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Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins

Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins. Firefly Luciferase and Luciferin. Hemoglobin in erythrocytes. Keratin. Chemical structure of an amino acid R = side chain. Carboxyl terminus. C = alpha carbon. Amino terminus. R = side chain.

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Amino Acids and the Primary Structures of Proteins

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  1. Amino Acids and the PrimaryStructures of Proteins

  2. Firefly Luciferase and Luciferin

  3. Hemoglobin in erythrocytes

  4. Keratin

  5. Chemical structure ofan amino acid R = side chain Carboxyl terminus C = alpha carbon Amino terminus R = side chain

  6. The alphacarbon of amino acids is chiral (except glycine). There are two stereoisomers of amino acids (L and D). Proteins contain L-amino acids

  7. L-amino acidat neutral pH Figure 3.1

  8. Amino acids with aliphatic R groups

  9. Amino acids with aliphatic R groups

  10. The amino acid proline is a cyclic molecule

  11. Amino acids with aromatic R groups

  12. Amino acids with sulfur-containing R groups

  13. Oxidation can form cystine from two cysteines Figure 3.4

  14. Side chains with alcohol groups

  15. Amino acids with basic R groups

  16. Amino acids with acidic R groups

  17. Amide derivatives of acidic R groups

  18. Other amino acids and amino acid derivatives Figure 3.5

  19. Selenocysteine is the 21st amino acid

  20. Ionization of amino acids Pages 60 – 64 pH ? pH ?

  21. Ionization of amino acids Pages 60 – 64 pH 1 pH 7

  22. Ionization of amino acids Pages 60 – 64 pH ? pH 7

  23. Ionization of amino acids Pages 60 – 64 pH 12 pH 7

  24. Ionization of histidine Figure 3.7

  25. Ionization of histidine Figure 3.7

  26. Ionization of glutamate Figure 3.8

  27. Ionization of arginine Figure 3.8

  28. Peptide bonds link amino acids in proteins Figure 3.9

  29. Peptide bonds link amino acids in proteins Figure 3.9 Alanine Ala (A) Serine Ser (S) DipeptideAla – Ser or AS

  30. Practice Problem Draw the chemical structure of the tripeptide Ala – Thr– Cys at pH 7. Answer the following with regard to this tripeptide: 1. Indicate the charge present on any ionizable group(s). 2. Indicate, using an arrow, which covalent bond is the peptide bond. 3. What is the net, overall charge of this tripeptide at pH 7? __________ 4. What is this peptide called using the one-letter code system for amino acids? ______


  32. Next:Chapter 4Proteins: Three-DimensionalStructure and Function

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