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UNECE Working Group on Ageing Second meeting Geneva, 23-24 November 2009. Monitoring implementation : collecting data, developing indicators, disseminating information. Overview of MA:IMI work activities in 2009. Data collection and visualisation Developing indicators on two new domains
UNECE Working Group on Ageing Second meeting Geneva, 23-24 November 2009 Monitoring implementation: collecting data, developing indicators, disseminating information
Data collection and visualisation Developing indicators on two new domains Dissemination
Data collectionUNECE and European Centre data collection on existing indicators • Data request sent to Focal Points on Ageing in the UNECE region (June 2009) • Up until now we have received new / updated data and comments from 20 member countries • These results are being incorporated into the MA:IMI database and will be disseminated on the new monitoring RIS website Would like to thank all Focal Points who worked with us: danke, Дзякую вам, благодаря, Euχaρiστω, děkuji, madlobt, go raibh maith agat,grazie, רב תודות, paldies, ačiū, merci, dzięki, obrigada, хвала, hvala, thank you
Data collection – Results on someselected indicators (1) At-risk-of-poverty rates of 65+ population compared to EU27 average (% points), 2007 At-risk-of-poverty rate (cut-off point: 60% of median income after social transfers) Own calculations based on EU-SILC 2007; Household sample survey, Belarus; Household budget survey, Serbia; *Data refer to 2005, for Bulgaria refer to 2005, for Israel to 2004
Data collection – Results on someselected indicators (1) At-risk-of-poverty rates of 65+ population compared to EU27 average (%), 2007 EU27 At-risk-of-poverty rate (cut-off point: 60% of median income after social transfers) Own calculations based on EU-SILC 2007; Household sample survey, Belarus; Household budget survey, Serbia; *Data refer to 2005, for Bulgaria refer to 2005, for Israel to 2004
Data collection – Results on someselected indicators (2) Amount of minimum income protection level as a % of...
Number of claimants of minimum income guarantee (% of the population 60+) Data collection – Results on someselected indicators (3) * Georgia: 65+ population; Poland: Old age and invalidity pensions; Switzerland: Old age benefits; Austria: Old age pension recipients;
Data collection and visualisation Developing indicators on two new domains Dissemination
2.1. Developing gender-specific indicators 2.2. Developing long-term care indicators Developing indicators on two new domains
2.1. Developing gender-specific indicators • Women • in general spend less time in the formal labour market • are more likely to work in atypical forms of employment (i.e. part-time, temporary work) • more likely to engage in unpaid work (due to caring resposibilities) • earn on average less over their life • face occupational segregation • in general retire earlier Build up lower entitlements to pension benefits Many women face a real threat of poverty and social exclusion in their post-retirement phase of life • labour market participation • earnings • work and family life reconciliation • parental leave and benefit • childcare • transition from work to retirement • pensions poverty indicators • At the same time… • change in traditional family and gender roles • change in individual and family life formation • increase in women´s participation in higher education • increase in women’s participation in the formal labour market • decline in fertility rates • gender roles • Education • demographic context Women typically live longer than men
Developing gender-specific indicators Timing of Fertility Percentage of Women Having a First Live Birth by Age 25
Developing gender-specific indicators The Gender Employment Gap, 2008
Developing gender-specific indicators Work and Care Preferences, 2005 Employed Women and Men who Wish to Change the Organisation of their Working Life and Care Responsibilities as Percentage of Employed Women and Men
Developing gender-specific indicators Parental Leave Flexibility and Flexible Working, 2008
Developing gender-specific indicators Actual Retirement Age and Seniority, 2006
Developing gender-specific indicators Higher Risk of Poverty in Older Age, 2007 At-risk-of-poverty Rates by Age and Gender, Cut-off point: 60% of Median Equivalised Income
Developing long-term care indicators Old-age dependency ratios are growing fast in most countries Old-age dependency ratios, 1990 and 2006
Developing long-term care indicators Gender and regional differences in living arrangements Differences in living arrangements between men and women aged 60+
Developing long-term care indicators Mid-life challenges - Providing care for older family members by country and age group
Developing long-term care indicators Moving towards more home care, staying put or increased institutionalisation Share of 65+ beneficiaries cared for at home (evolution from the mid-1990s till most recent date
Developing long-term care indicators For most countries less than one in twenty older people receive care in institutions Percentage of those aged 65+ receiving institutional care (2007)
Developing long-term care indicators Benefit generosity vs. individual coverage generosity Attendance allowances’ amounts in % of net wage of the APW and its beneficiaries (2007)
Data collection and visualisation Developing indicators on two new domains Dissemination
Dissemination: Monitoring RIS website and Newsletter (1) • With our more than 3 years website experiences in order to simplify the organization of the website we • reviewed the content, • simplified the navigtaion > new naviagtion tree, clear content headings with corresponding sub-headings, deletion of global, regional, national, local level, • expanded and will further develop content in Implementation Activities and content and display in Indicators in 2010, • added a publication category.
Dissemination: Monitoring RIS website and Newsletter (2) • We welcome your feedback on the website. If you are interested please check the site till 27 November at: http://www.monitoringris.org/new (user name risadmin, password ma-imi). Please mail your feedback to maimi@euro.centre.org • To further disseminate Mainstreaming Ageing findings we developed the Mainstreaming Ageing Newsletter, to be published 4/year from Winter 2009 onwards.
Mainstreaming Ageing Newsletter 1st issue will be published on 1 Dec 2009 ! • Short, timely and precise way to disseminate relevant information to UNECE member countries • Reporting on new findings, website updates, new publications, interesting discussions in the international seminars, networking activities • Four issues per year (every three months) • Disseminated using European Centre partner channels
Overview of planned MA:IMI work activities in 2010 May 2010, Malta:Mid-termreporting on work carried out
Indicators Further development of gender-specific and long-term care indicators (i.e. greater coverage of countries – CEE, SEE, CIS); 2 policy briefs on gender (suggested topics): Work and family life reconciliation policies Gender-differential outcomes of pensions policies and reforms 2 policy briefs on long-term care (on informal care and on expenditure) Continue updating of existing indicators based on new results; 1 policy brief on existing indicators (suggested topics): Crisis and its impact on old age income security Financial and social sustainability of European pension system Book Publications & Events Book on women and pensions (results to be disseminated at conference in Paris) Book: Ageing, Health and Pensions in Europe(co-edited by Asghar Zaidi) Conference organised by the European Centre on long-term care in Budapest (Feb 2010) Specific work tasks and suggestions for 2010 • Website • Content under Indicators on the renewed website to be further developed: • better visualisation • more usable format
falemenderit, təşəkkür, edirəm, Дзякую вам, hvala, благодаря, děkuji, tak, dank U, tänan, kiitos, merci, Euχaρiστω,danke, רב תודות, köszönöm, grazie,Мулцумеск, pахмет,paldies,thank you,ačiū, grazzi,благодарам,takk, dzięki, obrigada,спасибο,хвала,mersi, ďakujem, gracias, tack, дякую,sağol, rahmat, mèrci,