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ws-VLAM workflow Composer

System and Network Engineering group Institute of informatics University of Amsterdam. ws-VLAM workflow Composer. Introduction. This presentation contains information related to WS-VLAM composer

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ws-VLAM workflow Composer

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  1. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation System and Network Engineering group Institute of informatics University of Amsterdam ws-VLAM workflow Composer

  2. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation Introduction • This presentation contains information related to WS-VLAM composer • It helps the reader understand how to use WS-VLAM composer, describes the current state and present the ongoing activities and planned ones. • NOTE: • We are currently still working on the User’s and developer’s Guide, they are not available at this time. The presentations do not replace the documentation it just give a quick introduction. • Do not hesitate to contact us for further information Thanks for taking some of your time to read about the WS-VLAM work, any comments are more than welcome WS-VLAM developers gvlam-dev@lists.vl-e.nl

  3. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation Needed background … • To be able to follow the content of this presentation you will need to know about: • WSRF= Web Service Reference Framework • GT4= Globus Toolkit version 4 • More detailed description of the presented work can be found in the section of publication of the WS-VLAM home page

  4. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation Objective of this presentation… • Why you should be interested in this presentations? • You want to use the WS-VLAM composer and want a quick introduction. • More details can be the User’s guide

  5. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation Outline • Introduction • Composer features • Bar menu • Detach/attach feature • Get a graphical output of a workflow component • Monitoring Graphical interface • Export a workflow as composite element • Define task farming description

  6. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation WS-VLAM Composer features • Allows the graphical composition of the application workflow • Generates the XML description of the workflow • submits the description of the workflow using SOAP protocol to the workflow engine • Retrieves the description of workflow components from Repository Services • Allows attach and detach to/from workflow engine in the case of long running workflows • Monitors the workflow execution using WSRF-notifications • Supports hierarchical data typing. • Supports hierarchical workflow composition (creates composite workflow components). • Based on JGraph library http://www.jgraph.org

  7. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation WS-VLAM composer Workflow Components palette Composition panel Monitoring consol Property panel

  8. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation GUI features: The menu bar • Menu bar items (from left to right) • Create new GUI • Load saved workflow • Save workflows • Running workflow will be saved with the associated End Point Reference. • Stop: • Terminates the execution of a running workflow • Zoom in/out • Layout

  9. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation GUI features: detects missing components • When opening an application workflow the GUI checks if components are still available (local or in the shared repository • If a component is missing the GUI displays it in red • the workflow cannot be executed

  10. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation GUI features: Layout support • For complex workflows there a layout support which helps the end-users reorganizing his workflow components by: • a click on the layout button • The user can create modify the connections layout by creating intermediate graphical points • press Shift+left mouse button

  11. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation GUI features: attach and detach • For long running workflows, users can detach (close) the ws-VLAM client • Note: • Before closing the ws-VLAM GUI the user has to save the running workflows • Later on the user can attach to the running workflows by just loading the saved workflow. • The end-point-reference and other information of the running workflow will be display in the monitoring console • Note: • After loading the running workflow you can stop it , use the stopbutton in the main menu bar and restart a new execution

  12. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation GUI features: attach to graphical output of a workflow component • To attach to the graphical output of a running workflow component • Select the workflow component • click on right mouse button • select the View… menu item

  13. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation GUI features: Monitoring functions • When the user runs the experiment a monitoring window appears: • The window has a tab for each workflow component to monitor the activity per component • And Defaulttab which monitors the execution of the whole workflow • workflow components monitoring tabs are composed of 3 tabs: • Std Out, • Std Err, • Module Status. • By default the client subscribe only to the Module status event • If the user is interested in some events he has to use the Get button at the bottom of each tab

  14. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation Additional Tools: web services harvester • Converting web services into workflow components • Note: only RPC style web service are supported so far • The user has to specify the URI to the WSDL of the web service

  15. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation GUI features: composite modules (Under development) • An application workflow can be saved one workflow component • Popup window: The users has to define the inputs, outputs ports and the parameters that should be exposed for the composite module.

  16. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation Additional Tools: Scan workflow component repository (Under development) • Scan workflow component repository Still Under Testing and debugging

  17. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation Additional Tools: define workflow farming (Under development) • Define a parameter input data to be used for farming the entire workflow automatically Still Under Testing and debugging

  18. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation Some References • Science Z Zhao, A Belloum, M Bubak Editorial: Special section on workflow systems and applications in e-Future Generation Computer Systems 25 (5), 525-527 • A. Wibisono, D. Vasyunin, V. Korkhov, AS.Z. Belloum WS-VLAM: a GT4 based workflow management system , The 2nd International Workshop on Scientific Workflows, In conjunction with ICCS 2007, Beijing, China, 2007 • A.S.Z. Belloum, V. Korkhov, S. Koulouzis, M. A Inda, and M. BubakCollaborative e-Science experiments: from scientific workflow to knowledge sharing JULY/AUGUST, IEEE Internet Computing, 2011 • IlkayAltintas, Manish Kumar Anand, Daniel Crawl, Shawn Bowers, Adam Belloum, Paolo Missier, Bertram Ludascher, Carole A. Goble, Peter M.A. Sloot, Understanding Collaborative Studies Through Interoperable Workflow Provenance, IPAW2010, Troy, NY, USA

  19. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation Some References • A. Belloum, Z. Zhao, and M. Bubak Workflow systems and applications , Future Generation Comp. Syst. 25 (5): 525-527 (2009) •  Z. Zhao, A.S.Z. Belloum, et al., Distributed execution of aggregated multi domain workflows using an agent framework The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Scientific Workflows, Salt Lake City, U.SA, 2007 • Zhiming Zhao, Adam Belloum, Cees De Laat, Pieter Adriaans, Bob Hertzberger Using Jade agent framework to prototype an e-Science workflow bus Authors Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2007. CCGRID 2007

  20. WS-VLAM Introduction presentation http://www.vl-e.nl/

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