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MCH(Muon Tracking) DCS. Introduction Overview drawing High Voltage - hardware functional diagram Logical Diagrams Summary table of states and commands Commands from DCS and State Diagrams Proposal for hardware partitioning of the HV Modules Proposal of some PVSS2 panels.
MCH(Muon Tracking) DCS Introduction Overview drawing High Voltage - hardware functional diagram Logical Diagrams Summary table of states and commands Commands from DCS and State Diagrams Proposal for hardware partitioning of the HV Modules Proposal of some PVSS2 panels
Introduction The ultimate goal is a working Detector Control System (DCS) ready for exploitation, allowing to control and operate the experiment during all modes of operation and according to defined requirements. The Control Systems for Tracking chambers detector should be ready to be used during the final assembly and commissioning. The main parties involved in the DCS project are the various detector groups and the groups providing the external services. In addition the ECS and Offline systems as well as the LHC Machine need to be linked-up with DCS. The control and operation of the experiment takes place on the ECS layer. Through this layer DCS is linked up with the Data Acquisition (DAQ), Trigger (TRG) and Offline systems and with the LHC Machine(fig.1).
DCS layout The ‘standard’ DCS model consists of a number of hardware and software components on three hierarchical layers: the supervision layer, the control layer and the field layer. Supervision layer (PVSS2, Framework) The supervision and operation of the detectors take place on this layer and some of the tools and facilities needed are: -SCADA framework tools (PVSS2,Framework) -logging and archiving facilities -alarms -configuration databases -application programs and data -object library for supervision -supervision and operation programs (Finite State Machines)
Control layer On the control layer the collection and processing of data takes place and the following components can typically be found here: - Process Control Units - Local Operator Workplace - Local Engineering Workplace - Data server - Application programs and data - Object library for process control - Local operation programs - Sub-detector configuration data Field layer The connection of the detector equipment to DCS takes place on the field layer via sensors, I/O-interfaces, OPC servers and fieldbuses.
ALICE policy: • Our baseline approach is to build the ALICE DCS as a distributed PVSS system • Each detector DCS shall be a distributed PVSS system • “Central DCS” will connect to all PVSS systems • Distributed system of distributed systems
Muon-Trk 1..4 2 30 140 2 1 20 188 1 ? 48 600 344 12 40 2 1 27/06/05 [FSM] Database(s) PVSS II PVSS II PVSS II Control room (ACR) OPCclient DIMclient User interface Ethernet CR3 CR3 CR3 CR3 CR3 CR3 PVSS II PVSS II PVSS II PVSS II PVSS II PVSS II OPC client Modbus/TCP OPC client DIMclient OPC client DIP Modbus OPC CAENOPC Wiener OPCserver E ELMB OPCserver E E CR3 RS485 [GMS] E S E DIMserver PCI-CAN [GWG] C DIMclient GasPVSS “FED” to ‘driver boards’;DIM to ‘Analysis system’ E SG2 PLC [TS/CV] ACC CR4-Z05 CR4-X01 SY1527 SG2 Driver boards TS/CVSCADA Gas HV UX-C repeater PLC UX-D ELMB(I/O device) Wiener CR5 Cooling(air or water) Gas LV HVSwitch HV DDL Detector Detector Crocus(on-detector crates) Geometrymonitor Detector Detector Detector High Voltage Low Voltage FEE/Crate Control Geometry Environment monitor Detector Cooling Gas system
Computers for Muon Trk DCS Operator Node HV(HVLV Left) LV(HVLV Right) ELMB (Environment) +GMS
Devices Devices Devices Devices DAQ TRI HLT The DCS Data Flow Electricity Ventilation Config. ECS Cooling DIM, DIP Gas PVSSII Magnets Safety AMANDA FERO Version Tag Access Control LHC Archive OFFLINE Conditions
High Voltage LEFT ST5 CR04-Z05 6 6 9 9 6 13 13 13 6 13 ST3 ST4 SY1527 LEFT 8xA1821HP ST1 ST2 Cb5L Cb6L Cb9L Cb1L Cb3L Cb7L Cb8L Cb10L Cb2L Cb4L hvd1 hvd1 hvd1 hvd1 hvd1 hvd1 hvd2 hvd2 hvd2 hvd2 hvd2 hvd2 hvd3 hvd3 hvd4 hvd4 hvd5 hvd5 hvd6 hvd6 hvd7 hvd7 hvd8 hvd8 hvd12 hvd12 hvd12 hvd12 IP hvd9 hvd9 hvd13 hvd13 hvd13 hvd13 Cb1R Cb3R Cb2R Cb4R Cb5R Cb6R Cb7R Cb8R Cb9R Cb10R TOP VIEW SY1527 RIGHT 8xA1821HP CR04-Z05 PC DCS USB<->RS485 High Voltage Power Supply cable CR03-Z06 Cb - Chamber (ex. Cb1L – Chamber # 1 Left) ST - Station RIGHT
Low Voltage for HVD LEFT ST5 CR04-Z05 ST3 ST4 SY1527 LEFT 1xA1513B Cb5L Cb6L Cb7L Cb8L Cb9L repeater 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cb10L ST1 ST2 Rt hvd1 hvd1 hvd1 hvd1 hvd1 hvd1 hvd2 hvd2 hvd2 hvd2 hvd2 hvd2 hvd3 hvd3 hvd4 hvd4 hvd5 hvd5 hvd6 hvd6 hvd7 hvd7 hvd8 hvd8 hvd12 hvd12 hvd12 hvd12 IP hvd9 hvd9 hvd13 hvd13 hvd13 hvd13 Cb5R Cb6R Cb7R Cb8R Cb9R Cb10R 7 8 9 10 11 12 repeater SY1527 RIGHT 1xA1513B TOP VIEW Power supply cable type “ SCR.SIGN.CABLE 1x4x1,0 mm2 QUAD”(18,5 ohm/km) CR04-Z05 Data + Power supply cable type “ CAB.SIG.BL. 4x0,50mm2” PC DCS First twisted pair from data + power cable USB<->RS485 Second twisted pair from data + power cable Data cable type “04.21.60.AB- ONE TWISTED PAIR RS485 CABLE” CR03-Z06 RIGHT 1-12 Patch connectors Rt Termination resistor
MCH LV for Hvd MchHv MchHvRight MchHvLeft Chamber5L Chamber6L Chamber10L Chamber5R Chamber6R Chamber10R LvChn1 LvChn2 LvChn6 LvChn1 LvChn2 LvChn6 LvChm5L LvChm6l LvChm10L LvChm5L LvChm6l LvChm10L LvChm5L – Low Voltage for High Voltage Distributors on Chamber 5 Left
MCH HvSubsystem Logic Diagram – Chambers 1-4 MchHv MchHvRight MchHvLeft Control Unit Chamber2L Chamber3L Chamber4L Chamber1L Chamber2R Chamber3R Chamber4R Chamber1R Logic Unit Group4 Group4 Ch6L Ch6R Ch5L Ch5R Ch4L Ch4R Ch3L Ch3R HV Group1 HV Group1 Ch2R Ch2L Ch1L Ch1R LV LV Cn6L Cn6R Cn1L Cn1R 2.5V 2.5V 3.3V -2.5V 3.3V -2.5V
In Slat1, only when Chn1 is off will be possible the operation of Pcb1 and 2 via respectively Hvd1 and 2. In Slat-xx will be evaluated all the boolean conditions of the children MchHv MchHvRight Control Unit MchHvLeft Chamber5R Chamber5L Logic Unit Chamber6R Chamber6L Slat1 Slat9 Device Unit LvChn1 Chn1 Hvd1 Hvd2 Chn9 Hvd1 Hvd2 Caen ch Caen ch Pcb1 Pcb2 Pcb1 Pcb2 LvChm5L HV LV,control Slat1 Slat9 Hvd1 Hvd2 LvChn2 Chn1 Hvd1 Hvd2 Chn9 Caen ch Caen ch Pcb1 Pcb2 Pcb1 Pcb2 LvChm6R
MchHv In Slat1L, only when Chn1 is off will be possible the operation of Pcb1 and 2 via respectively Hvd1 and 2. In Slat-xx will be evaluated all the boolean conditions of the children MchHvLeft Chamber7L Chamber8L LvChn3 LvChm7L Slat1 Group1 Slat3 Hvd1 Hvd2 3.3V Chn1 2.5V -2.5V Hvd1 Hvd2 Chn3 Hvd3 Hvd4 Caen ch Pcb1 Pcb2 Caen ch Pcb1 Pcb2 Pcb3 Pcb4 Slat2 Slat4 Chn2 Hvd1 Hvd2 Hvd1 Hvd2 Hvd2 Hvd5 Chn4 Hvd3 Hvd4 Caen ch Pcb1 Pcb2 Pcb3 Caen ch Pcb1 Pcb2 Pcb3 Pcb4 Pcb5
MchHv In Slat1L, only when Chn1 is off will be possible the operation of Pcb1 and 2 via respectively Hvd1 and 2. In Slat-xx will be evaluated all the boolean conditions of the children MchHvLeft Chamber7L Chamber8L Group7 Group 7 = group 1(slide before) supply slats from 10 to 13. Groups 3, 4 and 5 equals to 2 and 6 supplied slats 6, 7 and 8. Slat5 Group2 Hvd1 Hvd2 Chn5 Hvd3 Hvd4 Hvd5 3.3V 2.5V -2.5V Caen ch Pcb1 Pcb2 Pcb3 Pcb4 Pcb5 Group6 Slat9 Hvd1 Hvd2 3.3V 2.5V -2.5V Hvd5 Chn9 Hvd3 Hvd4 Caen ch Pcb1 Pcb2 Pcb3 Pcb4 Pcb4
Tab. 1 Summary table of states and commands for the MchHv(Left&Right), Chamber, Slat(HvChannel), Lv(Distributor), Pcb and HV Power Supply in the FSM
Tab. 1 Summary table of states and commands for the MchHv(Left&Right), Chamber, Slat(HvChannel), Lv(Distributor), Pcb and HV Power Supply in the FSM + LV PWS and LV Group
Active lines on External Interlock and External Disable(SY1527) INTERLOCK RECOVER_INTERLOCK SWITCH_ON GO_ON INTERLOCK_WENT OFF OFF RECOVER Power Crate unsafe Conditions, Kill command Network Connection lost ERROR NO_CONTROL GO_OFF SWITCH_OFF Network Connection lost ON NO_CONTROL ON PWS(MchHvLeft , MchHvRight, LowVoltXX) State Diagram Pcb State Diagram B C D E A One or several tripped Channels in Chamber From any state if the Communication with The hardware is lost When several modules in ER_REPAIR, or External interlock, or power crate failure, un-calibrated board It is the propagation of the interlock condition in HVPS From any state when not all the channels or systems are in the same state Recovering actions Recovering actions INTERLOCK No Yes #trips=>Max? RECOVER RECOVER_INTERLOCK WA_REPAIR ER_REPAIR NO_CONTROL ERROR INTERLOCK_WENT MIXED When the Communication is established When all channels are in the same stable state Go to the Appropriate state Go to the Appropriate state Go to the Appropriate state Go to OFF Go to OFF Go to the Appropriate state
Proposal Used by Station 1 and 2 Used by Stations 3, 4 and 5
Proposal DLV-CH5-L-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 3, Chamber 5, Left, Slat 1 DLV-CH7-L-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 4, Chamber 7, Left, Slat 1 DLV-CH9-L-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 5, Chamber 9, Left, Slat 1 DLV-CH6-L-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 3, Chamber 6, Left, Slat 1 DLV-CH8-L-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 4, Chamber 8, Left, Slat 1 DLV-CH10-L-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 5, Chamber 10, Left, Slat 1
Proposal Used by Station 1 and 2 Used by Stations 3, 4 and 5
Proposal DLV-CH5-R-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 3, Chamber 5, Right, Slat 1 DLV-CH7-R-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 4, Chamber 7, Right, Slat 1 DLV-CH9-R-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 5, Chamber 9, Right, Slat 1 DLV-CH6-R-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 3, Chamber 6, Right, Slat 1 DLV-CH8-R-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 4, Chamber 8, Right, Slat 1 DLV-CH10-R-1 –> Distributor Low Voltage, Station 5, Chamber 10, Right, Slat 1
Planning for installation of Muon Tracking Chambers in the PIT