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MIDDLE EAST REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Hartanto , M.A. Regional Organizations. What is the most known and oldest Regional organization? Three guesses please. Italian Mafia is the oldest Regional Organization. Peace-building and Effective Conflict Resolution.
Regional Organizations • What is the most known and oldest Regional organization? • Three guesses please....
Italian Mafia is the oldest Regional Organization • Peace-building and Effective Conflict Resolution
Al Capone: The Italian Mafia Leader known for St. Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929 The Ten Commandments Of The Mafia • No-one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it. • Never look at the wives of friends. • Never be seen with cops. • Don't go to pubs and clubs • Always being available for Cosa Nostra is a duty- even if your wife's about to give birth. • Appointments must absolutely be respected. • Wives must be treated with respect. • When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth. • Money cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other families. • People who can't be part of Cosa Nostra: Anyone who has a close relative in the police, anyone with a two-timing relative in the family, anyone who behaves badly and doesn't hold to moral values.
OIC/OKI • OrganisasiKonferensi Islam (OKI) merupakanorganisasiinternasional non militer yang didirikandiRabat,Marokopadatanggal 25 September 1969. DipicuolehperistiwapembakaranMesjid Al Aqsha yang terletakdikota Al Quds (Jerusalem) padatanggal 21 Agustus 1969 telahmenimbulkanreaksikerasdunia, terutamadarikalanganumat Islam. Saatitudirasakanadanyakebutuhan yang mendesakuntukmengorganisirdanmenggalangkekuatandunia Islam sertamematangkansikapdalamrangkamengusahakanpembebasan Al Quds.
SEJARAH OIC/OKI • Atasprakarsa Raja Faisal dari Arab Saudi dan Raja Hassan II dariMaroko, denganPanitiaPersiapan yang terdiridari Iran, Malaysia, Niger, Pakistan, Somalia, Arab Saudi danMaroko, terselenggaraKonferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) Islam yang pertamapadatanggal 22-25 September 1969 di Rabat, Maroko. KonferensiinimerupakantitikawalbagipembentukanOrganisasiKonferensi Islam (OKI).
TUJUAN • Secaraumumtujuandidirikannyaorganisasitersebutadalahuntukmengumpulkanbersamasumberdayadunia Islam dalammempromosikankepentinganmerekadanmengkonsolidasikansegenapupayanegaratersebutuntukberbicaradalamsatubahasa yang samagunamemajukanperdamaiandankeamananduniamuslim. Secarakhusus, OKI bertujuan pula untukmemperkokohsolidaritas Islam diantaranegaraanggotanya, memperkuatkerjasamadalambidangpolitik, ekonomi, sosial, budayadaniptek.
TUJUAN LENGKAP • Memperkuat/memperkokoh: 1. 2. 3. solidaritasdiantaranegaraanggota; kerjasamadalambidangpolitik, ekonomi, sosial, budayadaniptek. perjuanganumatmuslimuntukmelindungikehormatankemerdekaadanhak- haknya. • Aksibersamauntuk : 1. melindungitempat-tempatsuciumat Islam; 2. memberisemangatdandukungankepadarakyatPalestinadalammemperjuangkanhaknyadankebebasanmendiamidaerahnya. • Bekerjasamauntuk : 1. menentangdiskriminasirasialdansegalabentukpenjajahan; 2. menciptakansuasana yang menguntungkandansalingpengertiandiantaranegaraanggotadannegara-negara lain.
NEGARA ANGGOTA • 1. Afganistan (1969) 2. Aljazair 3. Chad 4. Mesir 5. Guinea 6. Indonesia 7. Iran 8. Yordania 9. Kuwait 10.Lebanon 11.Libya 12.Malaysia 13.Mali 14.Mauritania 15.Maroko 16.Niger 17.Pakistan 18.Palestina 19.Arab Saudi 20.Yaman (1969) 21.Senegal (1970) 22.Sudan 23. Somalia 24. Tunisia 25. Turki 26. Bahrain 27. Oman 28. Qatar 29. Suriah 30. UniEmirat Arab (1970) 31. Sierra Leone (1972) 32. Bangladesh (1974) 33. Gabon 34. Gambia 35. Guinea-Bissau 36. Uganda (1974) 37. Burkina Faso (1975) 38. Kamerun (1975) 39. Komoro (1976) 40. Irak 41. Maladewa (1976) 42. Djibouti (1978) 43. Benin (1982) 44. Brunei (1984) 45. Nigeria (1986) 46. Albania(1991) 47. Azerbaijan (1992) 48. Kirgizstan 49. Tajikistan 50. Turkmenistan (1992) 51. Mozambik (1994) 52. Kazakhstan (1995) 53. Uzbekistan (1995) 54. Suriname (1996) 55. Togo (1997) 56. Guyana (1998) 57. PantaiGading (2001)
What is The League of Arab States? • The League of Arab States is an association of countries that speak Arabic or where Arabic is the official language • The Arab League agreed however with the UN in working together as a whole against the Syrian dictatorship and pushed forward the Arab Spring
What are the major documents associated with the League? • The Arab League Charter • Signed on March 22nd, 1945 by the original Six countries (Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan, Lebanon, Syria and Saudi Arabia) • Instituted to create the Arab League for Economic, Cultural, Political manners etc.
What are the major documents associated with the League? • Joint Defense and Economic Co-operation Treaty • Signed on June 18th, 1950 by the Arab League • Formed the Joint Defense Council and the Economic and Social Council
How has the League of Arab States Changed from 1945? • There are 22 nations (including Palestine) now compared to the 6 original founders of the Arab League • The Arab League now has a greater push towards democracy after the Arab Spring • Also Arab League has sub divisions such as the Joint Defense Council and the Economic and Social council
What is the purpose of the League of Arab States? • The League aims to strengthen ties between the member nations and coordinate their policies. • It also tries to aims to push for policies that will help move the Middle East forward as a whole
Members of the League of Nations • Members • 1945: Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Transjordan (Jordan), Yemen • 1953: Libya • 1956: Sudan • 1958: Morroco, Tunisia • 1961: Kuwait • 1962: Algeria • 1971: Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, UAE • 1973: Mauritania • 1974: Somalia • 1976: Palestine • 1977: Djibouti • 1993: Comoros
Who runs the League of Arab Nations? • The League of Arab Nations is run by: • General Secretary: Nabil Elarby • Head of Arab Parliament: Ali Al-Duqbasi
Advantages vs Disadvantages of joining the League of Arab Nations Advantages Disadvantages • Allows the Middle Eastern countries to stay together for Economic and Military Policy • Also allows better Oil trade between countries in The League of Arab Nations as there are no Tariffs • Strength in numbers as they push for democracy throughout the area • Shows distrust throughout the Middle East • Cannot have help with Military conflicts from other countries in the League
Economic Integration in the Middle East • 1981- The Middle East’s primary regional organization is the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). • Established to coordinate economic (oil), social, and cultural affairs, the GCC consists of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. • GCC initiatives include coordination of the petroleum industry, abolition of certain tariffs, and liberalization of investment, as well as harmonization of banking, financial, and monetary policies. • The GCC also wants to establish an Arab common market and increase trade ties with Asia.
Other Examples of Integration in the Middle East • Arab Maghreb Union (composed of Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia) - still struggling to become a viable economic bloc. • Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD; composed of Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey) - the RCD was dissolved in 1979 and replaced by the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). • The ECO includes ten Middle Eastern and Asian countries, seeking to promote trade and investment. • The Arab League is a longstanding political organization with 21 member states and a constitution that requires unanimous agreement in any decision making - relatively unsuccessful in regional economic development.
What Factors Contribute to the Success of Regional Integration 1. Economic similarity • The more similar the economies of the member countries, the more likely the economic bloc will succeed. • Significant wage rate differences means that workers in lower-wage countries will migrate to higher wage countries. • Significant economic instability in one member can quickly spread and harm the economies of the other members. • Compatibility of economic characteristics is so important that the EU requires its current and prospective members to meet strict membership conditions, ideally low inflation, low unemployment, reasonable wages, and stable economic conditions.
What Factors Contribute to the Success of Regional Integration 2. Political similarity • Similarity in political systems enhances prospects for a successful bloc. • Countries that seek to integrate regionally should share similar aspirations and a willingness to surrender national autonomy for the broader goals of the proposed union. • Example- Sweden has attempted to lower its corporate income tax rate and other taxes to improve the country’s attractiveness as a place to do business in the larger EU marketplace.
What Factors Contribute to the Success of Regional Integration 3. Similarity of culture and language • Cultural and linguistic similarity among the countries in an economic bloc provides the basis for mutual understanding and cooperation. • This partially explains the success of the MERCOSUR bloc in Latin America, whose members share many cultural and linguistic similarities. 4. Geographic proximity • Most economic blocs are formed by countries within the same geographic region, i.e. regional integration. • Close geographic proximity of member countries facilitates transportation of products, labor, and other factors. • Neighboring countries tend to be similar in terms of culture and language.
What Factors Contribute to the Success of Regional Integration • While the four types of similarities enhance the potential for successful regional integration, economic interests are often the most important factor. • This was demonstrated in the EU, whose member countries, despite strong cultural and linguistic differences, are able to achieve common goals based on pure economic interests.