also teaching women in separate time as men. He was encouraging all Muslim (men or women) to learn Quran and Islamic law(Shariah) for increase their understanding about the unity of Allah and the cost of religion and its guidance.
Women and Higher Education Without the correct commitment, all education would be useless. People who do not have the correct commitment will not be able to apply the lessons they’ve learned in life; therefore no matter how much education they have, if they do not take the initiative to apply it, they still will not be successful.
Women and Higher Education Educated woman can understand and use food products, health items, and sanitary products in the correct way, and also teach proper usage of such items to the members of her family.
Role and status of women in education • Same as men, women could learn knowledge and teach and be useful in education in any field. • Any mother can teach her children how to be a good person with good manners, so if a mother is a well-educated and trained person, she can be a good teacher and trainer for her children too. As a mother, a woman affects her children (boys and girls), as a wife, she affects her husband, and as a female in the family, she affects her father and brothers; so the role of women in family and society is very high.
Role and status of women in education As much as mothers are more knowledgeable and educated, they can become better teachers and trainers. By studying and pursuing educational activities, a mother can instill an interest in her children to attempt to gain knowledge. For this reason many Iranian women after revolution of Iran by spending their time with studying in higher education.
Role and status of women in education Either some of field which appeared in Iran after revolution , like theology, women also participated and studied in universities and now there are many women professors in this field which are teaching in universities.
Role and status of women in education Parents are responsible for their children. The Holy Prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h) has said: “Train your children and teach them because they are going to be responsible in their lives.” (Kolainy 1367 AH(1988): vol.6, p.50). He also has said: “All of you are responsible for your subjects, and women are responsible for their family and their children.” (Varram collection: vol.1, p.6 ).
Iranian women and education Iranian ladies since revolution tried to study and increase their knowledge to reach in higher education and be useful in society, by taking care of the Islamic limits. The data of accepted student in graduate level of universities trough last 20 years in below, shows that the junior college degree and B.S degree have increased 10 times, and for M.S and PH.D degree have increased more than 40 times.
Graduated Students from Governmental Universities on Different Level of Education,1365-1385: (1986- 2006) / By: Science , Research &Technology Ministry (Research center)
Iranian women and education • Another data shows the number of women who have degree in higher education in different filed in Iran, as there is in below:
Data for 2006 I. R .Iran By: Science , Research &Technology Ministry (Research center)
Discussion The comparative data from 1996- 2006 in total for all filed of sciences are: 26938 for 1996 & 1809366 for 2006, So, 1782428 educated women have increased in Iran during 10 years. Since 2006 until now surely it has increased more recently. In detail we can see that in any field the rate of increasing is different, which shows the variety of women’s interests and their ability in learning and education.
Discussion For example the number of graduated in PH.D have increased 4 times for Educational &training sciences. And 7 times for Human science &Art. More than 8 times for Social science &law, about 9 times for Basic sciences and 22 times for Engineering, and more than 9 times for Agriculture, and more than 30 times for Health.