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Strategic Communication Master Class Brigadier Iain Harrison Director STRATCOM Ops/Plans and Information Operations, Headquarters International Security Assistance Force Overall Briefing Classification: NATO/ISAF UNCLASSIFIED. Agenda. An ISAF theatre perspective of Strategic Communication
Strategic Communication Master Class Brigadier Iain Harrison Director STRATCOM Ops/Plans and Information Operations, Headquarters International Security Assistance Force Overall Briefing Classification: NATO/ISAF UNCLASSIFIED
Agenda • An ISAF theatre perspective of Strategic Communication • How we do it……….. • Topics • Strategic Challenges • Narrative formation • Environmental analysis • Public/stakeholder analysis • Framing the message • Strategic vision • Long range horizon scanning • Campaign planning • Synergy of influence activity NATO/ISAF UNCLAS
Terminology (Aarrghh..!)(Strategic Challenges) • Information Operations (US JP 3-13, AJP 3-10 and UK JDP 0-01.1): • The integrated employment of the core capabilities of EW, CNO, PSYOP, MILDEC and OPSEC in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision-making while protecting our own • A military function to provide advice and coordination of military information activities in order to create desired effects on the will, understanding and capability of adversaries, potential adversaries and other NAC approved parties in support of Alliance mission objectives • Coordinated actions undertaken to influence an adversary or potential adversary in support of political and military objectives by undermining his will, cohesion and decision making ability, through affecting his information, information based processes and systems while protecting one’s own decision makers and decision making processes • PSYOPS/MISO (US JP1-02; MC 402; AJP 3-10 and UK JDP 0-01.1): • Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning and ultimately behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups and individuals. The purpose of PSYOP is to induce or reinforce behavior favorable to the originator’s objective. • Planned psychological activities using methods of communications and other means directed to approved audiences in order to influence perceptions, attitudes and behaviour, affecting the achievement of political and military objectives • Planned psychological operations that pursue objectives to gain the support and cooperation of supportive and neutral audiences and to reduce the will and the capacity of hostile or potentially hostile audiences to commit aggressive action, and contribute to crisis management and deterrence in support of diplomatic actions. • Planned, culturally sensitive, truthful and attributable activities directed at approved target audiences within the joint operations area in order to achieve political and military objectives by influencing attitudes and behaviour. • Influence (Draft FM 3-00 and JDP 3-40): • To effectively change attitudes, beliefs and ultimately behavior of foreign friendly, neutral, adversary and enemy audiences to support operations • To affect the character or behaviour of someone or something • Inform (Draft FM 3-00): • To provide information to domestic and foreign audiences to accurately describe operations • Outreach: No doctrinal terms • STRATCOM(Various Sources) • …the processes and efforts to understand and engage key audiences to create, strengthen or preserve conditions favourable to advance [our] interests and objectives • A systematic series of sustained and coherent activities, conducted across strategic, operational and tactical levels, that enables understanding of target audiences, identifies effective conduits, and develops and promotes ideas and opinions through these conduits to promote and sustain particular types of behaviour • In concert with other political and military actors and with higher headquarters, STRATCOM advances ISAF’s aims and objectives through the coordinated use of PA, PSYOPS, IO and KLE Strategic Communication: Coordinated actions, messages, images, and other forms of signaling or engagement intended to inform, influence, or persuade…selected audiences in support of [……] objectives Christopher Paul HASC Testimony • Information Operations (Function): A military function to provide advice and coordination of military information activities in order to create desired effects on the will, understanding and capability of adversaries, potential adversaries and other NAC approved parties in support of Alliance mission objectivesAJP 3-10 • Information Operations (Capabilities) – some or all of: The integrated employment of the core capabilities of EW, CNO, PSYOP, MILDEC and OPSEC in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision-making while protecting our own ([US] JP 3-13)
Communication Mission Plan, execute, and assess all communication efforts in order to….. • Increase public understanding of the role of: • International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and • Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) • Encourage the Afghan people to become more active in their own security, governance and development • Counter insurgent propaganda ….influence the perceptions and behaviour of friendly, neutral and enemy audiences in support of ISAF objectives…
Out of Theatre Military/ Civilian “IO Organisations” Out of Theatre Military/ Civilian PA Organisations” Theatre Level PA Theatre Level IO Operational Level PA Operational Level IO Tactical Level PA Tactical Level IO Horizontal and Vertical Integration(Strategic Challenges) NATO (and Other) Narrative(s) STRATCOM Ops/Plans ISAF Theatre-Strategic Plans/Ops Including IO capabilities “Act” “Direct” Communication Effects IJC NTM-A Spec TFs Operational Plans/Ops Including IO capabilities “Act” “Direct” RCs Bdes Tactical Plans/Ops Including IO capabilities “Act” “Direct”
NATO IO UK IO PSYOPS Posture, Profile and Presence OPSEC Information Security Deception Electronic Warfare Physical Destruction Key Leader Engagement Computer Network Operations CIMIC The Capabilities(Strategic Challenges) STRATCOM or Communication or Information Activity or Etc, Etc, Etc “Firewall” “US IO” Key Leader Engagement Military Information Support Operations (PSYOPS) Military Deception Electronic Warfare Operational Security Computer Network Operations (Cyber) Public Affairs (Media Ops) Special Technical Programmes Traditional Communication (Outreach) ISAF “Full Spectrum” Information Operations Key Leader Engagement PSYOPS Deception Posture, Profile and Presence Computer Network Operations Special Capabilities
HQ ISAF STRATCOM Structure and Linkages(Strategic Challenges) NATO/ISAF UNCLAS
Challenges Human terrain complexity Physical Motivations, culture and narratives Literacy Media penetration Credible voices Increasingly skeptical audiences Information agility Atmospherics and Human Terrain Teams Assessments and Media Monitoring Operating Environment(Strategic Challenges)
Environmental Analysis:Audiences and Partners PoA Key Figures* NAC (Brussels) Other Govt Institutions Afghan Academics Regional Security Ministeries JFC-B Western Development Ministries Afghan US SACEUR / SHAPE NATO Public Media IOs Media Media Kabul International Community Troop Contributing Nations Heads of State DCOS COMM Media Media Ambassadors Media Media Ambassadors International Organisations US Media Media UNAMA Ministers/Secretaries Regional Nations EU NGOs IJC HQ ISAF NTM-A MODs RCs JTF-435 * Business Leaders, Power Brokers, Tribal Elders, Mullahs CHoDs SNRs Academics/Think Tanks
Strategy-Based but Agile STRATCOM Coherence, consistency, credibility Bonn Conference US Drawdown Transition Tranche 2 Op WHATEVER Op ANOTHER Consequence Management Routine Key Leader Engagement Shaping/Drumbeat Activity Routine PSYOPS Series Shaping/Drumbeat Activity Routine Media Engagements Shaping/Drumbeat Activity NATO/ISAF UNCLAS
The big idea The ISAF Narrative StructureOne narrative to drive all communication efforts • Target Audience (TA): • International Community • - Troop Contributing Nations • - Individual Nations’ Public • GIRoA & Key Afghan Leaders • ANSF • TBSL & low level INS • Neighbouring States • Local Afghan populace Main Action Step The Benefits: Why should the audience go along? What’s in it for them? Conditions ID: Must resonate with TA Identify the Opportunity: Where we offer hope Main Action Step Main Action Step • Key Guidelines: • Remain true to the core message & look at daily events within the context of a long-term view. • Every ISAF action must link back to the narrative. • Must be adaptive: it tells us what to say, not necessarily how to say it. • Must be convincing and intrinsically believable to every target audience. • Therefore it must be accurate and true as well as factual. • Must be simple and transparent. • Key planning steps: • Identify key Target Audiences whose decisions matter for mission success. • Conditions ID must resonate with Target Audiences. • Action steps must make logical sense – to TA. • The benefits must be valuable and attractive – to TA. “A narrative is a statement of identity, cause and intent around which [ISAF] can unite. It must be convincing, transparent, adaptive and, above all, attractive.” Prof Paul Cornish
The ISAF NarrativeOne narrative to drive all communication efforts • Target Audience (TA): • International Community • - Troop Contributing Nations • - Individual Nations’ Public • GIRoA & Key Afghan Leaders • ANSF • TBSL & low level INS • Neighbouring States • Local Afghan populace Stability, Peace & Prosperity Those who fight against the Afghan Government and people have a choice For peace to prevail, the insurgents - the enemies of peace - must choose to end their violent, extremist ways. The Afghan Peace & Reintegration Programme (APRP) provides local fighters the choice to rejoin their families and communities, and to work alongside all Afghans for a peaceful and more prosperous future. If they chose to fight, they will face unrelenting pressure. Afghanistan is moving forward Now is the time for GIRoA and its security forces to build a better and more prosperous future for Afghanistan, and bring hope to its people. They have begun the process of Inteqal (Transition) under which the Afghan people will see their police and their army ensuring theirsecurity in their own country under the control of their government. A Pathway to Stability, Peace & Prosperity The international community’s wish is to see an Afghan government that is able to provide for its people’s security, serve its people’s interests well, and offer all Afghans a more hopeful and prosperous future. Afghanistan will never again be a safe haven for terrorists. Thirty years of struggle for the Afghan people Years of conflict and war destroyed the fabric of Afghan society and shattered its social institutions. It turned Afghan against Afghan; a misguided few against the peaceful, non-violent ways of the many. But after 10 years of international assistance, things are now changing. We will continue to support GIRoA & the ANSF Afghans welcome Inteqal and accept that for now our support and assistance is needed. They can be confident that we will assist and support their government and their security forces to build and develop their capacity and effectiveness. Our support will continue until GIRoA and the ANSF are able to secure Afghanistan’s future and bring hope of greater prosperity to its people. Our role is changing, but our commitment will endure By the time Transition is complete our role will change from combat operations to support, based on a shared commitment to peace and stability. This will mark the start of a renewed relationship with the people of Afghanistan, and one which will endure for as long as it is needed. The Benefits Conditions ID Opportunity Action Steps Campaign Themes: PRESSURE - ANSF GROWTH - TRANSITION - PARTNERSHIP
From Narrative to Strategy to Action “The challenge is to craft strategic communications to reinforce the narrative.” Joint Doctrine Note 1/11 Strategic Communication: The Defence Contribution COMISAF OPLAN Revision 6
Communication Strategy ISAF NARRATIVE – “A Pathway to Stability, Peace & Prosperity” PH 3: Strategic Partnership and Safehaven Denial PH1: ISAF-led expansion of security, governance and development PH 2: GIRoA/ANSF led expansion of security, governance and development Emphasis of Effects Pressuring the Enemy O6 O7 O8 O1 O9 O3 O4 O5 O2 E1: INS ability to influence the population is diminished Promote Reconciliation Efforts E2: INS morale and cohesion are undermined E3: Afghans support for the INS is diminished E4: Afghans support APRP Transition E5: Afghans understand the benefits of Transition E6: Afghans perceive GIRoA offers the best hope for the future of Afghanistan E7: Criminal actors and CPNs are unable to influence significantly legitimate governance & undermine RoL Afghan National Security Forces E8: Afghans perceive the ANSF as legitimate & capable E9: Afghans support the ANSF E10: Afghans perceive their daily life to be safe & have confidence in their future safety Unity of Effort E11: IC continues to support the NATO mission beyond 2014 E12: Afghans have confidence in the IC’s long term commitment to Afghanistan
Strategy-Based PSYOPS Operational Theatre Strategic Tactical LOO 1 Highlighting Insurgent Atrocity Public Safety Guardians of Peace Protect the Population Public Safety Tips Lines Public Safety LOO 2 ANSF Professionalism and Capability Develop the ANSF Afghan Local Police Afghan Local Police LOO 3 Countering Propaganda Counter Command Countering Propaganda Promote Reintegration Countering Propaganda Promote Reintegration Neutralise INS Networks Sow Seeds of Doubt Promote Reintegration Highlighting Insurgent Atrocity Sow Seeds of Doubt Sow Seeds of Doubt Highlighting Insurgent Atrocity LOO 4 Countering Narcotics Countering Corruption Countering Narcotics Countering Narcotics Countering Corruption Neutralise CPN LOO 5 Civic Awareness Governance Awareness Civic Awareness Civic Duty Civic Awareness Support Legitimate Governance National Unity LOO 6 Building the Future Building the Future Civic Duty Building the Future Promotion of Specific Trades Support Sustainable Socio-Econ Dev NATO/ISAF UNCLAS
and….not forgetting the Bad Guys Undermine Morale Disrupt Supply Networks Counter Propaganda Disrupt Wider Support Seize the Narrative Initiative Exploit Fissures NATO/ISAF UNCLAS
STRATCOM PlanningThreats and Opportunities Eid al Adha/Reintegration Surge Chicago Summit Istanbul Conference 10th Anniversary Kabul Liberation 10th Anniversary Kandahar Liberation Transition Tranche 2 Announcement Transition Tranche 2 Starts Transition Tranche 3 Announcement 10th Anniversary UNSCR ISAF Defence Ministers Bonn Conference World Bank Report COMISAF Congressional Testimony NGO Reports • Messages for emphasis/key effects • Enduring partnership – enemies have • a choice and can’t wait us out • Opportunity 10 years on • Regional dialogue NATO/ISAF UNCLAS
President Karzai’s Speech Sporadic Protests Denouncing Death Key leaders statements Key ISAF personnel attend funeral ISAF/SCR Press Conference COMISAF Statement Consolidated ISAF Talking Points Issued to ISAF and GMIC National Days of Mourning International condemnations NATO Media Tour to 30 Sep DCOS COMM LNOs ISAF/GIRoA Comm Synch PA: RTQ, interviews and backgrounders PA: new media engagements PSYOPS: Radio audio products (PRN) via CJPOTF Senior Leader KLE Tribal/Religious/Youth KLE Tribal/Religious/Youth Leaders KLE Ministry Partner Engagement IJC/NTM-A Engagement with Ministry Partners PSYOPS: Audio/Video Products Development/Dissemination Targeted Reintegration Efforts Disrupt INS Propaganda Efforts– INS leaders exploit combatants and cadre from safe havens in PAK PSYOPS Shaping Activity (CJPOTF) RTQ – Response to Query PRN – PSYOPS Radio Network (CJPOTF)
Some Reflections • Concept/Doctrine: Effects v “Communicating” • Terminology.....! • HQ structure – STRATCOM Directorates…? • DCOS STRATCOM’s background • JOA authorities and leveraging Regional Effects • Contracted support – from the outset • More challenges….. • Conflict fatigue and credibility • Afghan Sovereignty • “Non-traditional” communication means • TRADCOMM • Youth sports strategy • Youth and other outreach • Linking outreach with influence efforts • The Key to the Future: Working with the Afghan Government
STRATCOM / Info Ops – My Top Ten • Needs to be Command led • Centrality of the Narrative • The Simplicity Imperative • Consistency • Research – breadth and depth • Horizontal and vertical Coherence (coordination) • Indivisibility of the information environment • Dialogue – not monologue/broadcast • Timing and Tempo – first with the truth and variation of pace • Assessment – a little and often: science and art NATO/ISAF UNCLAS