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Spring Administration Code Training. 2011. Kentucky Required Grade Level Assessments for 2010-2011. Allegations in 2010 for Laurel Co. Allegations Number of Incidents Inappropriate Assistance by Staff 1 Test Security 3 Student Action (really staff) 2 Other 3
Allegations in 2010 for Laurel Co. AllegationsNumber of Incidents Inappropriate Assistance by Staff 1 Test Security 3 Student Action (really staff) 2 Other 3 Scores zeroed out in Laurel Co. 41
703 KAR 5:080Table of Contents Rationale Appropriate Assessment Practices Violations of the 703 KAR 5:080 Administration Code Review of Secure Assessment Components Proper Reporting of Nonacademic Indicators Signature Page
Administration Code Format Positive statement Related Topics are clustered Lines are used to separate topics Negative statement Related Topics are clustered Lines are used to separate topics ACCEPTABLE NOT ACCEPTABLE
Rationale • Professional Ethics • Actions consistent with the teaching profession • Educational Defensibility • Focus on instruction not the increase of test scores • Student Ownership • All work done entirely by the student
Test Security, Procedures for Reporting Errors, Classroom Materials, Administration Practices, Test Preparation, Inclusion of Special Populations, & Alternate Assessment II. APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT PRACTICES
Test Security “DACs, administrators, and teachers shall ensure the security of the assessment materials before, during, and after test administration.” “When not being used for a scheduled testing session, all assessment materials shall be stored in a secure location with access granted to authorized personnel only.”
Test Security Proctors may not copy, take notes, discuss, reveal any secure test item to others or use items to prepare students for testing. Alert student responses may be copied by administrators or BACs. Electronic devices with wireless communication capability are prohibited (i.e. cell phones).
Reporting Errors Do not reproduce test item!
Classroom Materials & Surfaces Content information or strategies/processes cannot be displayed on any classroom surface, including clothing. Materials containing content information or strategies/processes added to classroom surfaces during instruction must be removed or covered during the assessment. Periodic tables and motivational-type posters may remain.
Important questions to ask Does the classroom material contain content information? Does the classroom material contain steps, processes or strategies to solve-problems or answer questions? Has the classroom material been used directly to teach content or strategy information? If the answer is YES to any, remove or cover. If uncertain of the answer to any, remove or cover.
Remove or COVER Water cycle
Math Counts!
Remove or COVER My pyramid
4 Column Method Chart Remove or COVER
Word Wall Remove or COVER
Classroom Materials Current assessments allow every student to have calculators, blank writing or graph paper, clear or colored overlay sheets and bookmarks without content or strategies. Test-specific manuals outline what classroom materials may be provided during testing.
Administration Practices General Instructions “Do your best” “Stay on task” Assistance or Evaluative Comments “You can do better.” “You can write more.”
Students with Accommodations • Accommodations for assessment shall be consistent with a student’s current IEP, 504 or PSP. • Accommodations for one student shall not interfere or influence the assessment of another student.
Testing Schedules All students in the same grade level in the same school must be simultaneously assessed in the same content area. • Students that are absent should resume testing with their class in the section that the class is testing.
Testing Schedules Time Limits and extended time for each assessment must be followed per the administration manual. Students with extended time as an accommodation on an IEP, 504 Plan or PSP may have additional time during that school day.
Which classroom hasadequate space for themovement of proctors?
Test Preparation When not testing, students are to be involved in instruction. Preparation for testing activities and content review embedded in instruction. Preparation courses with no link to curriculum are prohibited.
Good Faith Effort • Can include pre-writing requirement (type to be determined by the student) • Cannot require complete first drafts • Cannot include evaluative statements or grade assignments of test answers • Cannot give feedback until after test booklets are returned to the BAC or DAC
Rewards or Motivational Strategies Shall be consistent with those applied within the regular curriculum or with the larger school program in general and attainable year round for student achievement.
Funding of “rewards” • Follow School Food Services Guidelines and local and state boards finance policies. • Local school board funds or cash awards from school activity funds generated by students shall not be used for student incentives. • ESS funds shall not be used for test preparation. • Donations from individuals, businesses, parents or school staff can be used for student incentives.
Inclusion of Special populations Those providing accommodations must be trained in Administration Code and how the student uses accommodations. Accommodations during an assessment shall be consistent with 703 KAR 5:070, Procedures for the Inclusion of Special Populations
Alternate Assessment • Students in program have primary ownership of assessment pieces. • Yearly training for administration is required. • Alternate Assessment components are secure materials. • Altering results of Alternate Assessment components is prohibited.
III. Violations of the Administration Code for Kentucky’s Educational Assessment Program
Reporting Allegations • All allegations, or perceived inappropriate testing procedure or behavior, should be reported to the Building Assessment Coordinator (BAC) and then to the District Assessment Coordinator (DAC).
IV. Review of Secure Assessment Components by Parents and Persons not in the Employment of a Kentucky Public School District
Review of Secure Materials Parents and Others not employed by a Kentucky Public School District may: review secure materials at the KDE office in Frankfort and not at the local district. A nondisclosure statement mustbe signed before reviewing secure assessment components.