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READING How to comprehend, retain and complete assignments better and faster. Knowing how to read can come in handy…. IT SAYS “YOU GO FIRST, DAVE.”. IN. HOLD. OUT. GET IT. EXPOSURE. I finished most (skimmed) or ALL pages of reading.
READINGHow to comprehend, retain and complete assignments better and faster
Knowing how to read can come in handy…. IT SAYS “YOU GO FIRST, DAVE.”
EXPOSURE • I finished most (skimmed) or ALL pages of reading
Books are very $$$$*so get your worth*Average price of a year’s worth of textbooks is $900
ATTENTION • I was concentrating TURN ON YOUR RADAR!
IMPORTANCE!! • I decided correctly which material was worthgetting
IMPORTANCE …andmightshow up on tests
IMPORTANCE!! • I decided correctly it was worth keeping…
IMPORTANCE … andwill show up on tests
TIMING • I didn’t underestimate the time needed
TIMING • I started early enough so I could keep enough
ORGANIZATION • I was detailedenough (facts, events, statistics, names, dates, theories…)
ORGANIZATION • An general enough (overviews, summaries, trends…)
“enough”: The “Goldilocks” Problem:NOT TOO MUCH…not too little…
ORGANIZATION • I made connections(among text lessons, lectures and class discussion, and lab exercises…)
COMPREHENSION Am I getting it? Or not???!!
The following are + (positive) and x (negative)signsthat you’re “getting” it:
x If you can't figure out why the material was assigned or explain why it's important.
xIf you feel as if you are struggling to follow the author and can't predict what will come next.
+ If everything seems to fit and make sense – the ideas flow logically.
xIf some pieces do not seem to belong-the material seems disjointed.
xIf you can't detect relationships - the organization is not apparent.
x Nothing(!) seems important or Everything(!) seems important.
+ If you feel comfortable with and/or have some knowledge of the topic.
x If the topicis unfamiliar but the author assumes you understand it.
x If you have to reread and use the author's language to explain an idea.
+ If you recognize most of the words or can figure them out from context.
Finally, reading is an unusual and challenging mental activity:
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabridge Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in what oredr the ltteers in a wrod are!
The olny imprmoetnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed errvey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.