1. Integumentary System
2. Skin the bodys largest organ
Accounts for 15% of the body weight
Consists of two layers epidermis and dermis
Mostly 1 2 mm thick but ranges with location
Difference mainly related to the thickness of the dermis
Classified as thick or thin based on the relative thickness of the epidermis alone
3. Thick skin covers palms, soles, and corresponding surfaces of the fingers and toes
Epidermis about 0.5 mm thick because of a very thick surface of dead cells called the stratum corneum
Has sweat glands but no hair follicles or sebaceous glands
Thin skin covers the rest of the body
Epidermis about 0.1 mm thick with a thin stratum corneum
Has hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands
5. Functions of the skin
Resistance to trauma and infection
Other barrier functions
Vitamin D synthesis
Social functions
6. Epidermis
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Surface with dead cells packed with protein called keratin
Lacks blood vessels and depends on diffusion of nutrients from underlying dermis
Sparse nerve endings
Most sensations in the skin due to nerve endings in the dermis
7. Cells of the Epidermis five types
Stem cells undifferentiated cells that undergo mitosis give rise to keratinocytes found in the deepest layer of epidermis which is the stratum basale
Keratinocytes great majority of epidermal cells almost all cells seen on a slide are keratinocytes
Melanocytes Occur in the stratum basale synthesize black or brown melanin branching processes that shed melanin fragments from their tips
8. Tactile (Merkel) cells found in the basal layer of the epidermis few in number receptors for the sense of touch associated with an underlying dermal nerve the cell and the nerve called a tactile (Merkel) disc
Dendritic (Langerhans) cells found in the stratum spinosum and the stratum granulosum macrophages that originate in the bone marrow migrate to the epidermis, oral cavity, vagina and esophagus protect against toxins and microbes
9. Layers of the epidermis from youngest to oldest
Stratum basale mainly a single layer of cuboidal or low columnar stem cells and keratinocytes resting on the basement membrane melanocytes and tactile cells scattered among these stem cells give rise to keratinocytes that migrate toward the surface and replace lost surface cells
10. Stratum spinosum several layers of keratinocytes thickest layer in thin skin but stratum corneum thickest layer in thick skin - deepest layer still capable of mitosis lose this ability as they move further upward become flatter the higher up they go - keratinocytes with desmosomes and tight junctions
Stratum granulosum three to four layers of flat keratinocytes more in thick skin than in thin skin cells contain keratohyalin
11. Stratum lucidum thin translucent zone superficial to the stratum granulosum seen only in thick skin keratinocytes densely packed with eleidin, which is important in the synthesis of keratin cells have no nuclei or other organelles indistinct cell borders
Stratum corneum up to thirty layers of dead keratinized cells resistant to abrasion, penetration, and water loss
14. Life history of a keratinocyte
Keratinocytes are shoved upward by the dividing cells below.
Cells grow flatter and they produce lipid filled membrane coating vesicles.
In the stratum granulosum the keratinocytes undergo apoptosis.
The keratohyalin granules release a substance that binds to the cytoskeleton and converts them to keratin.
The membrane coating vesicles release a lipid mixture that spreads out over the cell surface and waterproofs it.
15. An epidermal water barrier forms between the stratum granulosum and the stratum spinosum.
It consists of lipids secreted by the keratinocytes and tight junctions between the keratinocytes.
The epidermal water barrier is crucial to retaining water and preventing dehydration.
Cells above the barrier die
Therefore the stratum cornea consists of compact layers of dead keratinocytes.
16. Dermis ranges from 0.2 mm thick in the eyelids to 4 mm thick in the palms and soles composed of collagen, elastic and reticular fibers contains fibroblasts and all the cells usually found in fibrous connective tissue contains blood vessels, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, nerve endings, hair follicles, and nail roots
Smooth muscle (piloerector muscles) associated with hair follicles contract in response to cold, fear, and touch
Skeletal muscle attached to the dermis in the face and produces facial expressions
17. Dermal papillae
Epidermal ridges
Friction ridges
Dermis in sensitive areas
18. Dermis two layers
Papillary layer thin zone of areolar tissue in the dermal papillae loosely organized tissue allows for mobility of leucocytes and other defenses
Reticular layer deeper and much thicker dense irregular connective tissue thick bundles of collagen with less room for ground substance striae or stretch marks caused by stretching of the skin tearing the collagen
19. Hypodermis - also called subcutaneous tissue or superficial fascia
Has areolar and fat tissue
Binds the skin to the underlying tissue
Medications are frequently injected into this area because of vascularity
Subcutaneous fat hypodermis composed mostly of adipose tissue not uniformly distributed absent in scalp but copious in breast, abdomen, hips and thighs 8% thicker in women than in men infants and the elderly have less fat and therefore cold intolerance
20. Skin Color
Melanin most significant factor in skin color produced by melanocytes accumulates in the keratinocytes of the stratum basale and stratum spinosum
Two forms of melanin a brownish black eumelanin a reddish yellow sulfur containing pigment known as pheomelanin
Hemoglobin skin redder in places where blood capillaries come close to surface such as the lips
Carotene yellow pigment acquired from egg yolks and yellow and orange vegetables concentrated in stratum corneum, subcutaneous fat, and skin of the heel
21. Abnormal skin colors
Cyanosis blueness in the skin from a deficiency of oxygen in the circulating blood
Erythema abnormal redness of the skin occurs with exercise, hot weather, sunburn, anger and embarrassment caused by increased blood flow in dilated cutaneous blood vessels or from pooling of red cells that have escaped from the capillaries
22. Pallor a pale color that occurs when there is so little blood flowing through the skin that white collagen shows through seen in emotional stress, low blood pressure, circulatory shock, cold temperatures, severe anemia
Albinism a genetic lack of melanin that results in white hair, pale skin and pink eyes lack of tyrosinase which is needed to make melanin from tyrosine autosomal recessive transmission
23. Jaundice Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes secondary to high levels of bilirubin in the skin
Bronzing a golden brown skin color seen in Addison disease which is adrenal insufficiency
Hematoma a mass of clotted blood seen through the skin bruise usually due to trauma can be seen in clotting disorders
24. Skin markings
Friction ridges from dermal papillae in the fingertips fingerprints formed during fetal life and remained unchanged for life unique pattern for everyone not even identical twins have the same fingerprints
Flexion lines lines on the flexor surfaces of the digits, palms, wrists, and elbows mark sites where the skin folds during flexion of the joints
Freckles flat melanized patches that vary with heredity and sun exposure
Moles elevated patch of melanized skin - harmless
25. Hemangiomas birthmarks patches of discolored skin caused by benign tumors of the dermal capillaries Capillary hemangiomas are bright red to purple, slightly swollen and usually disappear in childhood Cavernous hemangiomas (port wine stain) are flat and last for life
26. Hair and nails accessory organs composed of hard keratin more compact than the soft keratin seen in the stratum corneum of the skin
Pilus hair is known as a pilus or plural pili slender filament of keratinized cells that grows from an oblique tube in the skin called a hair follicle
Three types of hair
Lanugo hair fine unpigmented hair that appears on the fetus in the last 3 months most of it replaced by vellus hair by the time of birth
27. Vellus hair fine unpigmented hair constitutes two thirds of the hair of women and one tenth of the hair of men constitutes all of the hair of children except the eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair of the scalp
Terminal hair longer, coarser, and pigmented forms the eyebrows, eyelashes, and the scalp after puberty it forms the axillary hair, pubic hair, male facial hair, and hair on the trunk and limbs
28. Structure of the Hair and Follicles
Three zones along its length
Bulb a swelling at the base where the hair originates in the dermis
Root the remainder of hair within the follicle
Shaft portion above the skin surface
Dermal papilla provides the hair with its sole source of nutrition
Hair matrix above the papilla region of mitotically active cells hairs growth center all cells higher up are dead
29. Cross section of the hair
Medulla loosely arranged cells and air spaces found in thick hairs but absent in thin hairs
Cortex a layer of keratinized cuboidal cells
Cuticle a surface layer of scaley cells
30. Hair follicle a diagonal tube that dips deep into the dermis
Epithelial root sheath extension of the epidermis
Connective tissue root sheath derived from the dermis
Hair receptors nerve fibers associated with the follicle
Pilorector muscle bundle of smooth muscle fibers that extend from dermal collagen fibers to the connective tissue root sheath responds to cold, fear and other stimuli controlled by sympathetic nervous system make hair stand on end
33. Hair texture and growth
Texture related to differences in crosssectional shape straight hair is round wavy hair is oval curly hair is flat
Hair color due to pigment granules in the cells of the cortex brown and black hair have eumelanin red hair has some eumelanin but a high concentration of pheomelanin blond hair has a moderate amount of pheomelanin and only a small amount of eumelanin gray and white hair have no melanin in the cortex and air in the medulla
39. Hair Growth and Loss
Hair cycle three phases
Pattern baldness
40. Functions of Hair
Mostly vestigial
Scalp hair helps to retain heat protects from sunburn
Guard hairs or vibrissae hairs - prevent foreign particles from entering the nose or ears
Eyelashes shield the eyes from windblown debris
Eyebrows keep sweat from getting into the eyes
41. Nails clear hard derivatives of the stratum corneum composed of very thin, dead, scaley cells densely packed together and filled with parallel fibers and hard keratin distinguishing characteristic of primates
Growth fingernails 1 mm per week and toenails slower new cells added to nail plate by mitosis in the nail matrix at its proximal end
43. Cutaneous Glands
Sweat glands or sudoiferous glands two kinds
Merocrine or eccrine most numerous - myoepithelial cells insensible perspiration diaphoresis
Apocrine occur in the groin, anal region, areola, and the beard area
Sebaceous glands produce sebum holocrine glands with ducts that open into the hair follicle
46. Ceruminous glands found only in the external ear forms earwax or cerumen simple coiled tubular glands ducts lead to skin surface waterproofs auditory canal and has a bactericidal function
Mammary glands milk producing glands that develop within the female breast prominent in pregnancy and lactation modified apocrine sweat glands produce a richer secretion and channel it through ducts to a nipple
48. Skin Cancer induced by ultra violet rays of the sun most often on the head and neck most common in fair-skinned people and the elderly very common cancer but easy to treat
Basal cell carcinoma most common type of skin cancer least dangerous because it seldom metastasizes arises from cells in the stratum basale and eventually invades the dermis
Squamous cell carcinoma arises from keratinocytes in the stratum spinosum usually found on the scalp, ears, lower lip, or dorsum of the hand chance of recovery is good with early detection and surgical removal if neglected it can metastasize to lymph nodes and can be lethal
49. Malignant melanoma most deadly skin cancer accounts for 5% of skin cancers often arises from the melanocytes of a preexisting mole metastasizes quickly and can be lethal risk is greatest for people who experienced sunburn as children especially redheads men have higher incidence of malignant melanoma than women 70% of cases on malignant melanoma are associated with an oncogene BRAF - uncertain if the BRAF oncogene alone can cause malignant melanoma
50. ABCD rule for recognizing malignant melanoma
A for symmetry (one side of the lesion looks different than the other)
B for border irregularity scalloped
C for color (often a mixture of brown and black sometimes red or blue)
D for diameter (greater than 6mm)
Treated by wide surgical excision
51. UVA, UVB, Sunscreens
Both can initiate skin cancer
No such thing as a healthy suntan
As the use of sunscreen has increased so has the incidence of skin cancer
People who use sunscreen have a higher incidence of basal cell carcinoma than people who do not
Some chemicals in sunscreen damage DNA
Still not known if sunscreens are helpful or harmful
52. Burns a leading cause of accidental deaths fluid loss, infection and the toxic effects of eschar
First degree burns involve only the dermis redness, slight edema and pain heal in a few days rarely leave a scar sunburn
Second degree burns involve the epidermis and part of the dermis may be red or blistered and painful may take several weeks to heal and may leave a scar epidermis regenerates by division of epithelial cells in the hair follicles and sweat glands and around the edges of the burn bad sunburns and scalds
Third degree burns epidermis and dermis completely destroyed epidermis can only regenerate from edges of the wound often requires skin grafts
60. Management of burns
Fluid replacement
Skin grafts
61. Skin grafts
Split thickness graft
Artificial skin
62. Interactions Between the Integumentary System and Other Organ Systems
Skeletal system skin in vitamin D synthesis promotes calcium absorption needed for bone growth and health bone supports skin at scalp and other places
Muscular system vitamin D synthesis promotes calcium absorption needed for muscle contraction skin dissipates heat generated by muscle active muscles generate heat and warm skin muscles contract and produce facial expression
63. Nervous system sensory impulses from skin transmitted to nervous system nervous system regulates diameter of cutaneous vessels stimulates perspiration stimulates piloerector muscle
Endocrine Sex hormones cause changes in skin at puberty and menopause
Circulatory system dermal vasoconstriction diverts blood to other organs skin prevents loss of fluid form cardiovascular system vasoconstriction can increase blood flow circulatory system delivers oxygen, nutrients and hormones to skin a carries away wastes
64. Lymphatic system skin detects foreign substances lymphatic system controls fluid balance and prevents edema immune cells protect skin from infection and promotes tissue repair
Respiratory system nasal hairs filter particles respiratory system provides oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
Urinary system skin complements urinary system by excreting salts and some nitrogen wastes in sweat urinary system maintains electrolyte and ph balance
65. Digestive system vitamin D synthesis promotes intestinal absorption of calcium digestive system provides nutrients for skin development and function
Reproductive system cutaneous receptors respond to erotic stimuli mammary glands produce milk gonadal sex hormones promote growth and maturation of skin