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Law of Conservation of Mass

Law of Conservation of Mass. “For any closed to all transfer of matter and energy, the mass of the system must remain constant over time, as system mass cannot change quantity if it is not added or removed”- wikipedia

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Law of Conservation of Mass

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Law of Conservation of Mass • “For any closed to all transfer of matter and energy, the mass of the system must remain constant over time, as system mass cannot change quantity if it is not added or removed”-wikipedia • “the mass of any one element at the beginning of a reaction will equal the mass of that element at the end of the reaction” – nature.com

  2. Exp. #1 Before After Some allowed particles to leave the system….so it lost mass

  3. Exp. 2 Before After Even though it changed form, we didn’t allow anything in or out. So the mass stayed the same

  4. Exp. 3 Before After Even though they were mixed and a whole new substance was made, we didn’t allow anything in or out so the mass remained unchanged

  5. Exp. 4 Though we made a new substance like exp. 3, we allowed “stuff” to get in so the mass increased.

  6. Exp. 5 Even though the sugar dissolved (disappeared from sight), the particles of sugar were still there because we didn’t allow anything in or out….so mass stayed the same

  7. Exp. 6 Even though we dissolved something like we did in Exp. 5, this time we allowed particles to escape…..so we lost mass

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