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2000 RESOLUTIONS (REGINA) RESOLUTION NO. 1. Alternative Fuel Identification WHEREAS Emergency workers are often required to respond to incidents involving motor vehicles, and WHEREAS some of the vehicles are fueled with alternative fuels other than gasoline or diesel fuel,
2000 RESOLUTIONS (REGINA)RESOLUTION NO. 1 Alternative Fuel Identification • WHEREAS Emergency workers are often required to respond to incidents involving motor vehicles, and • WHEREAS some of the vehicles are fueled with alternative fuels other than gasoline or diesel fuel, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs petition Saskatchewan Government Insurance to supply an alternative fuel supply sticker for the license plates of any vehicle using an alternative fuel RESOLVE: The President reported through the 2001 annual report that Saskatchewan Government Insurance was contacted and were reluctant to pursue this issue. Submitted by Region No. 7
2000 RESOLUTIONS (REGINA)RESOLUTION NO. 2 Ban Burning of Crop Residue • WHEREAS every fall farmers burn crop residue, in particular flax straw, and • WHEREAS the smoke from these fires causes extreme discomfort to persons with respiratory problems, and • WHEREAS the smoke from thesefires is an air pollutant affecting wildlife as well as human life and destroys habitat, and • WHEREAS the cost of fighting these fires is high and is borne largely by the urban municipalities and takes many firefighters away from their places of employment, and • WHEREAS these fires can be extremely dangerous to personnel fighting the fires, and • WHEREAS most grass fires responded to be fire departments are fires that were intentionally lit by the farmer and got out of control, and • WHEREAS markets have been developed for the use of flax straw, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the SAFC petition the Government of Saskatchewan to enact legislation to ban the burning of crop residue within 10 km of any urban municipality with a population in excess of 5,000 by the year 2000, and • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the aforementioned ban be extended to within 10 km of any urban municipality by the year 2005, and • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the aforementioned ban be extended province wide by the year 2010, and • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the SAFC request the support for this ban from SUMA, the Health Districts, the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation and environmental agencies. Submitted by Denis M. Pilon, Fire Chief, City of Weyburn Resolve: This resolution was defeated at the 2000 conference.
2000 RESOLUTIONS (REGINA)RESOLUTION NO. 3 Continuing Education on SCN • WHEREAS there is a need to supply continuing education to all fire departments in Saskatchewan, and • WHEREAS the Saskatchewan Communications Network is an arm of the Government of Saskatchewan and is broadcast in all areas of Saskatchewan, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs petition the Saskatchewan Office of the Fire Commissioner to explore the possibility of using the Saskatchewan Communications Network to deliver continuing education to the Saskatchewan fire service. Resolve: In the 2001 annual report the President noted that some progress has been achieved in regards to this, but further investigation is still needed. Submitted by the Rosetown Fire Department
2000 RESOLUTIONS (REGINA)RESOLUTION NO. 4 Volunteer Fire Fighting Recruiting • WHEREAS the province is generally made up of Volunteer Fire Departments, and • WHEREAS most fire departments are having problems keeping and recruiting members, partly due to the commitments of the fire service, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs in discussion with the Office of the Fire Commissioner look into locating or developing some programs that might aide this growing concern. Resolve: Very little information was found in regards to this problem, but Fire Chief Roger Nordick from the Melville Fire Department has some excellent books and videos that might aid anyone having a recruiting problem. Submitted by Region No. 5
2000 RESOLUTIONS (REGINA)RESOLUTION NO. 5 Payment of Rescue Calls • WHEREAS many fire departments that are involved in rescue activities are having problems receiving payment for the services they have performed, and • WHEREAS the main problem is that Insurance companies have not received the proper information to approve payment of those bills, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs in discussion with the appropriate agencies (Insurance Industry, Office of the Fire Commissioner) design a reporting form that will be standard for all fire departments. Resolve: The SAFC, headed by Fire Chief Denis Pilon have designed a incident reporting form and it has been forwarded to SGI. Submitted by Region No. 5
2000 RESOLUTIONS (REGINA)RESOLUTION NO. 6 Prevention of Services Overlap Between SAFC - SVFFA • WHEREAS the Fire Services Joint Council has been the most positive change to happen to this province’s fire service, and • WHEREAS the SAFC, SVFFA and SPFFA work together on the Joint Council, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the SAFC liaise with the SVFFA & SPFFA on programs and training to reduce or eliminate the overlap of service. Resolve: This resolution was voted on and defeated at the 2000 conference. Submitted by Bentley Gibson, Director Region No. 1
2000 RESOLUTIONS (REGINA)RESOLUTION NO. 7 Master Agreements for Fire Protection & Emergency Response WHEREAS Saskatchewan’s Municipalities have limited fire protection agreements in place, and WHEREAS some fire protection agreements are poorly written and require Clauses to protect municipalities that assist one another from liability when responding out of their area of jurisdiction, and WHEREAS municipalities need to foster more cooperation with a “shared” Services approach to fire protection, BE IT RESOLVED that Municipal Government develop a “master” fire protection agreement and inter-municipal response area agreement to standardize fire protection agreements and mutual response to large emergencies that occur in this province. Resolve: As reported by the President in the 2001 annual report. There are presently no agreements being used that will cover all areas, towns and municipalities. There are some excellent agreements presently being used and if you need assistance, please contact the Fire Commissioners Office or a member of the board of directors and I am sure that we can head you in the right direction. Submitted by Bentley Gibson, Director Region No. 1
2000 RESOLUTIONS (REGINA)RESOLUTION NO. 8 Fire/Rescue Training & Education WHEREAS the Saskatchewan Fire/Rescue Sector Report has been Released and. WHEREAS the report, if implemented, has the potential of impacting the public fire service sector, and WHEREAS Municipal Government has no funding available to implement a project of this magnitude, and WHEREAS fire service training has historically failed to meet the needs and expectations of the fire service sector, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the SAFC petition the Minister that 1. Public fire/rescue training, education and certification be placed within the mandate of SIAST. 2. The Government of Saskatchewan appropriate funding to support the training of municipal firefighters to an appropriate level. 3. That innovative distance education programs be implemented to support local fire departments. 4. That advisory committees be established with the program areas to ensure appropriate subject matter and delivery methodology is utilized. 5. That effective partnerships be developed with Lakeland College and Manitoba Emergency Services College for the development, delivery and certification of courses and programs within Saskatchewan. The resolution was submitted by the Board and passed . Resolve: Unknown
2000 RESOLUTIONS (REGINA)RESOLUTION NO. 9 • Cell Phones This resolution was an addition to the conference and was submitted by Les McGirr and Norm Mowles at the business meeting on the flip chart. No written copy of this resolution is available. It was amended and adopted at the meeting. Resolve: Was discussed with SaskTel, discussion or resolve unknown.
2001 RESOLUTIONS (P.A.)RESOLUTION NO. 1 Newsletter • WHEREAS it is important that our members receive accurate and timely information on issues which affect our role in the fire service in Saskatchewan, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs distribute a newsletter on a quarterly basis as a means of providing this information to our members Resolve: This resolution was defeated at the 2001 Conference. Submitted by Region No. 5
2001 RESOLUTIONS (P.A.) RESOLUTION NO. 2 Tax Credit for Employers of Volunteer Firefighters • WHEREAS the fire service in Saskatchewan relies on firefighters that volunteer their service to protect lives and properties in their communities, and • WHEREAS the time these volunteers spend providing these services can cause financial hardships and inconveniences to the employers that also depend on these same people to operate their businesses, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs forward to CAFC, to present to the Minister of Finance to provide an employer a $500.00 tax credit for each employee that provides by sworn affidavit that they are actively serving as a Volunteer Firefighter. Resolve: Was presented at a joint fire service council meeting. Submitted by Region No. 7
2001 RESOLUTIONS (P.A.) RESOLUTION NO. 3 Monthly Fee to Charge to Cover Costs of Dispatch Services • WHEREAS 911 is the accepted standard for the fire services in Saskatchewan, and • WHEREAS SaskTel charges on dollar per month per residential phone line for 911, and • WHEREAS there are approximately 500,000 phone lines in Saskatchewan • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs petition the Government of Saskatchewan to use a portion of the revenue from the monthly fee charged per phone line to cover the cost of dispatch services. Resolve: This resolution was presented to SaskTel and they thought it was something that they might look at, if the province went to an single dispatch agency. The board will continue to pursue this issue. Submitted by Region No. 7
2001 RESOLUTIONS (P.A.) RESOLUTION NO. 4 Membership Fees • WHEREAS, the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs membership rate has been at the current level for a number of years, • AND WHEREAS, costs of operating the Association continue to rise due to outside influences, • AND WHEREAS, the SAFC has the lowest membership fees in Canada, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs increase their membership fees to $40 per annum for the year 2002. Resolve: Fees were increased to $40.00 in 2002. Submitted by 1st Vice President Pilon on behalf of the Board of Directors
2001 RESOLUTIONS (P.A.) RESOLUTION NO. 5 Support for Tow Truck Drivers • WHEREAS, the Government of Saskatchewan has recently passed legislation requiring motorists to slow down to 60 Kph when passing emergency vehicles parked along a highway with their lights flashing, and • WHEREAS, it has been the law in Saskatchewan for a number of years to slow down to 60 Kph when passing workers working along or on a highway, and • WHEREAS, tow truck operators are by definition workers, and • WHEREAS, tow truck operators often work along or on the right-of-way of highways, and • WHEREAS, numerous tow trucks have been hit while towing vehicles out of ditches causing damage to equipment and injury and/or death to two truck operators and other motorists, • THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs lobby the Government of Saskatchewan in support of the tow truck operators to include tow trucks in the definition of workers working along a highway or roadway and require motorists to slow down to 60 Kph when passing tow trucks which are stopped along the highway and rendering assistance to motorists. Resolve: This motion was defeated at the 2001 Conference. Submitted by Fire Chief Denis M. Pilon, Weyburn Fire Department
2001 RESOLUTIONS (P.A.) RESOLUTION NO. 6 Insuring Fire & Rescue Services • WHEREAS, the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs, the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association, the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities and the Saskatchewan Volunteer Firefighters Association operate the Municipal Rescue Services Fund with money donated by Saskatchewan Government Insurance, and • WHEREAS, the fund falls short of the demand for funds to operate rescue services, and • WHEREAS, the fire departments of Saskatchewan provide a service to motorists in Saskatchewan outside the municipal boundaries, and • WHEREAS, the vehicle extrication has become an expected service by citizens of Saskatchewan and motorists passing through the province, and • WHEREAS, the costs to provide this service as an insured service would be minimal when added to the annual automobile insurance rates, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs lobby the Government of Saskatchewan to amend the Automobile Insurance Act to include all rescue and fire services as part of basic automobile insurance coverage, such coverage to include vehicle extrication, fire truck backup, waiting time, directing traffic, assisting emergency medical and police services, removal of debris from the right-of-way and response calls in which there is determined to be no need for the rescue services after arrival on scene, and • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs request the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association, the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities and the Saskatchewan Volunteer Fire Fighters Association support and assist in the lobby of the provincial Government to effect this change. Resolve: The Board of Directors felt that with the increase in funding to the Municipal Rescue Services Fund in the past year and there has been a significant amount of money left in the fund, that we would cvonsider leaving things as they are. Submitted by Fire Chief Denis M. Pilon on behalf of the Joint MRSF Committee
2001 RESOLUTIONS (P.A.) RESOLUTION NO. 7 Cell Phone Blockers • WHEREAS, Industry Canada has recently announced that they will accept public input into legalizing the use of cell phone blockers in restaurants and theaters, and • WHEREAS, the use of cell phone blockers in these facilities would interrupt the operation of communications devices used by emergency service workers operating at emergency incidents in and around these facilities, and • WHEREAS, the use of cell phone blockers could prevent citizens from using a cell phone to call for legitimate emergency assistance while in or around these facilities, and • WHEREAS, the use of cell phone blockers would render emergency notification systems used by on-call emergency workers ineffective while those workers are patronizing these facilities, and • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs write the minister in charge of Industry Canada to express our concerns and our strong opposition to the legalizing of cell phone blocking technology and that CAFC be requested to support this federally. Resolve: The board has checked with Industry Canada, and the only thing that has been done is that a survey was done in regard s to Cell Blockers. It was decided that the issue would not proceed any further. Submitted by Fire Chief Denis M. Pilon, Weyburn Fire Department
2002 RESOLUTIONS WEYBURN RESOLUTION NO. 1 Primary Response Agency for MVA’s • WHEREAS safety is a concern for all parties at Motor Vehicles Incidents, and • WHEREAS the fire service has the resources to provide an incident management system, and • WHEREAS extrication is often required prior to patient treatment, and • WHEREAS DANGEROUS Goods are frequently present, and • WHEREAS scene safety must often be established prior to intervention. • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs request the PSAPS recognize the fire service be the primary response agency to all Motor Vehicle Incident, and be dispatched as such. Resolve: Is being delt with by the telecommunications Committee of the SAFC. Submitted by Swift Current Emergency Services, Fire Chief Bob Rindahl
2002 RESOLUTIONS WEYBURN RESOLUTION NO. 2 National Firefighters Day • WHEREAS there were many firefighters killed in the line of duty at the World Trade Centre in New York on September 11, 2001, and • WHEREAS this was the introduction of terrorism to the North American continent by foreign citizens and was highly visible throughout the world, and • WHEREAS firefighters are the front line responders to incidents of this kind and others, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs support September 11th declared “NATIONAL FIREFIGHTERS DAY” in recognition of all firefighters who sacrificed their lives in the performance of their duties. Resolve: While the SAFC defeated this resolution the President (Prima) reported that the CAFC designated the week in which September 11th falls is declared as “Canada Fire Services Week” Submitted by President Robert Prima & the Board of Directors
2003 RESOLUTIONS MOOSE JAW RESOLUTION NO. 1 Use of SAFC Logo • WHEREAS, the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs, is a province wide association of professionals, and • WHEREAS, it is common practice for professionals to openly advocate their membership in professional organizations, and • WHEREAS, fire chiefs who are members of the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs carry on correspondence with municipal, provincial and federal agencies across the country, and • WHEREAS, the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs is desirous of advertising which will aid in increasing membership and awareness of the Association. • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs allow active members to use the SAFC logo on their Fire Department’s letterhead along with the word “MEMBER” and the year of membership below the logo. SAMPLE TAKEN FROM THE NFPA LOGO INSTRUCTIONS - Please follow these guidelines when using your SAFC member logo. The logo may not be revised or altered in any way. It must be displayed in the same form as produced by SAFC and cannot be reproduced unless such reproduction is identical to the logo provided by SAFC, including the designated membership year. • The member logo may be used only on the members business cards, stationary, forms showing the members letterhead, inspection tags, and similar documents on which the name and address of the member or member’s business is prominently displayed. • The logo may be used as a decal on the door or window of a business, on the cab of a truck, or on the window of a personal vehicle. • The logo may not be used in any manner that detracts from the high ideals of SAFC or from the values, particularly fire safety values, espoused by SAFC. • The logo may not be used in any manner which would tend to imply a connection between SAFC and the member which, in fact, may not exist. This includes any use of the logo that the public might construe as an endorsement, approval, or sponsorship by SAFC of a member or a member’s business, or which might be taken to support or encourage a member’s sale of product, or installation. A member is allowed to print the logo on an advertisement or product literature. Without limiting the foregoing restrictions, the logo may in no case be shown larger than 1.5 inches or 4 centimeters in size on a full page or proportionally on a smaller page. • No person gains any rights whatsoever in the logo or its use; it remains the property of SAFC. SAFC reserves the right in its sole discretion to require the logo’s removal from any location or thing SAFC feels does not comply with these guidelines, or which could or does discredit the Association. X Resolve: Adopted allowing members to use logo on their letterhead. X Member Member 03-04 The logo may be printed in color or black and white. 03-04
2003 RESOLUTIONS MOOSE JAW RESOLUTION NO. 2 Addressing Resolution • WHEREAS, 9-1-1, is or will be province wide in the near future, and • WHEREAS, we are in a time of transition for most fire departments in the area of dispatching, and • WHEREAS, the province has a new crown corporation called Information Services Corporation of Saskatchewan (ISC) which has a universal addressing system developed, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs request that the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities adopt this system and • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs encourage the Rural Municipalities in the province of Saskatchewan us this addressing system by the use of road signage. Resolve: Members of the board met with SARM to discuss this issue. Correspondence was also sent to the Provincial Department in charge of this issue, expressing our concerns and possible solutions. A resolution was brought forward and passed at the 2004 SUMA Conference. Submitted by Region No. 3 – Fire Chief Rick Perry
2004 RESOLUTIONS YORKTONRESOLUTION NO. 1 Enforcement of the Speed Limit for Emergency Workers • WHEREAS the Provincial Government passed legislation regulating the speed of highway traffic while passing emergency workers carrying out their duties on the highways of Saskatchewan, and • WHEREAS emergency workers are considered to be police, fire, ambulance and tow trucks, the regulation applies to these response agencies only while they are stationary at an emergency and are displaying their emergency lighting equipment, and • WHEREAS it has been the experience that a few vehicles that do slow down are often passed by others from behind increasing the risk to emergency responders and it has been noticed that there are very few signs along our highways referring to this regulation since the adoption of the regulation, and • WHEREAS firefighter safety is a responsibility and a concern to all, and legislation is in place to control the speed of passing motorists to 60 km per hour, and • WHEREAS it has become evident that the majority of drivers are unaware of this legislation and fail to heed the requirement to slow down, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the President of the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs make arrangements to meet with the Minister responsible for the Saskatchewan Highway Traffic Act to discuss solutions . Resolve: Talked to respective agencies. They agreed to put out additional signage. There is still concern about the educational portion, we still need to consider having speed limits around construction.
2004 RESOLUTIONS YORKTONRESOLUTION NO. 2 O.H. & S. Firefighter Code of Practice • WHEREAS the OH & S Act, 1993 and subsequent regulations contained therein describe safety requirements for firefighters in Saskatchewan, and • WHEREAS since the implementation a few departments have been audited by OH & S officials for compliance, and • WHEREAS in some cases these officials used little discretion in discussing their findings and provided no assistance to the department as to how they might improve compliance, and • WHEREAS it was reported that one official said that they will never get to audit all of the fire departments in the province but “heaven help them if something goes wrong”, and • WHEREAS without clear direction from these officials the risk of liability increases dramatically and will fall largely upon our members, the Chief Officers, and • WHEREAS we feel that the Code of Practice is important to the safety of all firefighters, the reality is that very few fire departments presently comply with the requirements nor do they have a plan for increasing compliance, and • WHEREAS firefighter safety is of the utmost importance and many fire departments operate under severe financial constraints and there has been limited enforcement of the Code with no clear direction provided as to how our fire departments might reach a level of compliance while demonstrating due diligence, • THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs meet with the Minister responsible for OH & S to discuss our concerns in an effort to develop a strategic plan to effectively reduce the risk to all firefighters in the province. Resolve: President spoke to Occupational Safety & Health and anticipates there will be new wording coming out from OH & S. Submitted by SAFC Region No. 5
2004 RESOLITIONS YORKTONRESOLUTION NO. 3 Presumtive Legislation for Firefighters Cancer • WHEREAS, the Fire service ia a very dangerous occupation in which firefighters are exposed to numerous hazards including toxic chemicals, and • WHEREAS, there are numerous studies that document the elevated experience of cancer in firefighters, and • WHEREAS, THE Provincial Government introduced presumptive legislation for 5 cancers for full time professional firefighters and, • WHEREAS, the Provincial Government is committed to further study of the relationship of cancers, with part-time and volunteer firefighters, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the SAFC go on record as supporting the proposed presumptive Cancer legislation and in addition, that there be further study for the consideration of inclusion of colin cancer, part-time firefighters and volunteer firefighters in further amendments to the proposed legislation, • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President of the SAFC on behalf of the membership of the SAFC write to the Minister of Labour outlining the SAFC’s position. Resolve: A letter was sent to the Honorable Deb Higgins Minister of Labour, in regards to the support of the SAFC to the proposed presumptive cancer legislation. Also that the SAFC supports further studies and the potential inclusion of colin cancer and the inclusion of part-time and volunteer firefighters in future amendments to the proposed legislation.
2004 RESOLUTIONS YORKTONRESOLUTION NO. 4 Emergency Lights on Private Vehicles • WHEREAS Saskatchewan is one of two provinces in Canada that do not allow emergency lights on private vehicles, and • WHEREAS Volunteer Firefighters use their private vehicles for such things as response to emergency calls, to carry additional equipment or manpower, and sometimes fire department resources cannot accommodate an involved area such as a wildland fire and private vehicles are required to supplement department resources shuttling equipment, and • WHEREAS a red light on a vehicle on an emergency call is necessary for safety and visibility, and • WHEREAS areas of concern are continued use of red lights, laws respecting the Highway Traffic Act and Regulations, The Insurance Act and Regulations (SGI), to change requirements of emergency act to allow volunteer firefighters to use red emergency lights on their private vehicles as the standard known color of fire departments is red, and furthermore have the SAFC explore other provinces mandate for use of emergency lights on private vehicles, and provide such information to the membership and all others concerned, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the SAFC petition the Provincial government to allow volunteer firefighters to use RED lights on their private vehicles. Resolve: This resolution was defeated at the 2004 Conference. Submitted by Buckland Fire Department & Shellbrook Fire & Rescue
2004 RESOLUTIONS YORKTONRESOLUTION NO. 5 Acknowledge Fire Service • WHEREAS the Government of Saskatchewan does little to acknowledge the professional and volunteer fire departments of our province and our ongoing efforts of fire and rescue services, • THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the SAFC lobby the Government of Saskatchewan to acknowledge the fire service as and ESSENTIAL SERVICE Resolve: Defeated at the 2004 Conference. Submitted by Buckland Fire Department & Shellbrook Fire & Rescue
2004 RESOLUTIONS YORKTONRESOLUTION NO. 6 Support of SUMA Resolution No. 14 – 2004 • WHEREAS the Saskatchewan Fire Service is in the main provider of vehicle extrication service in the province, and • WHEREAS SGI is the only insurance company that provides insurance coverage for drivers in the province of Saskatchewan, and • WHEREAS the cost of providing this service has risen dramatically since the since the original agreement in 1986, and • WHEREAS SUMA is the organization that represents all municipalities and have passed a resolution supporting a fee of $1,000.00 per hour for vehicle extrication and for vehicles fires, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the SAFC support SUMA Resolution No. 14 – 2004, and • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the SAFC actively participate with SUMA in the negotiations with SGI Resolve: Have not moved forwared fromn the last SUMA meeting. It is important that we get reimbursed for our costs. If we can’t move forward, Rick Perry will bring a resoulution forward next year that we reframe our agreement with SGI. Submitted by the SGI Committee (Perry, Nordick, Macala, Palmer) SAFC
2004 RESOLUTIONS YORKTONRESOLUTION NO. 7 SAFC Annual Conference • WHEREAS, the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chief’s hold an annual conference to educate and conduct the business of the SAFC, and • WHEREAS, the conferences are annually hosted by the same cities, and • WHEREAS, the host Fire Chiefs have been tasked with the majority of the planning and organization of each conference, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the SAFC Conference Organization Committee consist of five members, the SAFC President, two members from the Board of Directors, and two members appointed by the SAFC President, from the SAFC membership at large. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the SAFC Conference Organization Committee be tasked with the planning, development, and confirmation of each conference agenda and the conference suppliers trade show. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the SAFC establish a sub committee of local representatives for each conference. This committee will be responsible for the planning, development, and confirmation of the Conference Partners Program. In addition, they shall assist the Conference Organization Committee in all areas. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the host Fire Chief be tasked with the planning, development, and confirmation of suitable facilities for delegates lodging and the suppliers trade show. Resolve: Adopted and conference committee established and the schedule for next nine years was established and is listed in the 2005 report to the membership. Submitted by Fire Chief Garth A. Palmer
2004 RESOLUTIONS YORKTONRESOLUTION NO. 8 Safety of Residents When Utilities are Cut Off • WHEREAS, certain Utilities are essential to the operation of some multi-family dwelling building safety system, ie: power in alarms and emergency lights, water in sprinkler systems, telephones to alarm monitoring agencies, and • WHEREAS, these Utilities can be shut of by companies supplying these services for lack of payment, and • WHEREAS, this action may endanger the occupants of the aforementioned buildings and the well-being of responding personnel, and • WHEREAS, the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction for said building and the safety of the occupants or responding emergency personnel are currently not informed of the disconnected supply of these essential utilities. • THERFORE RESOLVED BE IT, that the SAFC petition the Government of Saskatchewan to implement legislation that would require these utility providers to provide the Authority Having Jurisdiction and provide notification with enough advance notice that the Authority Having Jurisdiction can provide for the safety of the occupants (move the residents). Resolve: It was agreed that we should improve communications with the utilities. President Shand felt this needed to proceed through the Fire Services Joint Council. Submitted by: Ron Pratt
2005 RESOLUTIONS ESTEVANRESOLUTION NO. 1 SAFC – SVFFA – SEPA – SBOA Conferences • WHEREAS, the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chief’s conducts an annual conference to educate and conduct the business of the SAFC. • WHEREAS, the Saskatchewan Volunteer Fire Fighters Association conducts two annual conferences to train and/or conduct the business of the SVFFA. • WHEREAS, the Saskatchewan Emergency Planners Association conducts an annual conference to educate and conduct the business of SEPA. • WHEREAS, the Saskatchewan Building Officials Association has conducted annual spring and fall conferences to educate and conduct the business of the SBOA. • WHEREAS, in many Saskatchewan communities the Fire Chief, in addition to his/her regular fire service duties, are responsible for emergency planning, building inspection, and they are volunteers. • WHEREAS, currently there is no coordination regarding the scheduling of the six conferences, and often Fire Chief’s are forced to make difficult attendance choices. • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the President of the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chief’s initiate discussions with the Presidents of the SVFFA, SEPA and SBOA, with a view to establish a mutually agreeable conference schedule for future years, and further, to introduce the concept of conference schedule for future years, and further, to introduce the concept of conference amalgamation possibilities. This resolution passed at the 2005 Conference. Resolve: Submitted by SAFC Region No. 2
2005 RESOLUTIONS ESTEVANRESOLUTION NO. 2 Public Education Recognition in the Fire Prevention Act • WHEREAS, it is agreed that it is better to prevent fires than it is to fight fires, and • WHEREAS, we know that an increased awareness should result in a decrease of emergency responses, resulting in a lower chance of citizens and/or firefighters being harmed or killed during an emergency and reduces the operating costs of emergency services, and • WHEREAS, public education and awareness to schoolchildren, work groups and the public-at-large provide excellent exposure to the risks of fire and injuries, and • WHEREAS, there is a growing demand for public education within communities and citizens require adequate information to make informed decisions to lessen the chance of harm, and • WHEREAS, life-saving messages will, and have resulted in, a steady decline in the number of responses, and • WHEREAS, the Fire Prevention Act, 1992, is due for review in 2006, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs petition the Government of Saskatchewan to expand the scope of the Fire Prevention Act to mandate every municipality to establish a program in the municipality which must include public education with respect to fire and life safety and components of fire prevention. This resolution was passed at the 2005 Conference. Resolve: The SAFC has been lobbying the Department of Corrections & Public Safety with a veiw to change the Fire Prevention Act and include a mandatory level of Fire Public Education. Submitted by the Public Educators Division
2005 RESOLUTIONS ESTEVANRESOLUTION NO. 3 Recognition of Fire Department Roles • WHEREAS, Fire Departments in Saskatchewan are tasked with many duties in addition to the provision of fire protection, and • WHEREAS, Fire Departments are owned and operated by municipal governments for the protection of their citizens from various perils, and • WHEREAS, Fire Departments are the first service called when people need help in an emergency situation, and • WHEREAS, the public has been conditioned by the news media and television to expect the Fire Department to provide all emergency services, and • WHEREAS, agreements for service between municipalities do not include responsibility for public highways, provincial or federal land, and • WHEREAS, many Fire Departments provide regional response outside their jurisdiction, and • WHEREAS, THE Fire Prevention Act, 1992, is due for review in 2006, • THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs petition the Government of Saskatchewan to expand the scope of the Fire Prevention Act to include all emergency service duties carried out by Fire Departments. These duties to include but not limited to, vehicle extrication, rescue services (confined space, elevated, rope, water, ice, collapse, trench), dangerous goods incidents, medical assistance, carbon monoxide incidents, flooding and animal rescue calls, and • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs petition the Government of Saskatchewan to charge the Office of the Fire Commissioner to gather statistics from Fire Departments on all emergency incidents responded to by the Fire Departments, and • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs petition the Government of Saskatchewan to include a clause in the Fire Prevention Act indemnifying municipal Fire Departments for operations conducted outside their jurisdiction. This resolution passed at the 2005 Conference. Resolve: The SAFC Executive has been actively meeting with Corrections & Public Safety Minister’s with a view to address the above therefore be it resolve portion. Submitted by the Labour Relations Committee
2006 RESOLUTIONS SASKATOONRESOLUTION NO. 1 Rescind Motion June 2nd 1986: “Moved by Art Dale and Seconded by Tom Kerr That the proposal put forth by S.G.I. on the basic rate schedule for highway extrication be accepted”. Carried. • WHEREAS, twenty years have passed since the original motion was presented to the membership and passed a majority vote, and; • WHEREAS, associations such as the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs (SAFC) are not empowered by law to negotiate fees charged by or formulate agreements on behave of rural or urban municipalities, and; • WHEREAS, individuals and organizations like the SAFC, Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA), have failed to make significant headway in increasing the fee structure with Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI), and; • WHEREAS, according to the Bank of Canada inflation calculator found at http://www.bankofcanada.ca/en/rates/inflation_calc.html, the original agreement of $450.00 in 1986 should have increased to $725.09 in 2005, and; • WHEREAS, vehicle fires were not in the original agreement but were added later, • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the SAFC at the Annual Conference in Saskatoon in April 2006, rescind the June 2, 1986 motion by Art Dale and seconded by Tom Kerr, and; • THEREFORE, LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that the SAFC communicate with SGI inviting them to negotiate directly with the rural or urban municipalities. This resolution passed the at the 2006 Conference. Resolve: Unknown Submitted by Rick Perry, Estevan Fire Chief
2006 RESOLUTIONS SASKATOONRESOLUTION NO. 2 BILL C/45 Criminal Code Affecting Criminal Liability of Organizations • WHEREAS, in light of the passing of Bill C/45 in March 31, 2004 and to be compliant to the spirit of this legislation, the Volunteer Fire Service in the province of Saskatchewan is financially hampered to comply with such laws. Fire Departments in order to survive must progress to meet the challenges. At this present time we are at a crucial period where something has to be done quickly. The laws governing fire fighting have advanced faster than the financial and moral support from the Provincial Government. • THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs (SAFC) be tasked with lobbying the provincial and federal governments with a view to develop Financial Aid Programs for Fire Services, as they have already established funding for Arts and Entertainment Programs. The provincial government has established the laws and standards for the fire service. Various groups represent the vested interests of this service. Funding is the key ingredient to bring everything together in a cohesive productive team. This would greatly benefit and advance the Saskatchewan Fire Service into the future. This Resolution was withdrawn by the Submitter. Submitted by Jim Miller, Buckland Fire and Rescue
2006 RESOLUTIONS SASKATOONRESOLUTION NO. 3 • WHEREAS, the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs is a provincial body representing fire related issues affecting municipalities in Saskatchewan, and • WHEREAS, the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs is representative of career, composite and volunteer fire departments across Saskatchewan, and • WHEREAS, the Government of Saskatchewan has recognized the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs as the voice of fire departments in Saskatchewan, • THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs appoint a Government Affairs Committee, consisting of four (4) SAFC Board of Directors members and three (3) members at large, tasked with developing formal position papers on issues affecting the fire service in Saskatchewan – membership to be representative of volunteer, composite and career departments, and • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Government Affairs Committee schedule a Fire Chiefs Lobby Day at the Legislature on which they can meet all members of the Government and the Official Opposition to lobby our positions on the issues affecting the fire service in Saskatchewan, and • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs obtain the services of a professional lobbyist to assist in preparation of position papers as well as preparing the Board of Directors and Government Affairs Committee members to meet with the Government. This resolution passed at the 2006 Conference. Resolve: Unknown Submitted by SAFC Labour Relations Committee