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October 2012

Presentation on Transfer Techniques Productions Rice Excluding Development in the Departments of Ouallam and Kollo North. October 2012. NGOs AGDL Fahamey Iri Bonse Action Groups for Local Development.

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October 2012

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  1. Presentation on Transfer Techniques Productions Rice Excluding Development in the Departments of Ouallam and Kollo North October 2012 NGOs AGDL Fahamey Iri Bonse Action Groups for Local Development

  2. Advocacy for rice production ponds and depressions for income generation and the fight against food insecurity at the community level Featured: Djibo MOUNKEILAChair: NGOs AGDL FAHAMEY IRI Bonse  Contact: 96 28 79 10/90 09 38 55 E-mail: djibo.mounkeila @ yahoo.fr

  3. Baseline • The northern department of Kollo and Ouallam department are facing a food deficit of order forms:Land trays, such as farmland experiencing degradation due to various forms of erosion (especially water). The depletion of grazing resources and aggressiveness runoff have resulted in huge losses of their resources.   Poor soils is another factor promoting the food deficit and poverty of people in the area.The poor distribution of rainfall and the chronic deficit in the area may aggravate an already precarious food situation.To try to make up the shortfall of millet yield per hectare (300 kg), urgent and appropriate action is required.It is in this sense that this initiative growing rainfed rice (excluding land) on outgoing pools of water had started trickling in a strong collaboration of the population in 2003 with technical support from the NGO / AGDL .

  4. Currentstatus of sites: • The area is characterized by a high concentration of rich land around the temporary ponds and valleys. These spaces have a critical environmental situation, exacerbated by the proliferation of weeds that affect the cultivation of millet and flood risk. In addition, these flood areas are no longer suitable for cultivation of millet and sorghum, without the rice fields has only part of a body of water but untapped high potential for rice production without the addition of chemical fertilizers. This culture also creates works for women of the area to any phases of the production.On these sites, water management is a real headache for people that host huge amounts of water on the 2/3 millet fields and all fields of sorghum. Indeed, on these sites, people will enjoy cottages that insects in the water, making it favorable for the development of germs that cause various diseases place.There is virtually no infrastructure that can ensure sanitation and water management for optimum utilization of rice production sites.

  5. Currentstatus of sites:

  6. Problem and purpose of the action The agricultural production system in the target area is based on rainfed agriculture based on the cultivation of millet, sorghum, cowpeas and groundnuts on depleted soils. In addition, rainfall is low and poorly distributed and there is a gradual decline in productivity (300kg per hectare of millet) and a continuing degradation of existing agroforestry areas are an important source of income and food for people ; and a disappearance of the soil itself as a natural resource. Population pressure (human and animal) complicates the scenario, and there is a difficult food situation. A situation made even more precarious by the alternation of good and bad crop years due to drought unpredictable. The people in the area consider rice as a ceremonial meal eaten during festivals, weddings and baptisms which often forced the heads of households to sell millet cheaply to pay very expensive rice day parties. The improvement of the food situation and the fight against land degradation require a diversification of agricultural production systems. The introduction of rice cultivation ponds off land that is on the one hand more adapted to the environment and other high-performance and high economic potential in production systems represent a promising approach to food security; generation of income and environmental protection.

  7. Circumstances that led to the development of the initiative As part of their activities Local Development NGO AGDL must make the capacity of producers to identify activities that are likely to improve their living conditions, their effectiveness for this purpose is related to their jurisdiction accomplish the tasks.Training in cultivation techniques and management and the means of production are essential to enable them to plan, implement and manage development activities.The persistence of the food crisis in Niger forces us to keep in mind that it is necessary to find new methods of food production at the same time are environmentally sound, economically viable and socially acceptable for the rural population .  Adherence to the idea, the social cohesion of group members and the availability of beneficiaries for capacity building of low-income producers to overcome the various development constraints faced by the people.The test phase is focused on the adaptation of rice varieties that have already yielded positive results. These results once again reinforced by future actions will contribute to food security and stabilized the financial autonomy of village populations

  8. Assessment of profitability of rice cultivation outside development An evaluation survey of income made ​​from rice producers in the area, we said after the rice harvest they use straw to fattening.According to the same source on a hectare they produce 60 to 100 bags of paddy per year and 10 to 30 tons of feed for 10 cows for at least 1-2 months.They buy beef 150 000FCFA they feed and resell 300 000FCFA so another occupation during the off-season that becomes a source of income for them to buy clothes without selling millet traders usurers.This activity allows small producers to fill the gap from 25 to 40jours they offer work in the surrounding fields to feed their families  If our young people are engaged in this activity, they will not go in migration because they earn much without leaving the villages.

  9. Archive AGDL SITE BOLHI 2002-2003

  10. Objective and Beneficiaries: • 1. Overall objective:Contribute to the improvement of living conditions of communities through food security, capacity building and income generation,2. Specific objectives:  Improve the fertility of soil around 10 ponds and five shallows   Increase the yield of 300 kg / ha 1000kg/ha  Fill the food gap of millet and sorghum from 300 kg / ha  Strengthen the capacity of organizations in rice production ponds.   Form management committees of Producers Rice Mares (PRM)  Install collective and individual sites for rice farmers with low incomesBeneficiaries: The target population is estimated at 149,825 inhabitants composed mainly of farmers and ranchers (young women)

  11. Female groups

  12. Target Group and Condition Producers producers groupsAvailability of water point

  13. Problem to besolved: • The main problem is the decline in soil fertility and low productivity of rainfed crops whose causes are:Lack of rice developed sites around the ponds in the areaHigh population pressure on landInsufficient production of organic matterLack of means of transportMineral fertilizers and pesticides inaccessible.Low income producersInadequacy of rice production for viable groupsLow level of educationTo this must be added the parasitic pressure on rainfedThis whole situation has unfortunately painful repercussions on people and the environment.Management structure (AGDL / FAHAMEY Bonse IRI)The AGDL has: 1 Coordinator, Technical Assistant 1, 1 Secretary accountant, four field agents and 35 local facilitators and self proMaterial resources:1 seat, 1 car, 2 motorcycle 125, 3 offices, 17 chairs, five computers and accessories antennas 4 and 7 units of landInadequacy of monitoring activities at the branches and units of land area

  14. Action Company 2002-2012 The NGO AGDL found it necessary to train young people, women and small farmers so that they can manage the activities of rice production, bank protection and treatment ravines feeding ponds.The capacity of people with modules on production techniques and management of natural resources as a method of monitoring and manageable by them self evaluation.The NGO will provide such training or solicit another jurisdiction through collaboration so that beneficiaries will support after the withdrawal of external support.Technology transfer for the production of outside development coupled with millet varieties adapted to the cycle of reduced rainfall rice will help maintain biological diversity to fight against poverty and food insecurity by providing a wide range of agricultural value market.Capacity building of people and management committees (CHRP) composed of women and menThe purpose of this program is to contribute to the well being of the community in general and of women in particular.

  15. Sustainability of the initiative: The initiative comes from a felt need among the target groups such as working women and producers. Once their skills in the field of control of rice production technology and literacy are enhanced, these women are able to manage themselves their own initiatives and those of the group. Partners will be asked to provide them with technical and financial support needed and observations. The success of this operation will significantly improve the situation of women in particular and the community in general.This could be a click, a starting point for other initiatives in other areas of socioeconomic life. The NGO DGLA is and remains a mentoring partner in these populations after the project with further studies in Action Research in EE agent admitted to the University of Montreal CANADA 2nd Cycle Program in Education Relative to Environment (masters level).

  16. Contribution of rice land out to fill the gap in rural areas The project outcomes are the key elements that will ensure its rapid adoption and sustainability.Short term: improve the production and productivity of the poor and usually infertile soils, and increase the income from the sale of agricultural products.A long-term visible improvement in the agricultural landscape of rice and soil fertility. Other factors that contribute to the sustainability of the project are: a conscious effort to build the project on existing farming systems of farmers, the involvement of villagers committees that have shown their willingness to contribute to innovate and share their experiences with other producers.  Training, monitoring, support and connection to a network of innovative farmers are some of the instruments that the NGO will use to ensure the sustainability of long-term project. It is also important to remember that the approach allows the granting of credit refundable for production inputs which are distributed in the form of credit to each member of the group to make the campaign the following year.   sustainability of the project will be enhanced by reducing the exodus of young people who find their account through fattening based forage rice.

  17. WISH:

  18. perspectives • The formation of youth, women and small farmers so that they can manage the activities of rice production, bank protection and treatment ravines feeding ponds.The capacity of the model populations in production techniques and management of natural resources as a method of monitoring and manageable by them self evaluation.The NGO will provide such training or seek another skill in collaboration with the beneficiaries so that they can take charge after the withdrawal of external support.Identify potential areas of production in the areaExtend the implantation sites in the region of Tillaberi

  19. perspectives • Technology transfer for the production of rice ponds model CHRP and millet varieties adapted to the cycle of reduced rainfall contribute to the maintenance of biological diversity and the fight against poverty and food insecurity by providing a wide range of agricultural products market value.Capacity building of people and management committees (CHRP) composed of women and menThe purpose of this program is to contribute to the well being of the community in general and of women in particular.There's instead of having additional support for monitoring and evaluation activities to improve the quality of our services to producers.

  20. Thank you for your active participation

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