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Permanent Monitoring Well Network Groundwater Nitrate 2009-2012. Montana Department of Agriculture Groundwater Protection Program. Montana Agricultural Chemical Ground Water Protection Act (MCA Title 80, Chapter 15, Sections 80-15-101 through 80-15-414). P olicy of Montana:
Permanent Monitoring Well Network Groundwater Nitrate 2009-2012 Montana Department of Agriculture Groundwater Protection Program
Montana Agricultural Chemical Ground Water Protection Act (MCA Title 80, Chapter 15, Sections 80-15-101 through 80-15-414) Policy of Montana: • protect ground water and the environment from impairment or degradation due to the use of agricultural chemicals • allow for the proper and correct use of agricultural chemicals • provide for the management of agricultural chemicals to prevent, minimize, and mitigate their presence in ground water • provide for education and training of agricultural chemical applicators and the general public on ground water protection, agricultural chemical use, and the use of alternative agricultural chemicals
Permanent Monitoring Well (PMW) Network • 41 wells sampled regularly 2009-2012 • Expected background nitrate 2 ppm • Most wells are located in agricultural land use • Irrigated and non-irrigated • Various crops
Groundwater sampling methods • Sample Schedule: • Samples collected twice a year when possible in spring and summer • SOP: • Well casing volumes purged three times • Field pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, and temperature • Handling: • Samples stored in labeled amber glass bottles at 4°C for ≤10 days • Analysis: • MDA Analytical Laboratory Bureau ion chromatography or electrode • Nitrate measured as Nitrate-N
Data • 21 wells sampled every year 2009-2012 • Dataset assessed for outliers based on standardized residual values • PMWs with median GW nitrate >2ppm assessed for identifiable trends • Concentrations assessed in context of: • Accepted background nitrate level of 2 ppm (Mueller and Helsel, 1996) • Montana numerical standard for drinking water of 10 ppmNO3--N (MT DEQ, 2012)
2009-2012 Findings • 243 total PMW GW samples 2009-2012 • Statewide median 2.9 ppm nitrate in PMW GW • Maximum 150 ppm nitrate in PMW GW • Most GW nitrate concentrations were in background level range of ≤2 ppm
2009-2012 Findings: Overview and distribution -N -N -N -N
2009-2012 Findings: Identifiable trends Regression analysis with trend lines illustrating NO3--N concentration changes in PMWs MAD-1, SHE-1, T-1, and ROS-1 over time (2009-2012). An alpha level of 0.05 was used to determine a significant response in NO3--N with time.
Upward trend 2009-2012 Findings: Identifiable trends and land use Dryland small grains and pulse Downward trend Dryland small grains with nitrogen management plan Upward trend Irrigated small grains and potatoes Upward trend Irrigated small grains and potatoes
Factors affecting PMW GW nitrate concentrations • Three primary factors over longer time intervals: • (1) Amount of source nitrogen available • (2) Water infiltration and percolation through surface and subsurface materials • (3) Potential for NO3- reduction and/or denitrification • Land use: summer fallow practices with associated mineralization of organic matter and excessive irrigation on well-drained soils
Conclusion • Most of the MDA PMW network has consistent accepted background levels of nitrate (≤2 ppm) • Statewide MDA PMW median nitrate (2.9 ppm) indicates influence of human activities • Elevated levels of PMW nitrate may be linked to land use practices in small grains
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