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WyoHealthExchange Presented by Personal Financial Solutions, Inc. Affordable Care Act.
WyoHealthExchangePresented by Personal Financial Solutions, Inc Affordable Care Act • The information provided in this document is not intended to advise you on how to comply with any provisions of the referenced legislation or regulations, nor is it otherwise intended to impart any legal advice. If you have any questions about how to comply with this or any other law or regulation, we recommend that you consult with your legal counsel.
Grandfather Status: Having either Group or Individual Health Insurance that covers the Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) before March 23, 2010. Which means you comply with the New HealthCare Law and not subject to Penalties. • MEC is NOT: General Liability Ins., Accidental Death and Dismemberment Coverage, Dental or Vision, Long-Term Care, etc.. Grandfathered Plans
Some Highlights or Basics of the Law: • Pre-Existing Conditions Covered for Children (started 9/23/10) • Pre-Existing Conditions Covered for Adults - starts 2014 • Maternity and Newborn Care • Mental Health and Substance Abuse • Preventive Care Services Covered • Pediatric Services, Including Vision, Oral care, and Medically Necessary Orthodontics to Age 19 Healthcare Reform Laws - Overview
Most Coverage Most Expensive • Out of Pocket Limit on all plans will be equal to Health Savings Account Law Limit. For 2013 the limits are $6,250 for Individual and $12,500 for Family Less Coverage Less Expensive Healthcare Reform Plan Designs
What is an Exchange / Marketplace? • A Exchange/Marketplace is a mechanism for organizing Health Insurance options to help Consumers and Small Businesses shop for coverage in a way that permits easy comparison of available plan options based on Price, Benefits, Services, and Quality. Basically it is where you go to determine if you are Eligible for Subsidies • Wyoming will have a Federally Facilitated Exchange/Marketplace • Private exchanges will be ran by Private Entities with no subsidies available Healthcare Reform Laws - Overview
**You are not Required to Buy Insurance, but You may Pay a Penalty for not having it.** • 2014: $95.00 + $47.50 per child up to $285 for a family per year; or 1% of income whichever is greater. • 2015: $325.00 + $162.50 per child up to $975 for a family per year; or 2% of income whichever is greater • 2016: $695.00 + $347.50 per child up to $2085 for a family per year; or 2.5% or income whichever is greater Penalties
Small and Large Groups • Call Personal Financial Solutions at 307-778-2881 or toll free 1-877-672-7426 for Detailed information Additional Information
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www.WyoHealthExchange.com For more information visit our web site and sign up for our Newsletter! newsletter@wyohealthexchange.com 1-877-672-7426 778-2881