1. Industry Forum 2010 Technology and Innovation in Roadway Management;
Data Collection & Online Permits
Presented by Shane Dahlhelm
2. Traffic Section, CCTV CCTV has been a recent addition to the road network
Which has been installed at sites with high peak congestion
Provides peak flow assistance for operators
Incident management, evidence
Historic data, traffic-pedestrian flow
CCTV has been a recent addition to the road network
Which has been installed at sites with high peak congestion
Provides peak flow assistance for operators
Incident management, evidence
Historic data, traffic-pedestrian flow
3. Traffic Section, ITS
4. Road Inspections Roles & Responsibilities
Scheduled Road asset Inspections
Event Inspections
Incident Response
Program Bid Development
Data collection project management
5. Road Inspections Software used
GBM Mobile and Mobile Manager
Mapinfo Professional
Microsoft Access and Office
6. Road Inspections GBM Mobile (GeoBaseMap)
Field application
Windows Mobile Operating system
Integrated GPS location
7. Road Inspections GBM Mobile
Menu Based data entry
Combo/ Drop down menus
General text entry
Number entry
Automatic entry on date and location fields
Can automatically repeat data based on last entry
8. Road Inspections Mapinfo Professional
Office application
Merge data from field
9. Road Inspections Microsoft Access
Database application
Data collation and querying
Reporting and calculation
Exporting data to Excel for Maintenance orders
The End of This Section
10. Road Reserve Permit Current permits – hardcopy emailed/faxed
DCI current project to go online
Online permits will reduce;
Time, cost, paper waste,
Permit turnaround time,
Confusion re; essential requirements
11. Permit Volumes Darwin Region only
In 2007 DCI processed about 100 permits
This year we have already processed about 200, and expect a total of appx 300 at the end of 2010
This growth is expected to continue across all regions of the NT
12. Permit - Current v’s Online Who needs a permit and when?
Any person or company undertaking any planned works within NTG road reserve,
Before any works or mobilisation takes place.
How do I apply & How Much will it cost?
Send an application to the Construction Division’s Permits Officer via fax/email/post
Apply directly online
Permit attracts a $27.50 administration charge payable at any RTM
Online is expected to have a credit card and Bpay facility which saves time.
How long will it take for approval?
Generally if all required documentation is provided and appropriate, permits are able to be processed and provided within 24 hours for urgent works, however, make an allowance of 7 days if possible and 2 days as a minimum for planned works as stated in ‘Preliminary Clauses’ in permit documents .
Generally if all required documentation is provided and appropriate, permits are able to be processed and provided within 24 hours for most works, however, make an allowance of 2 days as a maximum.
13. Permit - Current v’s Online Each permit contains between 15 to 50 pages to be printed for processing.
Online permits will require only 4 to 6 pages to be printed for file, which is clearly a benefit to the environment.
In 2010 to date the current permits have filled about 25 archive boxes.
Online permits will take up a rather small space on the NTG electronic storage devices at about 3MB per file.
14. The Process
15. Name and details – Permit issued under the condition that the applicant stated here understands and agrees to comply to conditions issued from any development approvals, permit to work in the road reserve, technical specifications and referenced documents.
Development approvals - (if applicable) Any development approvals that have been issued shall be inserted here in accordance with the presentation held prior to this by Ken Grattan.
WZTM Plans
– Are to minimise obstruction and inconvenience to the public
- Ensure that public safety and that of the workers on site are accommodated at all work sites.
- the applicant shall assume responsibility for the safe conduct of traffic through, past or around the works, 24 hours a day, from possession of site to completion of all works, defects liability (if any) and handover. (many contractors think that their duty relating to WZTM for their worksite finishes when they knock off)
Although TMPs and TCDs are appraised by DCI for appropriateness, the applicant remains responsible for compliance with AS1742.3 and other standards.
A copy of the approved permit, conditions of approval, technical specification & TMP / TCDs shall be kept on site at all times. (TMP & TCD on site in accordance with AS1742.3)
Indemnity & Public Liability – Current policy to be held to value of not less than $10 million and cert of currency to be provided. The insurance shall indemnify the NTG and it’s agents and staff from any claims resulting form any incidents or accidents resulting as a part of the permitted works, associated works or any interventions necessitated by DCI.
Applicant s Declaration – Applicant accepts full responsibility for works and any issues arising from the works including service locations, traffic management and all relevant standards, safety for public and staff and reinstatement to the original condition of the area. The applicant shall take steps to protect these services and other infrastructure from damage.
DCI Action only -
DCI Contact Officer – For DCI permits officers to be able to inform and liaise with Supervisor or Project Officers if necessary. The Project officers also have contractual powers.
NON CONFORMANCE – Failure to comply with requirements of the permit may result in DCI actioning it’s right to suspend any or all of the site works, within the NTG road reserve deemed to be non compliant with this permit or posing a hazard to any person or asset without being subject to any costs.
Any non conformances may be rectified by DCI if the permit holder fails to do so by the nominated date and time or if they are uncontactable at any time. DCI will recover any costs from the permit holder which are associated with the rectification of work.
Name and details – Permit issued under the condition that the applicant stated here understands and agrees to comply to conditions issued from any development approvals, permit to work in the road reserve, technical specifications and referenced documents.
Development approvals - (if applicable) Any development approvals that have been issued shall be inserted here in accordance with the presentation held prior to this by Ken Grattan.
WZTM Plans
– Are to minimise obstruction and inconvenience to the public
- Ensure that public safety and that of the workers on site are accommodated at all work sites.
- the applicant shall assume responsibility for the safe conduct of traffic through, past or around the works, 24 hours a day, from possession of site to completion of all works, defects liability (if any) and handover. (many contractors think that their duty relating to WZTM for their worksite finishes when they knock off)
Although TMPs and TCDs are appraised by DCI for appropriateness, the applicant remains responsible for compliance with AS1742.3 and other standards.
A copy of the approved permit, conditions of approval, technical specification & TMP / TCDs shall be kept on site at all times. (TMP & TCD on site in accordance with AS1742.3)
Indemnity & Public Liability – Current policy to be held to value of not less than $10 million and cert of currency to be provided. The insurance shall indemnify the NTG and it’s agents and staff from any claims resulting form any incidents or accidents resulting as a part of the permitted works, associated works or any interventions necessitated by DCI.
Applicant s Declaration – Applicant accepts full responsibility for works and any issues arising from the works including service locations, traffic management and all relevant standards, safety for public and staff and reinstatement to the original condition of the area. The applicant shall take steps to protect these services and other infrastructure from damage.
DCI Action only -
DCI Contact Officer – For DCI permits officers to be able to inform and liaise with Supervisor or Project Officers if necessary. The Project officers also have contractual powers.
NON CONFORMANCE – Failure to comply with requirements of the permit may result in DCI actioning it’s right to suspend any or all of the site works, within the NTG road reserve deemed to be non compliant with this permit or posing a hazard to any person or asset without being subject to any costs.
Any non conformances may be rectified by DCI if the permit holder fails to do so by the nominated date and time or if they are uncontactable at any time. DCI will recover any costs from the permit holder which are associated with the rectification of work.
16. The Construction Division’s Permit Officer Contact details in Darwin are as follows;
Phone: 8999 4699 (via reception desk)
Fax: 8999 4682
Post: PO Box 61 Palmerston NT 0831
Address: Level 2 Highway House, Palmerston
Email: roadsdarwin.dci@nt.gov.au
Web: http://www.nt.gov.au/infrastructure/techspecs/documents/permittowork.pdf web address will change when online permits are introduced Regarding permits; If you have any enquires please do not hesitate to contact the Permits Officer for assistance. The contact details for the other regions are different but are included in the permit application document, otherwise contact the Darwin Permits Officer via these contact details to obtain the regional details accordingly. The complete permit document can be obtained either from the Permits Officer or via this web link.
Regarding permits; If you have any enquires please do not hesitate to contact the Permits Officer for assistance. The contact details for the other regions are different but are included in the permit application document, otherwise contact the Darwin Permits Officer via these contact details to obtain the regional details accordingly. The complete permit document can be obtained either from the Permits Officer or via this web link.
17. Thank you for your attention