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ASAS STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI. PP L Universiti Putra Malaysia. Unit IV. Group Comm Strategies Ch 10: Fundamental aspects Ch 11: Meetings: Forums for Problem Solving Ch 12: Negotiation & Conflict Management. DETAILS OF UNIT IV. Ch 10:Fundamental Aspects “A person is a member to

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  1. ASAS STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PPL Universiti Putra Malaysia

  2. Unit IV

  3. Group Comm Strategies Ch 10: Fundamental aspects Ch 11: Meetings: Forums for Problem Solving Ch 12: Negotiation & Conflict Management DETAILS OF UNIT IV

  4. Ch 10:Fundamental Aspects “A person is a member to a vast number of groups”. GROUP COMM STRATEGIES: Chapter 10

  5. Group’s functioning when each member… …knows another by name/ role …have a considerable amount of interactions …have some degree of influence …share some common goal, interest, etc. …recognized a leadership of a leader Fundamental Aspects

  6. Factors influencing groups Cohesiveness (the degree to which a group hangs together in a challenging environ’mt) Norms (respects, formalities, routines) Roles (Isolate/ Facilitator/ Dominator/ Harmonizer/ Free-rider) Conformity&Groupthink) Fundamental Aspects

  7. Consider the following norms: Negative criticism of another person is unacceptable. Meetings are “strictly business.” First names are not to be used during meetings. The discussion of a single topic cannot exceed ten minutes. Fundamental Aspects: Norms

  8. Roles often played by members: Isolate: Sits & fails to participate Facilitator: Makes sure that everyone talks Dominator: Speaks too often & too long Harmoniser: Keeps tensions low Free-rider: Doesn’t do the share of the work Fundamental Aspects: Roles

  9. Symptoms of Groupthink Close-mindedness Pressure toward uniformity of action & decisions Tendency to view itself as powerful & omnipotent Minimizing Groupthink (a leader’s initiative) Form an aggressive min provoking group Injecting diversity into a group Fundamental Aspects: Groupthink

  10. A LEADER MUST… …POSSESS TRAITS (i.e. higher in…intelligence; scholarship; dependability; responsibility; activity; visions; exhibiting power; taking risks; transformation; etc.) …POSSESS STYLES (i.e. in handling task; communication; pressure; action; decision; etc.) …AVOID extreme rigidity; offensive behavior; offensive verbalization; uninformativeness; extreme practice of authoritative bahvior, etc. Group Leadership

  11. Yakin / Optimism -positive thinking. Tabah / Persistence -never give up. Azam tinggi / Passion -undivided interest. Akauntabal / Accountable -accepting blames on failure. Perkongsian / Sharing the Credits -success is everybody’s contribution -not oneself alone Group leadership: Charac/s of a successful leader

  12. Ch 11: Meetings: Forums for Problem Solving “An agenda is like a road map; it gets you to a destination.” GROUP COMM STRATEGIES:

  13. Goals to consider: Organizational goals Group goals Personal goals Meetings: Forums for Problem Solving

  14. Options for Decision Making: Veto / Authoritative Consensus / Consultation Vote / Democracy Meditate (Japanese culture) (The Table of Aristotle – from 40 manuscripts) Meetings: Forums for Problem Solving

  15. Ch 12: Negotiation & Conflict Managem’nt “Negotiations & conflicts are essential for the growth of a company.” GROUP COMM STRATEGIES:

  16. Argumentativeness Attacking point of views. Verbal aggressiveness Attacking people / personal matters. Negotiation & Conflict Management

  17. General Perception on Conflict • Couldn’t be resolved • Black magic / hocus pocus! • Fate / Born to fail • God’s wrath / punishment • Conflict is an all-negative occurrence.

  18. Conflict: The Fact! Conflict is actually: • Natural facts of life -happens all the time. • Everyone has experienced facing it. • Empowering individuals in its own way. • Empowering group experiences. • Makes everyone realizes: • “The glory of life doesn’t stop you from falling!”

  19. False Conflicts (due to…) Comm problems – technological / language wise Inadequate infos. & Misunderstandings Easy Conflict Everyone is clear about the matter of the conflict Ego Conflict (egocentric being) The most difficult to resolve Argumentation is upon personal matters –(Steinberg, 1975) Types of Group Conflicts


  21. Authoritative • A leader must sit or stand higher than the rest – then only he speaks. • If the leader also panic, someone must take charge (with permission). • Strict directive / order (Disobedience is fatal!) • Informing the higher authority (polis, etc.) • Get an assistance from the third party

  22. Negotiation Whom to Negotiate with? • Group Leader (The Patron / Director) • Group of Leaders (Board of Directors) • Group Committees (Follow the ranks) • Group members (Consensus) • Only for non-emergency matters.

  23. Diversion Change the members’ thinking orientation: • By injecting humors… (jika berbakat) • By exercising… (sekadar perlu) • By asking… (jgn keterlaluan) • By gossiping… (elakkan yg sensitif) • By telling a relevant story… (short only!)

  24. Spiritual • Reciting… • Religious texts • Singing… • Patriotic songs • Any motivational songs • Shouting.. • Group motto • Encouraging words: Malaysia Boleh!

  25. Decision Making Processes and Managing Conflicts • Consider All Factors (CAF): • Considering every single factors before making any move. • First Things First (FTF) : • Acting in accordance and systematically. (Eg: The ritual of dressing up... Bathing, drying up, wearing under wears, then the pants and shirt.

  26. Decision Making Processes and Managing Conflicts • Feit-Accompli: • Making a personal move before discussing with the superior. (Normally applied only when deciding on small issues - e.g. buy first and claim later). • Steam-releaser: • Letting a person releasing his tension. (as long as he doesn’t bring any harm). Normally, the person’s anger will cool off.

  27. Decision Making Processes and Managing Conflicts Others: • Dateline pusher • Silent treatment • See-saw techniques • Salami slicing approach • Win-Lose / Lose-Lose / Win-Win • Six Thinking Hats (Edward de Bono): • Golden hat – Religious, Culture, Customs, Rituals! • Red; Yellow; Blue; Green; Black; White

  28. Wassalamualaikum & Terima kasih

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